Girls Trip Gone Wild [fff] [squirt] [throat fuck] [puke] [mast]

**Hey all, if you like stories like this, I have a new ebook. I was unfortunately banned from another subreddit because MY dumbass didn’t read the rules. I don’t want to be banned for promotion. But if you waaaant, there’s a link in my bio! 😻**

We all met in college, but after graduation, found ourselves scattered all over the country. We used to go on two girls trips per year! These girls trips were the only way we could all be together in the same place for an extended period. But you know how it is.

We got jobs. We got partners, husbands, wives, boyfriends, fuck buddies. We had kids. Rent. Mortgages. Life. And over the years, our twice annual girl trips became once annual. And then every other year. Our group text wasn’t as busy as it once was. We overshared EVERYTHING.

We used to share dick pics, blowjob tips, and wild sex stories. We even took photos and videos for each other to send to whoever we were fucking. But then someone doesn’t respond in the group chat. And someone else doesn’t respond.

You realize everyone is moving on with their lives and before you know it, six months have passed without a word. The group chat becomes Facebook: A place to wish each other happy birthday.

A year goes by. The group text is a ghost town. We *actually* use Facebook to wish each other happy birthdays now. We see life updates. New jobs. New cars. New houses. A minivan! You look at photos of your best friends. You don’t recognize them.

Jamie changed her hair.

Annie is pregnant?!

Marni relocated to UTAH? Girl. What?

You think about scrolling down your messages to find the group chat, but you think … nah. I don’t even know these girls anymore. I find myself wondering if they ever think about me. Probably not.

Life moves on.

And then one day, you’re staying in an Airbnb with the guy you’re fucking and he tells you he’s going to Miami in a few weeks for a boys trip. You inquire and he tells you a very familiar story:

“My boys from college and I used to be like brothers. We hung out ALL the time. But you know how it is. You graduate and everyone moves all over the place. So we used to pick some cool place, rent a house for a week and just catch up, hang out, fuck around. Bring girls back to the house. It was crazy. And then everyone started getting married and shit, and we stopped going. We all sort of lost touch. Kinda sad. But then someone got divorced. Isn’t that how it goes? And they reached out and talked about putting together a boys trip. Like old times. Except maybe the married guys won’t be bringing girls back to the house … or maybe they will haha, I donno.”

When he looked at me, my eyes were watering.

“The fuck?” He said. “I’m — did I? Did I say something? I’m so sorry. What did I –”

“Nothing,” I said, unzipping his pants and taking his dick out. But he was NOT hard.

“I can’t really get hard when I think I’ve upset you,” he said.

“You didn’t,” I said. “It just is a very relatable story. My girlfriends and I used to do the same thing. We haven’t talked in ages.”

“Well, book a girls trip,” he said. His cock got hard. I put him in my mouth and sucked him off until he exploded in my mouth. I drank down his sperm, wiped my chin and grabbed my phone.

“I’m just gonna text the girls,” I said.

And just like that, it was on. We were chatting all day every day. Catching up. Sending pictures of dogs and babies instead of tits and cocks. But we were talking again! And we decided on Wyoming for an entire week. We booked a stunning house on 50+ acres with a hot tub. We got a big scary looking SUV to drive through all the snow.

But the group text was so tame. I sent a selfie of myself in a VERY revealing bikini.

“Gonna wear this in the hot tub and send a selfie to the guy I’m fucking,” I wrote.

The post got one exclamation mark from Annie.

“I know some of us have kids, but jesus christ,” I wrote. “Why are we so tame?? Remember our old girls trips? We’d send each other pictures of g-strings. Marni used to text us whatever vibrator she was packing. C’mon! I know some of us have changed but we can’t ALL be so … boring? Marni! Send a vibrator pic like old times!”

“Can’t,” Marni wrote back. “My kids use my phone and I don’t want them opening the photo library.”

I rolled my eyes. This trip was going to suck.

We all scheduled our flights out so we’d meet by the coffee cart in the airport, get a rental car and leave together. I was the first to arrive. At 2:37pm, Marni arrived. When I saw her, I started to cry. I hadn’t seen her in so long. She ran to me and we hugged for a VERY long time. Annie was next and finally, Jamie.

We hugged, took a group selfie, and got into our rental car. It was snowing. We drove an hour to the house, stopped for groceries on the way, punched the keycard and got access to our home for the week.

Everyone parted ways to their separate rooms. This was going to be a very quiet trip. I could just feel it. I sighed. I texted the guy I was fucking. He told me I should try and remind them of the old times. “Have fun πŸ˜‰” he texted.

Everyone was going to retreat to their rooms early, FaceTime their husbands and kids and boyfriends. I’d sit in the hot tub alone, sending selfies to my boyfriend. This would be the last girls trip. I told myself when I got home, I’d look for a different friend group. A group more aligned with my wants and needs in life. Single girls. Sluts. Girls who liked to have a good time and didn’t have plans on settling down anymore.

At dinner, I asked Annie about the guy she was dating.

“Done with girls?” I asked.

“Oh,” she said laughing. “That was my bi phase. But yeah, that’s in the past.”

I wanted to roll my eyes so badly.

Three days into the trip, I wanted to go home. I was having the WORST time. We were not the same group of girls. Marni spend 70% of the time on her laptop, working. Jamie was split between work and FaceTiming her 3 year old son who was having major separation anxiety.

“I think I might leave early,” Jamie said. “The little one CANNOT live without me.”

“I donno,” I said. “Don’t you think running home sends the wrong message?”

“I’ll parent my child the way I see fit,” Jamie snapped.

Everyone kind of … reacted. The room got really silent.

I sighed.

“Sorry,” I said, excusing myself. I went to my room and closed the door and got into bed. A few minutes later, Annie knocked and opened the door a creak.

“Can I come in?” She asked.

I nodded.

“Whoa,” Annie said.

“I know. I get it. We’re all different people now. Well, mostly. I’m the same. Everyone else has changed. Partners. Husbands. Kids. You’re not even BI anymore,” I said laughing.

Annie laughed. And then she kissed me. Directly on the lips. My eyes popped. I have a boyfriend! What is going on? I felt her tongue enter my mouth. I kissed her back. My eyes were wide open the entire time. My hands were out to the sides as if to say, “whoa whoa whoa what’s going on here?”

After a very lengthy, passionate kiss, Annie giggled.

“I’m always bi for you,” she said with a wink.

“My boyfriend …” I said.

“Oh, girl,” Annie said with a laugh. “What HAPPENED to you? You’ve changed! Samantha of old would text her boyfriend right away and be like, I just made out with my bestie. Now you’re all worried?”

I collapsed into the bed, laughing hysterically.

“Fuck. You’re right. I HAVE changed,” I said.

“BRB,” Annie said.

She left the room and returned minute later with something behind her back.

“What is it?” I asked. “Is it weed?”

“Haha, no. It’s better,” Annie said.

With her left hand, she began to unbutton her blouse. My eyes grew wide. Annie opened her blouse, exposing her breasts to me. They were as perfect as they always were.

“God damn,” I whispered.

Annie licked her lips and revealed what she was holding behind her back.

“A strap on?” I asked.

Annie nodded.

“Can I put it on?” Annie asked.

I nodded.

Annie removed her pajama pants. She was wearing a lacey thong. I gulped. Annie of old waxed her cunt. But this new Annie had an amazing bush. Dark hair. Curly. My heart was racing.

“Wow,” I said.

Annie stepped into the strap on and tightened it. The dildo was 8″. Pink.

“Come suck me,” Annie whispered.

I nodded. I crawled to the edge of the bed, removing my clothes in the process. I got on my stomach, resting on my elbows. I looked up to Annie and opened my mouth. Annie put her right hand on my head and ran her fingers through my hair. My heart was RACING. I could feel the dildo enter my mouth. I was already drooling.

Annie pushed the dildo down my throat. My eyes watered. She pumped very slowy, pushing it down my throat and pulling it all the way out.

“The guy I’m dating,” Annie said. “Really likes deep throat blowjobs. He likes it when I gag. He likes it when I drool. And I drool a LOT. I told him I wanted to experience what he likes. I bought the strap on and put it on … but when I asked him to open his mouth, he said that was *gay* and he wasn’t about it.”

“Ew,” I said.

“Right? I could sense this trip wasn’t going to be like the old ones … but then you asked Marni to send a vibrator pic and I knew at least one girl hadn’t changed … too much.”

I nodded as she pumped her dildo down my throat. Saliva filled my mouth. Annie held her hand under my mouth. I opened and filled the palm of her hand with saliva. Annie smeared it all over my face.

“Such a dirty girl,” she whispered, leaning down to kiss me. I pushed as much saliva as I could into her mouth. Annie stood back up and drooled the saliva onto my face.

I moaned.

“Throat fucking is fun!” Annie said laughing.

“My boyfriend throat fucks me like this,” I said, turning over. I dangled my head off the edge of the bed.

“Go to town,” I urged Annie while I rubbed my clit.

“Hard?” Annie asked.

“Hard,” I said. “Pretend you were fucking a pussy.”

Annie started pumping. It felt awkward. I can imagine going from not having a penis to suddenly having one strapped on is a totally new experience. But Annie got it figured out real quick and within seconds, my throat was being fucked. Hard. Saliva was oozing out of my mouth and running all over my face. I was masturbating.

And then, I thought about the guy I was fucking. We weren’t DATING. And he did say have fun with a little wink in his text. Would he be mad? Was this cheating? Was I a bad person? And what about ANNIE?! She had a boyfriend!

“Wait,” I said.

Annie pulled her cock from my throat. I turned around. Saliva was dripping from my chin. I grabbed my phone.

“What’s up?” Annie asked.

“I feel weird. I mean. He’s not my boyfriend, but … I feel like I should … ask for his okay. Otherwise … I donno. Is it cheating?”

“I’m not texting *my* boyfriend,” Annie said. “But you do what you gotta do.”

“Hey,” I wrote. “So … things have turned around. One of my friends has a strap on and wants to use it. On me. I said I had to run it by you first, so … thoughts?”

I waited. It didn’t take long at all for those three little dots to pop up on the screen.

“Send pics,” he said.

“Okay,” I said laughing. “He’s about it. But … here. Take a picture. Or film it.”

I handed my phone to Annie. She plunged her cock down my throat and took a photo.

“You can see the bulge in your throat. Oh my godddd it’s so hot.”

Annie kept pumping. Saliva kept sputtering out all over the place. My face was dripping.

“AUGH AUGH AUGH AUGH!” I grunted with passion while I rubbed my clit and fingered myself. I loved masturbating while also fingering my asshole, so I reached up and scooped up a bunch of saliva off my face, using it as lube.

“Mmmm,” I moaned as I slid a finger in my asshole.

“Are you fingering your butt?!” Annie moaned.

“I am,” I said.

“Flip over,” Annie barked.

Her dildo was absolutely drenched in spit. I got on my hands and knees. Annie slid the dildo into my cunt. She put her finger in my asshole.

“Oh!” I moaned with delight. “Oh fuck that’s good!”

Annie fucked my cunt from behind while fingering my ass. I reached between my legs and rubbed my clit. I moaned.

“Fuck me!” I yelled.

And then, there was a knock on the door.

“WHAT is even going ON in here?” Marni asked.

We got quiet. I flipped around and faced Annie. My eyes were wide.

“Uh …” Annie finally said. “We … were watching a … movie?”

“My ass,” Jamie said, swinging the door open.

“OH!” Marni shouted. “Oh fu-!” She exploded in laughter. “What is EVEN HAPPENING?”

“Why did you bring a strap on?” Jamie asked. “What did you think was gonna happen?!”

“Um,” Annie said, swinging her dick in my direction. “Like … this, maybe?”

“Jesus Christ,” Marni giggled.

“I have a family now,” Jamie said with disgust. “I think maybe I should leave. I’ll get a Lyft and find a hotel. It was uh … it was really nice to see you all, I guess.”

“No,” Annie said. “Jamie. C’mon …”

“I can’t even take you seriously right now. You’re wearing a fucking strap on.”

Jamie stormed out of the room. But not Marni. Marni was standing provocatively in the doorway. Eyeing us both up and down.

“Is there uhhh, room for one more in that bed?”

Our eyes popped.

“So,” Marni said as she began to undress. “My husband cheated on me last year. And when I found out, we had a big chat, went to therapy, blah blah blah. In the end we both agreed that we loved each other but wanted to do some stuff on the side.”

Marni stood in the doorway, completely naked.

“A few months later I’m in Chicago for a work thing and I go to the hotel bar. There’s a couple there and we start chatting. One thing leads to another and we all go back up to their room. The girl starts to finger me. And I swear to god I thought I pissed the bed.”

“You squirted!” I yelled.

“And I could. Not. Stop!” Marni said. “I mean. Bed was soaked. SOAKED-UH!!”

“Do it, I want you to squirt on my FACE,” I said.

When I looked up, I saw Jamie standing in the doorway with her suitcase.

“Wow,” she said. “Wow … Well. Goodbye.”

“Jamie, don’t leave,” I said.

But it was too late. She wheeled her suitcase down the hallway. A second later, we heard the front door slam shut.

Annie shrugged and said, “As my boyfriend says, ‘this dick won’t suck itself.”

Marni jumped into the bed with me and immediately starting sucking on my nipples while Annie pumped her dildo down my throat. Marni put two fingers in my cunt and pumped.

“Just like this,” she whispered as she finger fucked me. “I can feel you tighten when you gag.”

Annie took note and jammed her dildo down my throat. I gagged, my cunt tightened. A buckets worth of spit rushed out of my mouth and over my face, filling my nose. I blew out, snot dangling all over my slutty whore face.

“Good girl,” Annie grunted.

“What a messy bitch,” Marni shouted.

My pussy was so wet. So creamy. Marni pumped her fingers inside of me. Annie pumped her dildo down my throat. I was gagging. Moaning. Sweating. I felt wetter than I’ve ever felt in my life. What was Marni doing to me?

“Just like this,” Marni whispered as she fingered me harder. Faster. My legs were quivering all over the place. I was squirming. Gagging. Moaning.

“Fuuuuck, you’re so close. Keep going. Let it out, baby. Let it out,” Marni purred.

“MUUUHHHH,” I grunted with Annie’s dildo down my throat.

“Squirt for me. Squirt for me,” Marni begged.

I was trembling like crazy. I could hear my cunt gushing. It sounded like I was walking in puddles wearing flip flops. I was so close.

“Fuuuuuuuuuck!!” I screamed as a wave of liquid blasted from my cunt.

“Oh my GODDD!” Annie howled, yanking her cock from my throat. More thick saliva gushed out of my mouth and over my face as I sprayed and squirted uncontrollably. Marni leaned into it and filled her mouth from my cunt.

“I want a taste!” Annie begged.

I squirmed like a fish out of water in the bed, rubbing my clit. Making myself cum while Marni, her mouth full of squirt, rushed over to Annie, who dropped to her knees and opened her mouth. Marni drooled my squirt out of her mouth and into Annie’s.

Annie gulped it down.

“Fuck,” Marni moaned.

“Mmm, fuck her squirt tastes so good. It tastes so good!”

I wiped the squirt up from my thighs and licked it off my fingers, moaning.

“I want it in my ass,” I begged, rolling over to my stomach. “There’s lube in the bathroom!”

While Annie ran to the bathroom, I wiped the saliva from my bloodshot eyes and ordered Marni to get on her back. I went down on her, licking her clit, fingering her beautiful pussy. Unbeknownst to me, Annie had already returned. I felt a wave of lube flood over my hole. Two fingers were shoved inside.

“Oh!” I moaned.

“Fuck her asshole,” Marni begged.

I licked Marni’s clit while she played with her own nipples. Annie fingered my hole.

“Relax,” Annie whispered. “Gape your hole for me.”

I pushed my asshole open. Annie spread my cheeks apart.

“Wider,” she moaned.

I pushed my asshole open even wider, making it wink for her.

“Christ, this is so fucking sexy,” Annie said.

Annie slid a finger from each hand into my asshole and pulled it open, gaping me. Marni moaned as I licked her clit and fingered her cunt.

“So sexy,” Annie purred.

“Fuck it,” I begged. “Fill my ass with your cock.”

Annie did as instructed, easing her dildo into my ass. I groaned as she fucked my asshole. Marni was so wet.

“I want you to squirt,” I begged.

“Finger me,” Marni begged. “Harder. Right there. Right there!”

I fingered, licking her clit as fast as I could. Marni squirmed, writhing around.

“So close,” she moaned.

Annie pumped my asshole, fucking deeper and deeper. I moaned. I licked. I fingered.

Without warning, Marni blasted my face with squirt. I screamed. She roared with laughter.

“YESSSS!” Marni screamed as she continued to blast me, filling my mouth, overshooting and squirting over Annie’s perfect tits. It was like being in a shower. We were all screaming and laughing. Marni trembled in the bed, pushing my face away with her hand. Her clit was so sensitive she couldn’t take it.

Annie yanked the dildo from my asshole and walked over to Marni.

“Open your mouth, taste her ass,” Annie ordered. Politely.

Marni opened and soon, the dildo that had been down my throat and up my ass was being forced brutally down Marni’s throat.

Marni gagged and a wave of liquid gushed out of her mouth and over her tits. We were all drenched. Soaked. I started to detach the strap on. Annie took the dildo in her hand and continued to throat Marni with it, gagging her relentlessly. Marni’s mascara ran down her face. Snot dangled from her nose.

“Fucking whore!” Annie yelled as she smeared the snot and spit all over Marni’s face.

I got to my knees and pressed my mouth against Annie’s clit, licking it. Marni gagged and a wave of saliva exploded out of her mouth and directly onto my head and down my face. I licked it up eagerly. It was so erotic. So disgusting. I didn’t even care. I was a whore. And my old friends were whores. We never did anything like this. I could sense their yearning to have an extreme release. Marriage and kids and dating had changed them. Rent and mortgages and jobs had drained the fun from them. They had so much pent up whoredom that needed to be let out.

Marni continued to gag and spit up all over me.

I licked Annie’s clit.

Annie plunged the toy down Marni’s throat. The bed was drenched in squirt and spit and puke and I could not get enough of it. I would let the sheets dry. I would sleep in the mess. I wouldn’t change the sheets. I wanted to roll around in it all day. I wanted more. I wanted to drink them. Lick them. Fuck them.

I brought Annie to orgasm while she stood, pumping her dildo down Marni’s throat. Annie started to shake. She collapsed into the bed and I pivoted, continuing to lick her as she came.

“I’m cumming,” she moaned softly before collapsing into a pillow. We all snuggled, kissing one another. We were exhausted.

“What should we do tomorrow?” Marni asked, wiping the snot from her nose.
