MAKING LOVE TO MY GF[ff][les][true]

I am spending this evening thinking about Rubio, the love of my life. I thought of writing about how we feel for each other and how we make love. It’s not the wham bam thank you glad we relieved each other. Rather, its unselfish, unrelenting, giving without receiving. We do have our moments of tension relief and gratification, but the beautiful is receiving and giving, without expecting anything in return.

You have to understand that to love someone unrelentingly, is to give without receiving, or wanting to receive. Its the total immersion of your soul into giving and receiving the joy of that excitement, and letting go in the bliss.

When I want to make love to Rubio, we start with a sensual bath, there are candles, bath oils of lavender and vanilla, nice wine and soft music. There is a colon cleansing, a soft enema to empty toxins, legs, underarms and pubic area softly shaven and rubbed with lotion. We do not speak. She keeps her eyes closed and enjoys, it is my turn. There is no expectation of her to return any intimacy, it is her night.

Suppressed erection on a bus [m/f]

A few days ago the train system had broken down in Toronto so they were using shuttle buses to move people around through the busy streets instead. I was on for about 90 minutes and of course the buses were really crowded. There was this rather attractive girl–Indian I believe if that's needed to visualize– who kept staring at me. I would check out of the corner of my eye to see how often it happened. Once we were finally moving at a proper pace she started rubbing herself against me while making it look like it was because the bus was shaking too much. I was well on my way to getting an erection but i had to focus and "tame the beast" because of the old lady sitting in front of where i was standing. As hard (no pun intended) as it was, it kept me occupied and entertained for the long ride (again no pun intended).

Summary: a girl was rubbing hereslf against me on the bus and i had to hold back my erection because of the old woman in front of me.

I can't prove that this happened but i can prove that the subway was closed on Thursday evening. Somewhere here i believe?

Sometimes no late-night transport can be a good thing [MF]

I’ve got another story or two about Joanna and I. Last time I mentioned her boyfriend Sean, who for reasons known only to himself would just book a seat on the next train out of the city and disappear into the countryside for a few weeks or months at a time. Turns out that she wasn’t the only one having clandestine hook-ups: he also did it too with various women in other towns while he was away. She wasn’t impressed when she found out, but she never told him about our little adventures.

This particular night happened during one of Sean’s getaway trips. Joanna had gone to see a band perform in the city, and stayed back to try to get photos with them and chat to them (you sometimes get lucky with indie gigs in cosy venues) but thanks to this city's terrible public transport of an evening, she missed the last train home. I’m winding down for the evening in my flat on the other side of the river, and she calls me to tell me what’s happened.

Our weekend away.

Just a short story on our weekend away about 2 weeks ago where my gf 21 experienced anal for the first time, and so did I. I was told to write this up by my gf.

We both needed a day to just let loose, to relax and do whatever we wanted so I said I would spoil my girl with a night away. Hotel, dinner, drinks everything would be paid for. I knew she intended on getting drunk, flirting with guys in front of me, dancing and grinding in front of my eyes while they felt her body because my girl loves to tease me so that I punish her.

Fast forward to us arriving into our hotel, we unpack and get straight down to a good hard fuck which was badly needed. Once we get the first fuck out of our systems we decide to have a shower, get dressed and head for our meal.

I got to Sit down and watch my stunning girlfriend get dressed knowing that tonight I will really have a lot of fun.

34m/41f- Car fun with an Italian Milf

This is a true story and it happened last month.

It started when I checked my mail on a sex site that I'm on. Her message said "Hey Matt…would you like to have a nsa hot sex session ?" I checked out her profile it says she 41 years old italian mother of two that is recently singled and looking to have fun. I messaged her back yes but I would need to see a face pic as her profile only had a picture of a nice set of tits 38c cup I later found out. She ignores this and we trade a few emails back and forth. I'm beginning to think she's another fake but then she sends her pictures and my cock gets rock hard. She's very pretty 5'5 with an athletic build curves in all the right places. We continue talking and set up a lunch date in a week.

[First FMM] How I ended up with a cock in my ass and another in my mouth. ;)

This is the first story I’m posting after getting turned on to this sub by a special redditor ;) So let me know what you think!

This is the story of my first MMF threesome…it took place last November when Evan, Josh, and I were all 20. I’m a really short bisexual brunette, but a softball player too so I’m pretty toned throughout. I’m also a bit of a freak sexually, and that was common knowledge for Evan and Josh even before this. They’re two good friends of mine, and each other’s roommates at the time of the story. I met them freshman year and we’ve been drinking/watching football buddies ever since. This particular night was rainy and I should have known that getting wet on the walk over was a sign of things to come. Let’s begin… ;)

I walk across the street in awkward steps, holding an umbrella and trying to avoid puddles as I come up to Josh’s apartment. He buzzes me in and I take the elevator up to the third floor apartment where Josh greets me and lets me into his apartment.

“Hey Maddie, what’s up?” Evan calls out from the couch, already with a beer in hand.

Love Me, Tinderly: A Skeptics Guide To Screwing Around- Part 1 [MF][Public][Mutual Masturbation]

I resisted Tinder for the longest time.. However, after giving in to peer pressure and the crushing realisation that I never meet any men outside of work. I now realise how stupid that was. So, at the urging of a friend or two, here follows a record of- at least what I found to be- some pretty great experiences…

This isn't going to be in any chronological order (sorrynotsorry), but more in an on-demand order. Here goes nothing.

Our tale starts with a second chance, and a drink in the bar near my office. The guy in question, we'll call him Oscar, had accidentally stood me up on Monday and had some pretty big promises to fulfill. Minimal casual conversation, and some gentle verbal abuse, later we decide it's time to hit the road.

A wild night with coworkers (MFMF) [Fake pics for reference]

Figured I'd remember a great night I had a few years ago. Names haven't been changed, there is no innocence to protect with this group LOL

When I was just a year out of college, about 25 at the time, I was still working a night or two a week at the bar and restaurant which was my income through school to supplement my new 9-5 income, and still had a bunch of fun friends there that I would go out with on Friday nights to blow off some steam after working the new and boring 9-5.

As usual after closing up a section of the restaurant and getting out a little early, myself and a buddy Brian decided to simply wander a block up to another one of the bars in the district for a few beers while we waited for more of that night's crew to get off and join us to see what and where the actual after party would be that night. Not 20 minutes into our drinking one of the bartenders Ashley showed up, and said the bar crowd died quick and she was cut right after us. She started making calls and texting around and wrangled one of her friends, named Julie whom we knew somewhat well, to come down and drink with us. She didn't work at the bar but was there often so I knew her well enough to flirt with her a little, but didn't really think I had a chance since she wasn't really in my circle, and I knew nothing about her.

Best (M)orning A(f)ter Blowjob

We started hooking up in bed after a long night of drinking, fucking, making out, fingering, sucking, etc etc. It was 7am, and I was hungover and exhausted. The prior night, I met up with Tracy at a bar with a few of her friends. She was visiting from out of town, so her text to “come hang out!” basically translated into “come fuck me!” in my mind. We had only met once before at a get together with a bunch of family…no, I’m not related to her, but she would eventually become an in-law of sorts.

Tracy has gigantic boobs. Bigger than any girl I’ve ever been with. Almost too big in my opinion, but I wasn’t complaining. When we met at the bar, she was wearing a short black skirt with so much cleavage, you could have put your wallet and phone in there and no one would have known. She also has big, beautiful eyes and a really warm smile. I said hi to a few of her friends, and we both decided to hit the dance floor. I don’t dance…I’m a terrible dancer…so, by hit the dance floor, I mean, middle school grinding and making out.

Our First Weekend Away (Part 2)

So, we get back to our room stuffed! I make a run for another beer and crack it open perched on the ledge of the tub. The Mr is getting out of his dress clothes. Hes pulling his shirt over his head… those back muscles, his shoulders, yep, those are some of the reasons I married him. While I'm admiring him I turn on the hot water to fill the tub. While it's filling I ask him if he wants a drink. Of course he does!

He comes over and gently caresses the back of my neck. That gentle caress turns into something more aggressive and suggestive. I love it when his hands get hungry! A sly grin spreads across my lips and I look up at him trying to make my eyes look as innocent as possible. He smiles and tells me to take my dress off and make him a drink. I reach down to take off my shoes but he grasps tightly on my neck and simply states "dress off, keep those slutty shoes on". "Ok" was really I could spit out.