[FM] My 1.5-year V-Card collection (part 2/3)

*I will continue my long story on how I ended up taking the virginity cards of 6 guys in a period of 18 months. I won’t make a tl;dr so read [the first part](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5oi967/fm_my_15_years_vcard_collection/) to understand what this is all about*


After all was said and done with the first guy, I decided I wanted to repeat the experience. I felt very powerful in the situation and the whole thing about getting first dibs at an otherwise attractive guy’s cum turned me on massively.

The names above are changed, locations are not:

**DANIEL ==>** He was on my team during a class project first year, but transferred to other program so he became just one of those persons you see around uni, and quick chat from time to time. He was a bit on the introvert side, and once in presence of a larger group that included me, he and some others I had taken note he was not that comfortable talking about his girlfriends of the past or whatever.

[FM] My 1.5 years V-Card collection

It’s been a while since I told what I did here, so it is well past due time for that! I am a 21 y.o. girl living and studying in London (although not originally from here), right now spending a semester in US as exchange student.

I myself had started to have sex with some regularity (meaning: every other month at least, back then) after age 16. Things were sometimes awkward, coordinating empty house schedule to get it going with a school boyfriend was a *hug* deal at the time, but I soon got a taste for it and not much longer it clicked I could separate the fun part of sex from being in love with the guy (which most of my girl friends did not understand at all). By the time I had finished basic (high) school in Italy, most of my friends, though, that were close enough to talk about it had some sort of sexual experience (even if still limited to oral sex). Although there was some peer pressure on the subject, for most it was another teenage milestone that we got into.

[F|20] – Fucking the second [M] flatmate before the semester ended

So I wrote about my brief and hot action with Riley. He wasn't the only flatmate I had sex with.

Martin was a bit older (25 or 26 years old), Ph.D student (not my TA or anything). Nice guy, but like many other Ph.Ds, a bit social clumsy (I wonder if that comes with being super intelligent and analytical) even though he was generally attractive, fit and friendly (think a cute guy who just misses some points on dressing out of style or being naive to non-verbal communication). We used to chat a lot, as I like intelligent convos and we some common (non-sexual, non-relationship) interests.

He knew I had quite an active sex life (it is not a big secret, I had my FWBs visiting me and spending the night, or getting my bi-weekly clubbing fix) and once realized I was friendly enough he started to vent out his frustrations with his long-distance girlfriend. I personally don't believe people around my age should be in these distant relationships but I don't judge those who are, and never told him about. I eventually met his girlfriend when she visited him and stayed at our house, and what I saw instantly raised red flags. Martin's girlfriend looked overbearing and kinda barking orders to him and making small scenes (normally, I see more guys acting like that with their girlfriends and it irks me same way).

[F|10] – Fucking the first [M] flatmate before the semester ended

(EDIT: I'm 20 years old, ignore the 10) /idiot_me

I use to have quite this rule of considering male flatmates as off-limits by definition. There is just so many things that could be very awkward if I had sex with a flatmate, only to have not the option of not seeing the guy again everyday and sharing kitchen, living room etc.

I live in a fairly big student house, it was once probably a mansion or something converted to student residence, we are 12 people living in individual rooms and sharing common areas/facilities. Gender split this semester was 5 girls/7 guys.

Three or the guys were seriously hot. I confess I loved seeing them walking around on their briefs or shirtless (central heating kept rooms warm), an eye candy I enjoyed in silence and at a distance. I stuck to my rules most of the semester, but two of the guys, let's call them Riley and Sean, were moving out.

[F|20] A semester at uni, very busy with sex fun – the friends[M]-with-benefits

Now that exams are done and gone, I think it might be time for me to come back to Reddit and write about what happened. I'm a 20y.o. old girl, Italian, living and studying in England. Probably will tell my shenanigans over more than one post.

I will start saying I had more sex last summer and fall than at all my previous sexually active life. Even though at no point in time was I in any relationship, I kept a healthy and fun average of sex 3 times per week. I also hit the gym fairly often, and am now much happier with my body. The good side effect is that getting all fit also makes sex better and more active (I wasn't fat or anything, just lean without muscles or intense training/sports like I do now).

The secret to it was to eventually find ultimately 4 "friends-with-benefits". I used to be more skeptical these arrangements would work, but I learned brutal honesty about "never going to be your girlfriend" and vice-versa can help a lot setting boundaries and expectations.