Intimate time during a feminist invasion

This is my first time writing a story in English, so sorry if it’s not a very fluent text

Will had never expected that he, a grown up man, would be afraid to go outside on his own one day. But here he was, on his way home from work and scared of every shadow he saw. He had walked here a thousand times before, but the feeling of hostile eyes watching him was new to him.

Two young women walked in his direction. They didn’t realy pay attention to Will. They were walking a dog and chatting about cars, but Will didn’t take any risks. He went to the oder side of the road to avoid them. They might look innocent, but they were still women. Things had changed a lot in this city over the past two weeks and not for the better.

Radical feminists had taken over the streets and every day more men went missing. Most men had left already or were staying inside their houses. Will had no idea what he was doing out here. Why was he risking his life for a boring job? Will increased his speed until he was almost running. He was almost home. He could see his front door. An old women walked around the corner. Will raced towards the door and tried to slam his key in the lock, but his trembling hands failed him miserably. He looked around in fear, but exept for the old lady, the street was empty. Will slammed the doorbell multiple times with his fist. He was scared. There wasn’t any immediate danger, but his mind was playing tricks on him. Since the start of the femenist invasion, Will didn’t trust anything that was female anymore. Exept for one person, he would always trust her.

The door opend and Will looked in the wonderful eyes of his wife. They were married for six years now, but he would never get used to her beauty. She was the only reason he could handel the dangerous walk to his work and back every day. Audrey saw that her husband was close to crying and took him in her arms. They hugged for over a minute before Will let her go and softly closed the door.

“I can’t do this anymore,” Will said. He was making diner while Audrey was on the couch, scrolling trough her phone. Audrey looked up at him and gave him a weak smile. “It will get better,” she promised, “I’m just reading an article. The army will try to get rid of these feminists.” Will took a deep breath. “If you say so,” he said. Audrey walked towards him and hugged him from behind. She kissed his neck with her soft lips. Will turned around and slowly moved his hand from her shoulders towards her ass. Audry placed her hands under his shirt and played with the hair on his belly. She loved doing that for some reason and it had a relaxing effect on Will. Her fingers slowly made their way towards his pants. “Shall we move to the bedroom?” he wisperd in her ear. Audrey hesistated for a moment. “After diner, babe,” she replied. She gave him a quick kiss and went back to the couch. Will turned around, just in time to save the steak from burning to death.

Audrey didn’t pay attention to her phone screen. She should have just fucked him while she still had a chance. But she didn’t want to delay what she had to do. Too bad that it had costed her her final chance of intimacy with her husband, but she didn’t want to risk messing up the plan. What if she would feel bad for him again and delay it like she had done the last two nights? “Diner is ready!” Will said. Audrey made up her mind. She filled two glasses with wine and for the first time she found the courage to slip the drugs in.

“Wine? Again?” Will asked in confusion. “It’s been a rough time for you lately,” Audrey smiled and looked deep in his eyes. It made Will melt as always.

“So… shall we continue what you started?” Will asked after they had finished their food. He opend the door towards the stairs with a deep bow. “After you, my lady,” he said with a seductive smile on his face. Audrey giggled and as she walked through the door she felt Wills arms wrap around her. He was going to carry her upstairs again. She loved that, but it was also extremely dangerous since Will wasn’t particulary strong. Audry hoped that the drugs woundn’t temper with his balance, but she didn’t stop him because she knew she would miss this after tonight.

Will gently laid his wife down on their bed. He was a bit sweaty, but Audrey didn’t mind, she liked to smell her partner. Will trew his shoes in a corner and climbed on the bed. He took off his shirt while Audry opened his pants. It didn’t take long before he had nothing but his socks on. Will crawled on top of his wife and helped her escape her shirt. He then proceeded to slowly pull down her skirt. He trew it off the bed and looked up at Audrey’s boobs. She had waited for him to remove her green bra.  Will had seen her breasts appear form behind all kind if bras, but he would never get bored of the view.

Will placed his hand on her warm boob, his thumb playing with her nippel. He placed his other hand on the other boob and slowly massaged her breasts. Audrey let him play for a bit before pushing him down on the bed to remove his socks. She then got up on two feet, towering high above her husband, and slid off her own panties.

As soon as Audrey laid down, she felt Wills warm hand playing around with her pussy. She closed her eyes as he fingerd her, gave her clit a quick stroke, placed his hands on her hips, and started licking her clit. It didn’t take long before the sensations became too much and her breaths grew louder. “You know me too well down there”, she wisperd. Will didn’t reply, but her words encouraged him to try even harder. Audrey’s breaths melted into one lang moan and her pussy seemed to shake a little. Will gave her a few more licks to finish her good and kissed her on the mouth before she had the chance to let her orgasm cool down.

Their kiss took several seconds, while they both enjoyed eachothers warm body. Audrey was the one to interupt their kiss. “I think it’s your turn,” she said and climed on top of him, her head close to his dick, her ass hoovering above Wills face. “I like this view,” Will said. He let out a moan as Audry started stroking his cock. “You are way too… good, I wasn’t made to be… touched by such… an amazing… women,” he said, struggeling to form words. “You deserve the best,” Audry laughed. She started licking the head of his cock, making his brain melt. Will couldn’t come up with an answer while he layed there on the bed, staring at the most beautiful butt cheeks in the universe while the most gorgeous women he had ever met was stroking and sucking his dick. “I’m close,” he yelled. His voice sounded comicly high. “Already? I’ll take that as a compliment.” Audrey sped up her rhythm and Will started wiggeling and gasping. His cum came out with a final groan. Audry kissed the tip of his dick before laying down next to Will. They smiled at eachother. “That was so good… I… I feel a bit dizzy,” Will said.

That’s when Audrey rememberd about the drugs. “Dizzy?” she asked, “How dizzy exactly?” “I’m fine… I’ll just lay down for a minute.” Audrey couldn’t let him do that. If Will fell asleep upstairs, she woundn’t be able to get him to the basement without hurting him. “Come with me,” she said and got up. “Wha… why?” Will didn’t understand what was going on, he just wanted to lay down. Didn’t they always do that after sex? But Audrey insisted. Will carefully got on his feet and walked towards the door. Audrey put an arm around him to keep him from falling on his face. Why were they going to the basement? This didn’t make sense. Audrey opened the secret door. Why was there a secret door? In his house?

There was a room with two doors. Audrey opened one of them and pushed Will inside. Yess, a mattress! Will turned around. Audrey stood behind him with handcuffs. Something wasn’t right…

Will tried to push his wife out of the way and run, but his balance was gone. Audrey sat him down on the mattress and cuffed his hands behind his back. Will tried to wiggel free, but there wasn’t much he could do in his state. The truth slowly became visible in his blury mind. The women he loved the most was a feminist. He knew she was a feminist, but he would have never expected her to join an evil group that would take over the world. But here he was, poisoned and helpless. “I’m sorry,” Audrey wispers in his ear. She gives him a final kiss and locks the door behind her.

Thanks for making it to the end somehow. Let me know if I should make a part 2


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