The time I fucked my girlfriend’s roommate, while my girlfriend was in the shower. [M/F]

This happened during my second year of college. I should probably describe them a little before I get started. Alison(girlfriend at the time) was a brunette with longer hair and glasses with deep blue eyes. She had pale skin and a great set of tits. Alison, was a calm and reserved person, what most people would call shy. She had no problem talking to me, but she would clam up around anyone else. Chase (the roommate/friend), on the other hand, was more outgoing and flirtatious. She had blonde hair with a shorter pixie cut and green eyes. Short and skinny, she also had pale skin. She wasn't flat chested, but if I had to guess, I would say she was bordering on a b-cup. But I'm not one to complain.

I had first met and started dating Alison the summer right before college. She was a entering her senior year of high school, while I was going off to college. We did the whole "long distance relationship" thing. Granted, we were only an hour apart, so it's not to say we couldn't see each other very often.

My craziest night in Tijuana…

Tijuana: The Real Sin City 24 Hours in a Brothel for Free

A couple of my friends and myself entered the strip club/brothel named Adelita Bar on a Tuesday night. Like usual, the place was filled with half-naked girls and horny gringos touching girls for a dollar. We found an empty table and proceeded to sit. A chick's ass with only a thong hovered over my shoulder, she was sitting with her back towards me on top of the booth-like seat. I smiled at my friend and gave the “EHHH” check out the nice ass behind me.

My marihuana growing operation in Los Angeles had gone adrift, that I had to move with to Tijuana with my growing lights and a couple of ounces of premium OG Kush and Headband. I had only been living in this wild city for a week, my friends came from San Diego. Despite being the drug capital of the world, quality marihuana is hard to find.

The ass that hovered over my shoulder turned around and jumped on my lap facing me. “You are a stoner baby, you have weed?” She said excitedly. My long hair, unkempt beard and my smell gave me away as the stoner that I am. I didn't have any with me, but I told her that I had the best in town.

Time I blew my best friend (MM)

This is my first post. And I want to recall the time I blew my best friend.

I use to blow my best friend and his twin brother pretty regularly when we were in our teenage years. Wanna start by saying I'm not really gay I have a girlfriend but I do enjoy dick one In a while. And not to brag but I'm really really great at it.

Let's start by saying my friend is in really good shape. He works out daily and is really hott. Now it been I while since I had his dick in my mouth. His penis is average size, average girth. Just an average penis but growing up I really enjoy sucking it.

So anyways this one afternoon I was at his house he just got home from the gym so he hops in the shower while I'm in his room looking at a playboy magazine. The one that features the hott blonde from Danita Kane's Aubrey O'Day. So while I was looking through the magazine my friend can in the room in all his glory.

“How to: Fuck your childhood crush” [M/F]

Another one of my travel stories. Enjoy.

Sophie is one of my oldest friends. Her family has always been very close to my family until they decided to move away and start a new life somewhere in the Northern part of France. She was 16 at the time and had the most beautiful blond hair I’ve ever seen (on a 16 year-old), I had a huge crush on her, but I never found out whether it was a mutual feeling. Since she left, our contact, sadly, slowly decreased and eventually grew nonexistent. “Come and visit me when you’re in the neighborhood” were her last words to me. She said with a smile and we laughed, because we both knew I wouldn’t ever be in the neighborhood. She left.

Now, a few years later, I found the perfect excuse to visit her. I was wandering around in France for a couple of months for a holiday and chance would have it my journey took me closer and closer to where she was living. I called her. She took up the phone.


“Bonjour, Jonathan here”

No One Hits It Quite Like Your Ex (F and M)

I'm not going to pretend like I'm a good girl. I've never had a hangup about putting out for a guy I liked. But when I was about 20 I was going through an uncharacteristically long dry spell. It had been about 8 months since I had sex, another 2 or 3 since a guy had actually gotten me off. Valentines Day was approaching and I wasn't lonely so much as I had an uncontrollable need to be touched by a man.

I had been on a couple of dates but none of them had anything remotely approaching chemistry. If found myself on OK Cupid a few days before V-Day, and stumbled upon a familiar face.

James and I had dated for several months when I was a first year at school/ A tall, scruffy, stocky white boy with a quick wit, it didn't take long for him to talk his way into my panties. For six months he had me every way he wanted me and it was six months of some of the most passionate sex I've ever had. Sadly we didn't really click during the time that requires you to be wearing clothing, so we drifted a part.

Shadows in the Light: Chapter I [Steampunk] [Fantasy] [M] [F] [Oral] (x-post from r/erotica and r/sexystories)

This is the first chapter of a steampunk erotica I'm writing for my SO. I'm looking for some feedback if that's okay.

Just to give everyone the heads up: the sex in this chapter is very light (there's only some guy on girl oral) because I'm intending on things heating up further into the novel.

Angelica Wilson-Smythe watched the setting sun stain the clouds with vivid streaks of pink and orange. Even through her amber goggles, she had to narrow her grey eyes against the glare. Her blonde hair became burnished copper, matching the decking and tubes snaking through the vast zeppelin BRS Valiant.

She closed her eyes and wished, not for the first time, that the Council of Masters hadn’t selected her for this expedition. They had their reasons, she was sure, but whatever portents they had read were beyond her ken: her meditations had shown nothing but fire and devastation in her future.

Regardless, the Masters wouldn’t have entrusted this to her if they didn’t think her capable. She opened her eyes and sighed, letting as much tension bleed from her body as possible.

She was crafty, like ice is cold… M24 F18

Back story. Because it's needed. A fellow redditor told me I should post this one. I was 24 fully out of hand. Rowdy. I was that guy that your parents either loved or hated. Same with wives and girlfriends. I was just….rowdy. lol. About her, I went to one of my best friends apartments. He was like…hey…Joe's little sister and Mom were just here. They moved up the street. I was like…ok…I didn't really know joe except by reputation. He had one, and he earned it. I didn't even know he had a sister I said. My friend said its a goid thing Joe moved away. I asked why, he then said "because his sister is going to go full blown bad, she's on probation, again, and to make shit even worse, shes getting crazy hot! I laughed and said whats wrong with that?? He said, shes 15…her mom brought her over so I could try to talk to her about the shit she's doing. She's out of hand. I just shagged it off, she was 15, nothing there for me. Fast forward a couple if years. My friend moved across to the other side of the town he lived in. I go over to party with him. A few hours in, the phone rings. He hangs up and said "Ok, so Julie is coming over to get some weed for her mom. I was like…ok…so…?? He got nervous a little and said…Julie is Joe's sister. I drew a blank. Then I was like….ooohhhh…the hot one that likes to go to jail for stealing shit? He said yeah…then he said "Dude…she's not 18 yet. Don't forget that!" I laughed and said don't worry man, too young and she can't be that hot, and…there's no way she could keep up with hanging out with me. He just looked at me said "17….off limits." I said cool. No worries, like I said, I'm not going to jail for any woman. He mumbled something and went and got a beer. 10 minutes later. She walked in. My jaw dropped. She was (and still is a 12/10). Super hot. Big full tits, nice legs, world class ass, deep red long hair, more of a brownish red. Deeeep blue/green eyes and an amazing smile. A smirk really, like she knew something the rest of us didn't. And…she was funsized she was 4'11". I got out of there ASAP. Called my buddy and cracked a joke about him needing to tell me when she was 18. She heard it. And every time I saw her after that, she worked it. Flaunting it. I always bailed as soon as she showed up. It was too much temptation. About 6 to 9 months later my buddy calls me up. He needed help working on his car. He had a road trip the next day. So, I grab my weed and stuff. Hit the likker store and go help him. We got done around 10pm. He had to get up early. He told me just crash here, we'll be gone early. Then he said, oh yeah…Julie is going to come over and watch our apt. While we are gone. She won't be over until like 1 or so though. I said cool, I'll be gone by then. Well….I stayed up taking shots, smoking bong hits and watching stand up on the comedy channel. I got LIT. I passed out around 3am. I'd been working 12 hour days a lot. I slept like a rock. I wake up at 2pm. I roll over on the couch, I'm a big bag if hungover heat. I hear something in the kitchen. I look over and there she was…making coffee. Looking hot as fuck. Booty shorts and a t shirt cut down showing massive amounts of under boob. I jump up and say fuck I gotta go!!! She gave me that smile and said "Really…I just made you coffee" I said yeah…I dont drink that shit, it'll kill you. And I grabbed my shit. As I was heading for the door she said HEY! I turned around and said, what? She smiled a full smile, not her smirk. I melted a little. She stared at me and said, I'll be 18 in 2 months. I said, cool! Congrats and bolted. I didn't go back for 6 months…lol. one night, im at the bar with my friend. We had this particular night planned, we were going to get shot housed and go on a party mission down town after we pre-funked. He had seen this girl, he knew the level if hotness and pure trouble that she was. We were at the bar talking about which bars and clubs we were going to damage that night. Then I was like…shit!! I have to call so and so and tell him happy birthday! He was like…cool…tell him I said hi and maybe we'll go that direction later. I said cool…be right back….and I dig up some quarters and head for the payphone.

[M/F] Anal play exploration

I asked if she was up for something different and she said yes. I undressed her down to just her panties then went to the closet, bringing a piece of cloth I tied around her eyes. I shoved her on to the bed and pinned her arms down. I tied the rope I already had around a bed post to each wrist and gave each a tug to make sure they were taut. Looking over my work, I saw that she had a smile on her face, inches away from my hard dick, as she tested out the rope.

I climbed down her body with tiny kisses and streaks of my tongue across her body. Biting a shoulder, circling a nipple, and kissing upon each rib. Down, down, down until I felt lace against my tongue. I hooked a couple of into her panties underneath her and pulled them down along with my teeth. She pulled her legs together so that they came off with ease. I pulled them a part hungrily and brought my lips within inches, watching her face as I breathed heavily on her slick pussy. Gliding a finger down from her belly over her clit and down between her lips she quivered and arched into the light pressure, into nothing as I lifted my finger away.

My girlfriend put on a show for some strangers

So this past Sunday my girlfriend (5'1", 100 lbs, dark red hair, perky c-cup tits and a tight little ass) and I (5'9", 150 lbs, dark hair, slim cyclists build) went out for dinner and some drinks to celebrate her getting a bonus at work that previous week.

After a wonderful evening of eating, drinking and flirting (she flashed her panties for me while we sat at the bar), we went for a long walk on the way back to our car, as we'd parked downtown and walked about eight blocks to where we ate. Along the way there was much groping and kissing whenever a dark alley or doorway presented itself. By the time we got back to the car, I was rock hard, and she was "so fucking wet right now" as she put it.

Once we were in the car but before I started the engine, I turned to her and kissing her deeply told her to "take off your panties"

She pushed me away and with a sly smile, pulled her pleated skirt up past her creamy thighs and slid her undies down to her ankles, before handing them to me. I held them to my nose and inhaled deeply…they smelled wonderful…before tucking them into my jackets front pocket.

My First time, Twice. Part 4 [mff]

It was a bit of an awkward prediciment. I had S held tight against me, our naked perspiring bodies against each other on the makeshift bed, while at the same time I was lying on my front and licking F who lay before me. S was lower down with her head at my shoulder height, so she wasn't getting in the way but I can't imagine it was the best place she could have been. She seemed to be watching me and my tongue attack F's slit.

It's at this point I should explain, I would later be told that F had had a really sheltered childhood. She didn't know anything about genitals, sex, naked bodies, dildos any of it. That past summer had been a sexual revolution for her as she started to get exposure to all of this in an overwhelming wave. but she just swam with it, and wanted to see how deep it goes. In the weeks I had been dating S and having minor sexual incounters, F had begged her for details. S was a bit more clued in, even a bit slutty for her age so she had plenty to explain, and the stories about what she had done with me. I guess F had fantasied, and that's why we caught her watching us. Anyway on one of their sleepovers it turns out F's curiousity led them to some exploration and fingering each other. So they were a bit used to each other's naked bodies and otherwise wouldn't have been so easy about what was going on.