[MOD POST] Looking for more moderators and feedback

We are hoping to expand the team by quite a bit to allow for better moderation and remove lots of the spam that has been incoming (specifically reposting stories seems to be a big issue lately).

Interested? [Apply here](https://forms.gle/SVjCRGekxt9VkUCPA)

Also, please feel free to use this post to leave feedback about the sub. We will use this post when determining the types of mods we should add.

[MODPOST] Additional mods added, changes on the way!

Hey all! I am excited to announce that GWS has just brought on ten new mods. There’s a lot of changes and updates we have been working on that will roll out slowly in the coming weeks and months.

For now, we’ll have more eyes on stories and comments. Please continue reporting as needed.

[MODPOST] Please read all rules before posting!

There have been an influx of stories written about people under 18. Please note rule 2, any stories containing people under 18 will be removed and the user will be banned.

If a story does not contain age, context may be used to determine whether the user intended to try and bypass this rule by just not posting age. This is my the mods discretion.

No exceptions will be made for anyone who breaks it.

[MODPOST] State of the Sub – Settings update and changes, please read.

Hi all,

I wanted to talk about a couple settings that have been implemented recently after the amount of spam links in the comments we’ve seen increase dramatically as well as quite a few spam/troll accounts posting derogatory comments.

The most important one being the addition of **tags now being required** in your post title. A list of tags is in the sidebar and submission pages for review. If there are any others you feel should be added, please comment below and I will review and add as appropriate.

I’ve added some auto-mod settings to alleviate the amount of spam accounts, links, and trolls. I will be actively reviewing these processes going forward and make adjustments as needed. The biggest change was to the use of new accounts. Accounts less than a day old will be unable to post currently. I know this may conflict with those wanting to make throwaway/alt accounts to post but it’s not too restrictive enough to stop that, just delay.

[MODPOST] Spam comment links

There has been a severe increase in spam links in comments recently. Users reporting these comments, thank you! Please keep doing so.

Just a general reminder not to clink links all willy nilly.

[MOD UPDATE] Automoderator is now running

I’ve added automoderator to the subreddit. My main focus was to add functionality to alert the mods (myself and /u/sarevok9) when posts are reported.

When reporting posts it’s best to use “other” and the reason why. Especially for stories containing participants under the age of 18. As outlined in the sidebar, these posts will be removed. I would like to thank those that are already doing this.

Stories that contain infidelity *are not in violation of the rules*. Please stop reporting them.

Automod will also block postings from users with new accounts to help with spam.

There’s a few more background things for us mods, but these were the highlights to be aware of.

Feedback is welcome, cheers.