The Pianist [MF]

I pull up to the curb in front of your house on a rainy fall evening. One of your tenants is sitting on the front porch, and his eyes study me curiously as I breeze through the gate leading to the back unit. I knock on your door and your pale blue eyes noticeably brighten when you open it to greet me. You envelop me in a hug and lean down to give me a warm, gentle kiss.

You pour me a glass of wine and I relax into a chair with my legs curled beneath me, a jungle of plants surrounding me. You’ve been promising to play the piano for me, so you sit down and page through a well-worn booklet of Bach pieces. You settle on a piece and begin to play. Your long, elegant fingers glide across the keys, and your face softens. The way your expressions change as you play is incredibly sexy, and I am drawn to the passion you exhibit toward your craft.

[FMF] The Workout Buddy

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted here, and this probably won’t be as eloquent as my previous posts.

I had a baby three months ago and have slowly been getting back into shape. I wasn’t allowed to work out or have sex for the last two weeks of my pregnancy until six weeks after I gave birth. I thought that having a baby would kill my libido, but I’ve been just as horny as ever.

I started chatting with a few guys two weeks after the baby was born, and there was one in particular who caught my eye. He’s in amazing shape, sweet, and super silly just like me. He and his fiancé had started swinging before COVID hit, and had cautiously decided to begin going on separate dates.

We talked about the precautions they had been taking to minimize their COVID risk, and I decided to go ahead and meet him. It was his first solo date since meeting his fiancé seven years before, and he was visibly nervous, sweating and a little shaky. I enjoyed getting a rise out of him by referencing some of my sexual adventures, seeing his eyes light up with interest.

[MF] The Book Seller

He was not my usual type, shorter and skinnier than I prefer, but there was something intriguing about the man I met in City Lights Bookstore on my first trip to San Francisco. There was an attractive intelligence in his flashing blue eyes, and his messy blond hair added to his charm. He saw me searching for a book and mentioned that he owned a bookstore in Berkeley, then asked if I would like his help picking something. We chatted as we browsed the shelves, and I enjoyed the witty banter. He asked if I’d like to grab a drink, but I was late for a dinner with my coworkers and had to leave, so he wrote his number on a bookmark and slipped it into the book he helped me pick out.

The next morning we had coffee before my flight left. I still couldn’t quite tell how I felt about him, but I enjoyed his humor and the easy conversation. We parted with a promise to meet up again the next time I was in San Francisco.

[MF] The Young One

By now I’ve realized that I really like chiseled jawlines, because that is the first thing I noticed about him. He was young, a full ten years younger than me. The young ones aren’t usually that good due to lack of experience, and maybe too much porn. But he was so cute that I couldn’t resist. Tan, beautiful brown eyes, a gorgeous smile, dark brown hair, and TALL. At 6’4”, his height was the second thing I noticed. He was neither skinny nor fat, and had played basketball at a small Midwestern college, so he was in decent shape. I swiped right, and it was an immediate match. I don’t usually send the first message, but for this one, I did.

His sense of humor was right in line with mine (what does it say about me that I have the mind of a 23-year-old guy!?). What can I say: sarcasm, Nic Cage gifs, and sexual banter get me going. We agreed to meet up for a drink at my favorite watering hole.

[MF] The Model

I was at a dance competition at a hotel in Vancouver BC when I decided to take a break between workshops. I sidled up to the bar and asked for a beer, glancing around to see who else was there. Two seats down from me was an unbelievably striking man with salt and pepper hair and a well-groomed beard. He lifted his glass to me in greeting and went back to his book, glancing up at me every few minutes. After a while, he caught my attention and asked what was up with all the people in dancewear. I explained that it was a competition involving several hundred people, all staying in the hotel. He seemed very interested and asked quite a few questions about my dancing, all in a luscious Québécois accent.

Categorized as Erotica

[MF] The Model

I was at a dance competition at a hotel in Vancouver BC when I decided to take a break between workshops. I sidled up to the bar and asked for a beer, glancing around to see who else was there. Two seats down from me was an unbelievably striking man with salt and pepper hair and a well-groomed beard. He lifted his glass to me in greeting and went back to his book, glancing up at me every few minutes. After a while, he caught my attention and asked what was up with all the people in dancewear. I explained that it was a competition involving several hundred people, all staying in the hotel. He seemed very interested and asked quite a few questions about my dancing, all in a luscious Québécois accent.

The Young One

By now I’ve realized that I really like chiseled jawlines, because that is the first thing I noticed about him. He was young, a full ten years younger than me. The young ones aren’t usually that good due to lack of experience, and maybe too much porn. But he was so cute that I couldn’t resist. Tan, beautiful brown eyes, a gorgeous smile, dark brown hair, and TALL. At 6’4”, his height was the second thing I noticed. He was neither skinny nor fat, and had played basketball at a small Midwestern college, so he was in decent shape. I swiped right, and it was an immediate match. I don’t usually send the first message, but for this one, I did.

His sense of humor was right in line with mine (what does it say about me that I have the mind of a 23-year-old guy!?). What can I say: sarcasm, Nic Cage gifs, and sexual banter get me going. We agreed to meet up for a drink at my favorite watering hole.