My Gold Duke of Edinburgh expedition took an unexpected turn (Part 3) [Group MF]

Imani and I went back to our own tents, Amy and Adam were in the guys tent currently and Millie and Rob were still in the girls tent. When I entered our tent, Amy and Rob were cuddled up under some sleeping bags. I told them I hoped I wasn’t interrupting, and got ready to go to sleep. I assumed Amy and Rob would eventually switch tent, however it didn’t turn out that way.

During the night I stirred to the sound of muffled moans. I woke up but didn’t move, my back was turned to Amy and Adam, but I could hear they were up to something. From what I could hear it sounded like Amy was being fingered by Adam, I could hear the squelchy moist sound of fingers being thrusted into a pussy. The muffled moans were definitely from Amy and not Adam. I laid there, listening to their fun debating whether I should subtly make them aware I was awake or if I should let them finish.

My Gold Duke of Edinburgh took an unexpected turn (Part 2)

The next morning I woke up with a spring in my step. I was excited for our hike and I was first person ready in the lobby. Imani was next down and we took the opportunity to talk. She told me despite the quick finish, she did have fun, but that it was a one time thing and it came from what had happened on our previous walk. She complimented my cock and before she could say much more, we were joined by Rob and Millie. Of course, the last two to be ready were Adam and Amy. Once all six of us were ready, we got into a minibus that took us to our start point. We met our assessors and started our hike. The weather was perfect, it was a lovely chilled day and we all smashed out the first part of our walk.

My Gold Duke of Edinburgh took an interesting turn (Part 1)

In England, we have a scheme for young adults called the Duke of Edinburgh award. There’s 3 levels to it. Bronze, Silver and Gold. The awards look good on your CV and for each level you have to do some volunteering, skills works and also a hike. The hike gets harder at each level and for Gold its a multiple day & evening affair with camping between each night.

At school, a small group of us signed up to do the D of E together and we smashed through Bronze and Silver. We worked together on our previous level hikes and we then had to wait a few years until we could fund our gold award. Once we all got to about 20, we were ready to plan our Gold hike and we decided to do it abroad. We planned it for summer in France. And it was going to last 4 days and 3 nights.

Our close knit group consisted of myself, my best friend Adam, his girlfriend Amy, then there was Imani, Rob and Millie. I’ll give you quick run downs on who everyone was and how we met.

Letting My Girlfriend Explore Her Bisexuality

I didn’t fit in much at school. I had a very small friend group and they were all guys. We played lots of video games, not much sport, slightly nerdy but still underachieving. You understand the type. When we all moved to University we were spread out across the country so I was forced to make new friends at uni. My year 1 flat mates were cool, there was 6 of us in student accommodation and they sort of became friends of mine.

One person I got really close with was a girl named Ashley, she was outrageously beautiful, in a very classy way too. She had a rich family and was studying psychology at uni, she was tall and slim with perky little tits and an above average looking ass. However I found out very quickly that she was a lesbian, so our friendship was always only platonic. This didn’t stop us however talking about girls to one another. We were both on tinder, looking for girls and we would often match the same person too. Ashley actually ended up meeting her current girlfriend on tinder, her name was Megan. They dated for a few months before becoming an item and they’ve gone from strength to strength since. After year 1 of uni, we moved accommodation and I was in a different flat to Ashley. Now in a relationship too, I started to see her a lot less. We would still catch up maybe once a month over some coffee and texted frequently, but naturally we grew apart slightly.

Getting into the ‘Film’ industry

Being a young aspiring actor isn’t as easy as I had hoped. I left my hometown 2 years ago and moved to London, a city of wonder and expectations. I had no qualifications, no money but a dream and the willingness to do whatever it takes to get there.

I moved in with an old school friend and his university friends. They let me crash on their couch until I could find my feet. There was 3 of them in the flat, my old friend Connor, and his two uni friends Katie and Abigail. Connor was gay, and also a wanna be actor like me. He had some small experience with being an extra on some BBC dramas, but he was losing his passion for acting and had just started an office job to keep him afloat. Most of all though, he was a really nice guy and one of the most genuine people I know.

Katie was the first friend that Connor made at Uni, she was very loud, very vibrant and a little bit of a bitch. She had some doubts with me crashing at theirs for the foreseeable future, which was fair enough, but she was very welcoming when I got there. She was about 5ft 9, athletic build, with c cup breast and very rounded ass.

Our first full swap as a couple [MF]

So this a part 2 to my last story, where me, my girlfriend and her two friends had a foursome and soft swapped. It was a new experience for all of them and we decided to meet up again and try full swapping, and this is that story.

So this happened 2 weeks ago now, on Saturday. We let my girlfriend’s friends, Keira and George, know that they could come over to mine anytime from 6 in the evening, I’d cook some food for us again and we could get down to business. They turned up at about 6.15. We ate, had a few drinks and talked about what we were going to do.

The last foursome we had, we all squeezed onto my double bed, which had just about enough room, but I thought this time I would create a space that gave everyone a bit more room. Me and Holly had set up my lounge with blankets and pillows, so the whole floor was like one huge bed. There was enough room for about 8 people, so there was more than enough for 4.

Me and girlfriend experimented with her friends for the first time [MF]

Hey guys, sorry its been such a long time since my last post. I’ve had a lot going on recently and I haven’t found the time to sit down and write (and I’ve been helping my girlfriend write her stories for reddit too!)

So those of you who have read my old stories will be aware that me and my ex had a kind of open relationship and both slept with other people whilst we were together. When we broke up I was single for a long time, and then I wrote about having sex for the first time since my breakup. Then my new girlfriend wrote about how we got together and I’m going to share our stories with you guys as we make them!

So Holly, my girlfriend, has never been in an open relationship before, however after talking to her about it. We’ve agreed to take things very slowly, but she’s happy to try new things and see how she feels. This brings me to this story, and experimenting with the idea of adding other people to our sex life. So Holly knows everything I had done with my ex, and I explained to her the conversations I had with Mary about how we felt about certain things and why we felt certain ways.

Having sex for the first time since my break up part 2 [MF]

Sarah lead me outside her bedroom and down the dark corridor towards the bathroom. She opened the door and turned on the bright white lights. They were almost blinding due to the fact we had been in a dimly lit room for a long time and then in a dark corridor.

The bathroom was clean and tidy, but there was female products galore. Obviously Sarah and her roomates each had their own set of products and there was just bottles of stuff everywhere. Sarah walked over to the far side where the bath was. The bath had a shower head above it and she ran the water.

“I thought as we both needed to clean up, we could save some water and share a shower?” Sarah said.

“Smart idea” I replied.

She put her hand under the running water to see if it had come to temperature, we were still both naked from head to toe. I remember just taking a moment to look at her body and really appreciate it. Obviously I was starting to get turned on and my cock was hardening again. Sarah deemed the shower to be at a good temperature and called me into the bath to join her.

Having sex for the first time since my breakup. [MF]

Sorry for the delay in posting again. I want to make sure the stories I write are not rushed and the best I can make them.

This is my first story about my sex life since Mary and I broke up, I still have more stories to tell from our time together, but I wanted to share this one about my first sexual experience since my break up.

Me and Mary broke up just before the pandemic, in February of 2020. I think lockdown actually really helped me a lot, as it kept me separated from her and I was more focused on other things. After a few months I downloaded tinder and set up my profile. I had 3 pictures, no bio, nothing. Matches weren’t particularly coming in thick and fast.

I started one or two conversations with the limited amount of matches I did have, they didn’t go anywhere, but I used it as experience for talking to new people again and trying to “sell” myself and my personality. I gained a little more confidence, added a couple more selfies to my profile and a small bio. The matches started to pick up a little, one or two a day. I only really started conversations with people who I found really attractive or who had something in their bio I could bounce off. Still none of these conversations really went anywhere.

We made our own porn, and I still watch it regularly [MF]

Sending and receiving nudes from my girlfriend Mary was a very common thing, they weren’t even always sexually motivated. All of our nudes were sent to one another on Snapchat, but we both had hidden folders on our phone with a secret stash of nudes. It was a sign of trust to one another that we could have these photos on each others phones exposing ourselves, but it was also pretty hot.

I remember the first nude I had ever sent to Mary. We had been talking for about a month, things were going well. We had been on a couple of dates and kissed but that was it. One evening we stayed up talking until about 3 in the morning, constant messages back and forth. It got to a stage where things got sexual and Mary snapped me a picture of her ass. She had panties on and it was dark, but this was the first sexy pic I had ever received from a girl. It made me as stiff as a lamppost.