Wild Swimming [M18/F45] [cheating] [age difference] [age gap] [teen] [older woman] [younger man] [risky] [cougar]

Mikey was in his third summer lifeguarding at the local reservoir.

The wild swimming craze had brought new life to the lake, and that final summer before Mikey left for uni was hot from start to finish. Not that Mikey was complaining. The hot weather brought out the skimpy bikinis and Mikey spent his days checking out the hot older women.

On one especially hot summer’s day, Mikey was watching one particular lady as she slowly entered the water. He liked the way the fabric of her red thong bikini separated her butt cheeks. He was mesmerised by the sway of her shapely hips as she eased her way into the cool water.

Mikey watched as she swam two laps of the lake before climbing out of the water.

Wow! She’s a goddess! Mikey thought to himself as he watched her slowly exiting the water, the water dripping off her smooth, shapely body. Mikey’s eyes were drawn to her flat torso and up to her round, full breasts, held in place by that bright red bikini. His eyes darted to her strong thighs and up to her bikini bottoms. He was sure he could see the hint of a camel toe as the red fabric clung to her private parts.

New Neighbours Part 7 – The Rebound! [M39/F51] [cheating] [age difference] [age gap] [older woman] [Hotel Sex]

Almost a week had passed since that fateful day. Mikey had checked into a local hotel – well, it was more of a golf and spa resort.

Lauren had told her mum exactly what had happened and Anne had wasted no time in kicking David out. She even claimed to have suspected something was going on with Sarah and David. Anne dumped all his possessions on the lawn and had her giant of a brother come round to stay so David didn’t get any ideas about trying to sneak in and talk to her.

Lauren had to go back to university. She had sent Mikey a few messages, but they agreed they needed to lay low while the dust settled on the weekend’s events.

On Monday morning, Mikey snuck back to his house and packed a full suitcase while Sarah was at work. He even loaded his and Lauren’s bikes into his car before returning to the hotel. He called Felicity to find out when she was babysitting and arranged to sneak round and see his daughter while his wife was out.

New Neighbours Part 6 – Caught! [M39/F18] [cheating] [age difference] [age gap] [teen] [older man] [younger woman] [risky]

Part 5 is here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/11nm8vi/new_neighbours_part_5_lauren_returns_m39f18/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/11nm8vi/new_neighbours_part_5_lauren_returns_m39f18/)

“Oh my god Lauren! You little slut!” Tanya laughed as Mikey tried to cover his modesty.

“Sorry!” Lauren replied, staring at her toes. “But I did tell you he was hot.”

“I suppose he’s alright for an older guy.” Tanya had a good look at Mikey’s toned torso as she threw a couple of towels at them. “Hey, my mum could be home any time. You guys had better get out of here.”

Mikey and Lauren quickly dried off and scrambled around the house pulling their cycling clothes back on.

“That was way too close,” Mikey said to Lauren as they were leaving. “What if her mum had got home first?”

“I know,” said Lauren. “I just really missed you while I was at uni.”

“I missed you too,” said Mikey.

Alarm bells went off in Mikey’s head. Was that the first time they’d ever expressed feelings for each other?

“Come on. We’d better get home.”


Lauren called a cheerful goodbye to Mikey as she wheeled up to her house.

Mikey struggled with the garage for a minute or two, cursing himself for not getting it fixed sooner.

New Neighbours Part 5 – Lauren Returns [M39/F18] [cheating] [age difference] [age gap] [teen] [older man] [younger woman] [risky]

Part 4 is here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/11jui7h/new_neighbours_part_4_when_the_wifes_away/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/11jui7h/new_neighbours_part_4_when_the_wifes_away/)

“I don’t like you going out when it’s dark and icy,” Sarah pouted at Mikey.

“I need to get the training in. We hardly leave the house because of this damn virus. The bike is my only release,” Mikey explained to his wife.

“Well, if you stay here with me I’m sure we could find another way of giving you some release,” Sarah said with a wink.

Mikey laughed and kissed the top of Sarah’s head. “It’s cute that you worry, darling, but I’ll be fine.” Mikey looked across at their daughter and said, “Anyway, don’t you think we should wait until later on when she’s gone to bed to start trying to make her a little brother or sister?”

“OK. Well, I’ll be waiting for you when you get home.” Sarah kissed Mikey on the lips as he turned to leave.


Mikey rolled off Sarah and collapsed on the bed next to her – the early morning light illuminating the satisfied smile on her face.

“I didn’t know you’d still be able to manage it three times in one night,” Sarah whispered.

New Neighbours Part 4 – When The Wife’s Away, Continued [M39/F18] [cheating] [age difference] [age gap] [teen] [older man] [younger woman] [risky]

Part 3 is here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/11h0bdh/new_neighbours_part_3_when_the_wifes_away_m39f18/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/11h0bdh/new_neighbours_part_3_when_the_wifes_away_m39f18/)

When Mikey woke up, the room was pitch black. Lauren’s arm was draped across him and he could just make out the silhouette of her pretty face as his eyes adjusted to the darkness.

Mikey slowly rolled out of bed to go and check on his daughter. She was still sound asleep in her room.

He went into the bathroom. What are you doing? he thought to himself as he looked at his almost forty-year-old face in the mirror. Your wife’s away and you’re messing around with the neighbour’s eighteen-year-old daughter.

His cock started to stir at that thought. As much as Mikey knew it was wrong, there was no way he could stop now. He shook his head and quietly padded back to the bedroom, turning on a night light as he made it back into the room.

Lauren was lying on her back fast asleep when Mikey stealthily slipped back into bed next to her.

The sheets were pulled up around Lauren’s waist, leaving her top half exposed. Mikey sat there for a minute admiring her flawless body and those big, firm, round breasts that looked almost out of proportion against her small frame.

New Neighbours Part 3 – When The Wife’s Away [M39/F18] [cheating] [age difference] [age gap] [teen] [older man] [younger woman] [risky]

Part 2 is here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/11f6iie/new_neighbours_part_2_the_family_barbecue_m39f18/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/11f6iie/new_neighbours_part_2_the_family_barbecue_m39f18/)

Mikey gave up trying to resist Lauren’s advances. He reasoned with himself that upsetting her could cause all kinds of problems if she decided to make a scene. Mikey decided the logical thing to do was to carry on with their secret little arrangement. Lauren was off to university in a few months in any case, and Mikey couldn’t see things continuing beyond then. He might as well make the most of his teenage lover while he still could!

So, for the next few months, Mikey’s life consisted of lots of ‘bike rides’ with Lauren and trying to maintain enough energy to satisfy his perennially horny wife. Life was pretty good.

It wasn’t all plain sailing. There were a few near misses along the way.

On one longer bike ride, Mikey and Lauren stopped for a rest at a picnic area. As usual, “rest” was just a code word for finding somewhere secluded for a quickie.

On this particular occasion, Lauren was bent forward over a picnic table, her cycling jersey wide open and her shorts around her ankles. Mikey had hold of Lauren’s hips and was slamming into her tight body, making her firm breasts jump with every thrust.

New Neighbours – Part 2. The Family Barbecue [M39/F18] [cheating] [age difference] [age gap] [teen] [older man] [younger woman] [risky]

Part 1 is here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/x1egtq/new_neighbours_part_1_the_bike_ride_m39f18/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/x1egtq/new_neighbours_part_1_the_bike_ride_m39f18/)

When Mikey got home, Sarah was in the kitchen making dinner.

“You were gone a long time,” she said.

“Yes. Lauren’s bike broke so we had to fix it by the road. It took ages so we didn’t get many miles in,” Mikey replied.

“Then why do you look such a mess? You look exhausted.” Sarah leaned over to kiss Mikey on the cheek. “Oh my god, you stink too. Go and get in that shower.”

“It’s hot out. Good idea.” Mikey went for the shower, hopeful that Sarah didn’t suspect anything.

“Oh. By the way, David and Anne have invited the whole street for a barbecue at their house tomorrow. I said we’d go,” Sarah shouted from downstairs.

“Sounds great, hunny,” replied Mikey, suddenly nervous about seeing Lauren again.


The next day, the three of them walked over to the Smiths’ house.

“Hi,” said David. “Lauren was just telling me how good the bike ride was yesterday. She was exhausted when she got home!”

“That’s funny,” said Sarah. “I thought Lauren’s bike broke and you didn’t get many miles in?”

New Neighbours – Part 1. The Bike Ride [M39/F18] [cheating] [age difference] [age gap] [teen] [older man] [younger woman] [taboo] [cycling] [outdoor]

The new family that had moved into the road had caused quite a stir in their first few days. Their old car didn’t fit in with the expensive German cars in the street. The loud party they’d held on their first night had broken the silence in the usually quiet and tranquil neighbourhood. And the way they dressed was certainly something the mainly older residents weren’t used to seeing!

Mikey and his wife Sarah went across the road with their three-year-old daughter to greet the newcomers. They learned that the new family were called the Smiths and they had moved across town after coming into some inheritance money. Anne and David were in their 40s and lived with their two teenage daughters Felicity and Lauren.

David said the girls weren’t happy about the move but they had been determined to get them away from some bad influences in their old neighbourhood.

Mikey helped David lift a 100inch TV onto the wall while Sarah was talking to Anne. Just as they finished the two girls walked in, both looking a little worse for wear in their baggy hoodies.

“Oh, who’s this?” Lauren, the older of the two, asked somewhat abruptly.

The Music Festival -Part 2 [MF] [29M] [18F]

The next morning Sarah and I sheepishly crawled out of our tent into the circle of chairs. Most of the couples were already up and having some breakfast. From the looks we were getting, especially from the girls, it was pretty obvious we hadn’t been very quiet last night.

Sarah went bright red when she realised the other girls were all smiling and winking at her. All the girls, except one that is. Emily had a face like thunder and was cutting some serious evils Sarah’s way.

As the morning went on conversation moved on to who was going to see which bands and how to get from one stage to the other quickly enough. Sarah and I decided to stay at the Main Stage all day to make sure we got a good spot for the headline act later on.

We went off to find some lunch and then took up our positions at the front of the crowd. We danced and sang all day long. I held Sarah from behind as we swung our hips from side to side. A few times she cheekily wriggled her bum against me, seeking a reaction – it was difficult not to push back against her soft bum but there were way too many people watching us for anything to happen.

The Music Festival [MF] [29M] [28F] [18F]

It was that time of year again. June in England meant it was time for the annual trip to the Festival. After an eight hour wait for the gates to open, we were finally in the campsite and setting up our tents.

It was a slightly different group this year. All the usual guys were here but, for the first time, the wives and girlfriends were coming along too. That meant our group of eight had, this year, turned into a much bigger group of sixteen. I’d brought my girlfriend Sarah along.

At twenty-eight, she was a couple of years younger than me – I was only a couple of weeks short of turning thirty and it was making me feel old for the first time in my life. The other guys and girls were all around the same age. All except for Dave’s companion. Dave had been dumped by his girlfriend just a few weeks before the festival so he’d agreed instead to bring along his little sister Emily as her eighteenth birthday present.

Emily was the typical annoying teenager. She spent more time on her phone than talking to anyone and always wanted to change the music on our outdoor speaker.