Intimacy during a feminist invasion (part 4)

[part 3](

Audrey had to get rid of her stress after the meeting. Sarah explicitly asking what happend to her husband had given her this weird scared feeling in her stomach. Luckely her stress relief was waiting for her safely locked up in the basement.

Will jumped up when the door to his room was opend. “Finaly,” he exclaimed, “I have been waiting here for hours.” Audrey hugged him and pushed him back down on his mattress. “Don’t you worry,” she said, “tonight will be all about you.” She gave him a long kiss on the mouth while slowly climbing on top of him.

“Great,” Will said, “what’s for dinner?” Seriously, Audrey thought to herself, she was almost humping this guys leg and all he thought about was food? “I… I don’t realy have a plan. How about we order some pizza?” “Oh, sure, that will work. I heard that the fact that the city is completely taken over by a group of crazy women hasn’t stopped the delivery guys from delivering at all. 95 procent of the city was already gone when you locked me in here. There are only single women left and half of them is probably part of the revolution. I’m sure the other ones will be delivering pizza.”

Intimacy during a feminist invasion (part 2)

[Part 1](

Will woke up with an awful headache. When he opened his eyes, he didn’t see anything. When he tried to pull himself up he noticed that he couldn’t move his arms. What had just happened? As his eyes adapted to the darkness around him, he was able to see a stripe of gray light coming from under the door. Trying to get closer to it, Will flopped around in an attempt to get up until he fell from his mattress on the floor.

He managed to get on his knees after a few tries and shuffeled towards the door. He pressed the handle down with his face, but the door was locked. Of course it was locked. His wife wasn’t stupid.

“Audrey?” he yelled, but no one answerd. Will got up on his feet, took three steps back and rammed himself against the door. Nothing happend, what was he thinking? “There has to be a way out of this room,” Will said to himself. He had read plenty of books and there always was some hidden exit or some useful tool. But first he had to get a good view on his situation. His hands searched for a light switch and it didn’t take him long to find one. But as the lights flickerd on, his escape plan melted away quickly.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Intimate time during a feminist invasion

This is my first time writing a story in English, so sorry if it’s not a very fluent text

Will had never expected that he, a grown up man, would be afraid to go outside on his own one day. But here he was, on his way home from work and scared of every shadow he saw. He had walked here a thousand times before, but the feeling of hostile eyes watching him was new to him.

Two young women walked in his direction. They didn’t realy pay attention to Will. They were walking a dog and chatting about cars, but Will didn’t take any risks. He went to the oder side of the road to avoid them. They might look innocent, but they were still women. Things had changed a lot in this city over the past two weeks and not for the better.