My First Time [MF] – unprotected with a girl I met online

True Story:

Natalie (Natty) and I had been talking online for a while. Most of our conversations started off as innocent chit chat but eventually turned dirty.

After a few weeks we arranged to meet up for a coffee. The date was going really well and we were getting on like a house on fire so we decided to go and see a movie. We spent the entire two hours of the movie making out in one of the back rows – such a cliché!

The following weekend my parents were going away. I told Natty that I’d be on my own all weekend. She thought about it for a while and then asked if she could come to stay on Friday and Saturday night. Obviously I jumped at the chance to have this hot girl stay over for a couple of nights and said yes immediately!

Natty told her parents she was staying at a friend’s house, but told her sister the truth. We both decided beforehand to agree some ground rules. Most importantly: No sex because it was only our 2nd date!

Friday seemed to take forever to arrive!

New Neighbours – Part 3. When the Wife’s Away [39M] [18F]

Part 1. is here: [](

Part 2. is here:


Mikey gave up trying to resist Lauren’s advances. He reasoned with himself that upsetting her could cause all kinds of problems if she decided to make a scene and so the right thing to do was to carry on with their secret little arrangement. Lauren was off to university in a few months in any case and Mikey couldn’t see things continuing beyond then. He decided that he might as well make the most of his teenage lover while he still could!

So, for the next few months, Mikey’s life consisted of lots of ‘bike rides’ with Lauren and trying to maintain enough energy to satisfy his perennially horny wife. Life was pretty good.

It wasn’t all plain sailing. There were a few near misses along the way.

On one longer bike ride, Mikey and Lauren stopped for a rest at a picnic area. As usual, “rest” was just a code word for finding somewhere secluded for a quickie.

On this particular occasion, Lauren was bent forward over a picnic table, her cycling jersey wide open and her shorts around her ankles. Mikey had hold of Lauren’s hips and was slamming into her tight body making her firm breasts jump with every thrust.

New Neighbours – Part 4. When the Wife’s Away continued [39M] [18F] [Mf]

When Mikey woke up the room was pitch black. Lauren’s arm was draped across him and he could just make out the silhouette of her pretty face as his eyes adjusted to the darkness.

Mikey slowly rolled out of bed to go and check on his daughter, who was still sound asleep in her room.

He went into the bathroom. “What are you doing?” he thought to himself as he looked at his almost forty year old face in the mirror. “Your wife’s away and you’re messing around with the neighbour’s eighteen year old daughter.”

His cock started to stir at that thought. As much as Mikey knew it was wrong, there was no way he could stop now. He shook his head and quietly padded back to the bedroom, turning on a night light as he made it back into the room.

Lauren was lying on her back fast asleep when Mikey stealthily slipped back into bed next to her.

The sheets were pulled up around Lauren’s waist leaving her top half exposed. Mikey sat there for a minute admiring her flawless body and those big, firm, round breasts that looked almost out of proportion against her small frame.

New Neighbours – Part 3. When the Wife’s Away [39M] [18F] [Mf]

Mikey gave up trying to resist Lauren’s advances. He reasoned with himself that upsetting her could cause all kinds of problems if she decided to make a scene and so the right thing to do was to carry on with their secret little arrangement. Lauren was off to university in a few months in any case and Mikey couldn’t see things continuing beyond then. He decided that he might as well make the most of his teenager lover while he still could!

So, for the next few months, Mikey’s life consisted of lots of ‘bike rides’ with Lauren and trying to maintain enough energy to satisfy his perennially horny wife. Life was pretty good.

It wasn’t all plain sailing. There were a few near misses along the way.

On one longer bike ride, Mikey and Lauren stopped for a rest at a picnic area. As usual, “rest” was just a code word for finding somewhere secluded for a quickie.

On this particular occasion, Lauren was bent forward over a picnic table, her cycling jersey wide open and her shorts around her ankles. Mikey had hold of Lauren’s hips and was slamming into her tight body making her firm breasts jump with every thrust.

New Neighbours – Part 2. The Family Barbecue [39M] [18F]

Part 1. is here: [](

When Mikey got home Sarah was in the kitchen making dinner.

“You were gone a while,” she said.

“Yes, Lauren’s bike broke so we had to fix it by the road. It took ages so we didn’t get many miles in,” Mikey replied.

“Then why do you look such a mess? You look exhausted,” Sarah stated as she leaned over to kiss Mikey on the cheek. “Oh my god, you stink too. Go and get in that shower.”

“It’s hot out. Good idea.” Mikey went for the shower, hopeful that Sarah didn’t suspect anything.

“Oh, by the way, David and Anne have invited the whole street for a barbecue at their’s tomorrow. I said we’d go.” Sarah shouted from downstairs.

“Sounds great hunny,” Mikey replied, suddenly nervous about seeing Lauren again.

The next day the three of them walked over to the Smiths’ house.

“Hi,” said David. “Lauren was just telling me how good the bike ride was yesterday. She was exhausted when she got home!”

“That’s funny,” said Sarah. “I thought Lauren’s bike broke and you didn’t get many miles in?”

New Neighbours – Part 1. The Bike Ride [39M] [18F]

The new family that had moved into the road had caused quite a stir in their first few days. Their old car didn’t really fit in with the expensive German cars parked outside the houses in the street. The loud party they’d held on their first night had broken the silence in the usually quiet and tranquil neighbourhood. And the way they dressed was certainly something the mainly older residents weren’t used to seeing.

Mikey and his wife Sarah went across the road with their three year old daughter to greet the newcomers. They learned that the new family were called the Smiths and they had moved across town after coming into some inheritance money. Anne and David were in their 40s and lived with their two teenage daughters Felicity and Lauren.

David said the girls weren’t happy about the move but they had been determined to get them away from some bad influences in their old neighbourhood.

Mikey helped David lift a 100inch TV onto the wall while Sarah was talking to Anne. Just as they finished the two girls walked in, both looking a little worse for wear in their baggy hoodies.

When I was 22 [M] I found out my 19 [F] GF of 2 years had been cheating. We fucked one last time and then I dumped her and walked out

My ex was in a minor car crash one day. She called me and her dad to come and help her out. We couldn’t understand why was in that part of town – it wasn’t near college and we didn’t know anyone out that way. She just said she’d been going for a drive.

Anyway, later on in the evening I tried to call her and couldn’t get through. Then her dad called me asking if I knew where she was. A bit later I went round to the house she lived at with her parents. We were all getting a bit concerned that we hadn’t heard from her at this point.

Her younger sister claimed not to know where she was, but she kept sneaking off to make phone calls. Her dad confronted her and she admitted that she did know where her older sister was.

At about 9pm a taxi pulled in at the top of the road. My girlfriend gets out and walks in as if nothing has happened. To cut a long story short, she admitted in front of the whole family that she had been cheating on me with an older guy she met online.

When I was [19M] I had a one time thing with my married [40F] boss – [Str8] [mF] [True]

I worked at a gym for a couple of years before I left school for University. While I was there my boss, who was in her late 30s / early 40s used to flirt relentlessly with the younger staff (males and females). She would turn up to lifeguard training in tiny skimpy bikinis and spend most of the time trying to get a reaction out of the guys (which was sometimes difficult to hide for a hormonal teenager as I was at the time).

I left for University and never thought much of it again until the following year when I took up a summer job at the same gym. The flirting immediately restarted, but this time she had taken it up a level.

One evening on my last week before going back to uni we were the only two left in building. She asked if I wanted to get a drink and take it to the hot tub with her as a send off before I left again. I grabbed a couple of beers from the bar and took them the spa room. I jumped in the hot tub and waited for her. She came out of the changing rooms in a tiny bright red bikini that I’d never seen her in before. It looked stunning.

I 27[M] had a 6-month fling with the office intern 19[F] that started at the office Christmas Party

When I had just started my current job we had an intern join us for a year from university – she had started a couple of months before me. Kelly was given the job of showing me around the building and making sure I was settled in ok.

After a week or so I was into the swing of things and didn’t really see much of Kelly, except on lunch breaks or in the car park in the morning.

Kelly arranged a staff night out, just some drinks at a local bar one evening. About 20 of us went along. It was the first time I’d seen Kelly outside of work. She looked incredible in a figure hugging little black dress, with her long dark hair straightened and flowing behind her.

All of the younger guys were giving Kelly their full attention so I just sat talking to some other people from my office. Later in the evening Kelly came and sat next to me. “Hey Mikey. I was hoping you were going to come and rescued me from those pervy guys earlier,” she said.

“Oh sorry,” I replied. “I thought you looked like you were having a good time and they’re all around your age, aren’t they?”

When I was 19 [M] I had a one time thing with my married 40 [F] year old boss

I worked at a gym for a couple of years before I left school for University. While I was there my boss, who was in her late 30s / early 40s used to flirt relentlessly with the younger staff (males and females). She would turn up to lifeguard training in tiny skimpy bikinis and spend most of the time trying to get a reaction out of the guys (which was sometimes difficult to hide for a hormonal teenager as I was at the time).

I left for University and never thought much of it again until the following year when I took up a summer job at the same gym. The flirting immediately restarted, but this time she had taken it up a level.

One evening on my last week before going back to uni we were the only two left in building. She asked if I wanted to get a drink and take it to the hot tub with her as a send off before I left again. I grabbed a couple of beers from the bar and took them to the spa room. I jumped in the hot tub and waited for her. She came out of the changing rooms in a tiny bright red bikini that I’d never seen her in before. It looked stunning.