I used to fuck my ex girlfriends older sister while we were dating

This is going back quite some time now, but I used to fuck my girlfriend at the time, sister. We were dating for about 3 years or so and it started just over 2 years and in.

I was 20 and she was 23 when it started. It began by when she broke up with her boyfriend and moved back home. I often stayed at my girlfriends house (it was much closer to both work and uni for me) and our work schedules tied together that we were regularly both at home alone together.

As you can imagine we grew quite close as friends (just friends at this stage) A few months down the track it was a Friday night and we both just so happened to have the night off, and the house was empty too. We bought a couple of bottles of red wine, and as you guess this was the first night we fucked. What started this escapade was when we were actually talking about my relationship, and how I was some what struggling with my girlfriends serve bipolar (she often never took her meds) It was after that we began to cuddle watching a movie and we were both drunk, I was extremely attracted to her and she was of me, and it happened, right there on the couch and living room floor. In the morning we both admitted neither of us regretted it and thought it was just a one off thing, so we kept quiet and tried to put it behind us.

Alyona, the slut I denied

I had met up with my friends (Eric [my best] and James [his neighbor]) one night at a park in downtown near an Asian convenience store that would sell us alcohol. My best friend had brought along a girl he met (Alyona) lifeguarding. He told me she sucked him off in the pool shower during his break earlier that day. She was a blonde Russian girl with a ballerinas figure. She liked to wear leather boots with dark colored jeans and a leather jacket. I didn't pay her much mind, I was more interested in getting drunk with my friends. James and I were pouring vodka on the ground and lighting it on fire, trying to make designs out of it. Eric was off to the side with Alyona's hands in his pants.

Soon after Alyona had to leave. Eric left with her to take her back to the metro. James and I decided that we should trail them to see what they were doing (at this point we were piss drunk). Aside from a kiss at the metro they didn't do much. When Eric walked back to us we shoved the bottle in his hand and congratulated him for the catch.

Father/daughter in Future Post-apocalyptic Society [Mf] [inc] [fantasy]

November 29th, 2320

Today is my birthday. But it’s not just any birthday; it’s my 15th birthday. In Pachem, where I live, this is very special. Today is the day I start my transition from girl to woman. Over the next three years, I will learn everything I need to know in order to maximize my contribution to the fatherland and to my community. Mother will teach me how to run a household. I’ll be taught the feminine wisdoms of generations passed—or, at least, the wisdoms of the past six generations. Nothing exists from the time before the revolution save for a few myths and legends. Tonight we’ll have a big party. I can’t wait for the dancing and the cake! I’ll finally be allowed to try wine. It’s the most special day in any Pachem woman’s life. And after the party, I’ll have my christening ceremony with Father. No one knows what happens during the ceremony. Once a girl reaches womanhood, she stops attending school. Even if I do see my friends that have started the journey, they’re not allowed to tell me what happens. It’s a secret.

that night. [mm] [gay oral]

I was bored, I was young, I was disillusioned. Just trying to make my way through a world I didn't understand or trust. I owned nothing.

Casually walking home from, technically, my first real job, after closing at night, disinterested but trying my best, flipping burgers for hours on end. The unlit, two lane road is actually a small state highway, curving and winding its way across the landscape, connecting various cities like a human vein. This town acts like a heart beat, six months long, thirty thousand strong, when school is in session. Ten thousand when they all disperse.

As I remember that day, where once that road ran for a good fifteen forested miles, those friendly comforting woods are all gone now.

That's where he picked me up. Where the city ended and the trees began. The last intersection where the buildings stopped on one side of the street and the other side, the wilderness.

Meeting for the first time, the extended version [MF] [BD] [sm] [D/s] [spank]

[NB: I posted the first half of this story a ways back, but I'm including it again here for context, so if it seems familiar, keep reading.]

I'm disappointed because you can't come up here, and I'm trying to manage my feelings. I try to let myself feel the disappointment, temper it with rational thoughts. I'm concerned because negative feelings often turn to apathy, and I want to hold onto this. I don't want to tell you I'm disappointed because I'm not sure it's appropriate for me to care, and I don't know if you, like me, get weary when someone cares too quickly. As a compromise to myself, I jokingly say that we should meet in Havana instead, a throwback to my initial message to you. You say, "make it Kingston, and we'll take a puddle hopper." So we do, and you fly the plane. I don't know where or how the arrangements were made for the plane, but it's just me and you.

They Thought I was Sleeping [Str8] [MF] [cuck] [oral]

I had never been happier. Six months ago I met Amanda. She was amazing. Smart, creative, funny, and absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't believe she was into me. We had tons in common too. She'd rather chill on the couch than party or spend an exhausting night out. She was my speed, slow and steady. Lucky me, because most women I knew considered me boring. She got along great with my best friend too. It was a huge benefit having my roommate and live in girlfriend be so close.

Right now the three of us were watching television. I was slouched on the recliner resting my eyes, and Amanda and Jacob were sharing the couch. I wasn't interested in the show though. In fact, I was dead tired and about two seconds from falling asleep. I had a long day and really just wanted to curl up in bed with Amanda. And that was what I was about to suggest before I heard a purr.

At first I didn't think anything of it. Not a lot got my attention when I was half asleep. But, a second purr followed. It was playful, but labored. Had Jacob gone to bed? Did Amanda want to have some fun?

[F] My experience with butt plugs

Sooo I have a lot of experience wearing butt plugs lol. I got my first one a couple years ago and now I have 7. It wasn't ever exactly my idea to put a butt plug in my ass in the first place. I was sort of pressured to do it by a guy and at first I hated it, but he kept encouraging me to wear one, which sometimes meant him pulling down my pants and sliding it in himself. The first few times I just wore it around for a couple hours with him, but after like two weeks he wanted me to wear it to school for the entire day. I was in high school at the time so wearing it for the entire day was a scary thought, especially since girls weren't allowed to bring purses to the school I went to, so its not like I could take it out and put it somewhere if I wanted to. (Lets just say that was definitely one of the times he didn't give me a choice and put it in for me lol). The funny thing is, that was the day my addiction started. I was seriously wet ALL day! Even though I could barely focus in any of my classes, being consistently horny all day and knowing that no one else knew my secret was such a unique and sexy feeling. I started wearing my butt plug to school and work all the time without being asked to. I even started wearing one to my ballet practices, which is a whole different story lol. After a while I got bigger and bigger ones and now can wear pretty large ones, but I try not to wear really big ones for too long to avoid hurting myself… although in the picture at the bottom from last New Years I was wearing a plug that was 3.5 inches wide under my dress for like 18 hours lol. That was partly because I got really drunk and fell asleep with it still in me… so sometimes I do leave the big ones for a little too long haha. but omg I was definitely sore the next day. So I know this probably all sounds weird but I would say about half the time people see me I have a plug in my ass and the secret still turns me on like no other lol

My favourite Hookup Part I (M/M) [x/post from /r/bigonewildstories]

By this point I've had a little experience with guys, no anal and hadn't even sucked a cock yet. I met Shawn on gay.com (before it sucked). We hooked up twice, this is the first time. He was 18 and I was around 20.

I won't bore you with the predictable back and forth from messaging back and forth. I will note that Shawn was "curious" and had no experience. He was about 5'9" (inch or so shorter than me), a bit of a husky build and about 5" uncut. [I've given my stat line in other stories but at this point in my life I was a bit shy of 5'11", 175lbs, athletic and 7 1/2" cut]

Anyhow, when it's all said and done Shawn invites me over to his place. It's about 20 minutes or so. When I get there it turns out he's got a basement apartment thing going on and silence is key. We make a little small talk, both of us clearly nervous.

I don't remember who instigated it but we started to kiss. Almost instantly we had our hands on each others package through our pants rubbing what were really already rock hard erections.

“That’s my hole.” [D/s][Cuckqueen][Discipline][NC][HUML]

Sarah was relieved to see Dominic finish punishing Valerie.

Sarah, for her part, wasn’t yet sure what her ultimate role was in this brutal escapade. As soon as Sarah came home from work, her fiancé Dominic was all over her at the door, kissing and groping her like a sex-starved teenager. In a flash, he quickly led her to their living room, disrobed her, sat her down in a chair, tied and gagged her. He then proceeded to pick her up, chair and all, and carried her down the hallway to their master bedroom, where he plunked her down in the center of the room. To her surprise, her best friend and sometimes three-way love-buddy Valerie was already tied to Sarah’s bed — naked, gagged, but whereas Valerie was blind-folded, Sarah was not. She had an unobstructed view of Valerie’s as-yet unbroken pussy.

That was well over two hours ago. Now, Dominic was walking around from the opposite side of the bed, standing next to the chair Sarah was strapped to. This particularly drawn-out session was finally ending, Sarah realized, and the cycle of degradation and restoration that she and Valerie so desperately craved could now move forward. Soon, Dominic’s excellent aftercare-skills would be sorely needed: Valerie had been pushed to her absolute limits tonight, suffering for him physically and mentally for the better part of the last two hours. She was clearly in desperate need of restoration from worthless sex-object to a respected, cared-for human being.

chubby girl seeking dom- (or how I flew across the country)

So this story starts on reddit…

I post to Gw+ sometimes, and my sexual preferences lean towards submissive. After a long time of not being satisfied, I turned to a personals section for people into BDSM and got a lot of responses. However, “B” stood out after a little chatting. He was domineering, dark, obviously intelligent, well spoken and was just hitting all my buttons. For a couple weeks we traded pics, videos. He would threaten me when I didn't comply right away, add to a tally of spankings i was to receive in the future. The only problem is that we are in two different countries. I am in canada on one coast, and he is in America on the other. I just accepted that this would be the extent of our connection, and enjoyed the skype calls from B where he would order me to do what he wanted me to. Not long after we started talking, B mentioned he would be coming to Toronto for business, and wanted to know if I would come see him, if he bought me a plane ticket to do so. I was very reluctant at first. I’m quite awkward and shy, something I told him many times and he would make fun of me about. I don’t know what possessed me to do this but eventually on a whim, I said yes, I would come see him. He bought me a ticket to come spend a little over 24 hours with him and the date was set.