[MF] Sex with a huge one on the dance floor.

Personal description:

>I know you perverts (I’m one too, no judgment) are wondering.. so here’s me: I’m not “hot”, or at least I don’t think so. Dudes have told me I’m pretty, girls I’ve been friends with (and those I have been more than friends with) have told me that I have unfair eyes. I’m heavy for my height – probably 10-15 lbs. overweight. I’m pretty lazy about it, because I can be. I have had standard-deviation-breaking bras since 13; getting guys in bed hasn’t been hard except times when I get picky. Hips are clearly meant for baby making.. thanks, Mom.

I was out at the night club some years ago with some friends; we were all in the mood for dancing the whole week. The four of us split a handle while pre-gaming, and we finished it in the cab on the way. I started rolling face walking into the place, which guaranteed for me that the night was going to be *very* successful. Hours later I had already made out with a few guys who bought me drinks, but none of them really tickled my fancy. I take pride in rejecting people very politely (the first time), but my ego likes to think that it stings every time. I was holding my most recent suitor’s drink when a hunk and his friends came over to us and introduced themselves. A few exchanges later and they’ve already paired themselves off; I wasn’t disappointed as I had gotten who I wanted :) This piece of masculine perfection looked like Scott Eastwood except a little hairier. Usually not into that, but he rocked it like an action movie star. Wet already.

[MF] My fuck buddy with huge tits stole me away from a girl at the bar.

Hey, everyone. Girl here (not guy as title suggests). I’ve received a request to do a story I wrote already from the guy’s perspective. I thought it was weird, and I wasn’t very interested. However, I like creative writing, and I believe in trying new things. Anyway, here’s Wonderwall. No I’m joking; I’m just nervous, because he’s with me writing this. I’m going to be retelling [this story](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5gan6x/mf_heres_one_for_the_small_fries/?st=iwdqx1r0&sh=f8549fca) from Ben’s perspective. To be totally clear, he is going to dictate his side of the story to me, and I will write it. It’s going to be in my writing style, because Ben’s terribleness at writing is equated to his amazingness in bed. Seriously, I made him verbally give me an excerpt just now, and I am surprised that his dirty talking is as hot as it is. He’s using the excuse that when he’s on the spot for something to get down on paper he’s bad.. too much pressure.. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. My own comments will be parenthesized in italics. I usually start out with a description of myself, but I’m going to instead post my previous description of Ben and then let him describe me in his own words.

[MF] Here’s one for the small fries.

My description:

>I know you perverts (I’m one too, no judgment) are wondering.. so here’s me: I’m not “hot”, or at least I don’t think so. Dudes have told me I’m pretty, girls I’ve been friends with (and those I have been more than friends with) have told me that I have unfair eyes. I’m heavy for my height – probably 10-15 lbs. overweight. I’m pretty lazy about it, because I can be. I have had standard-deviation-breaking bras since 13; getting guys in bed hasn’t been hard except times when I get picky. Hips are clearly meant for baby making.. thanks, Mom.

I’m a self-proclaimed size queen, but I will quote something I’ve posted here before:

[MF] That one time I jerked a pervert’s huge cock on the train.

My description:

>I know you perverts (I’m one too, no judgment) are wondering.. so here’s me: I’m not “hot”, or at least I don’t think so. Dudes have told me I’m pretty, girls I’ve been friends with (and those I have been more than friends with) have told me that I have unfair eyes. I’m heavy for my height – probably 10-15 lbs. overweight. I’m pretty lazy about it, because I can be. I have had standard-deviation-breaking bras since 13; getting guys in bed hasn’t been hard except times when I get picky. Hips are clearly meant for baby making.. thanks, Mom.

I was taking a train from one coast of the USA to the other one spring. It was just something I always wanted to do, and I had booked the ticket with my ex. We had a destination in mind, but we hadn’t planned anything when we got there. I had a friend to meet, and another one of my exes lived in my destination city. So when my ex and I broke up a couple of weeks before the trip, traveling by myself was the obvious course of action. It was a little bit of a bummer, though, as I was hoping to cross “get fucked on a train” off my bucket list. The trip was gorgeous, and I can’t recommend it enough. I even got a big surprise amenity about halfway through the trip.

I caught a glimpse of a huge cock in action… while also in action. [FF][MM][Voyeurism]

I guess I’ll just put a description of me in every post:
>I know you perverts (I’m one too, no judgment) are wondering.. so here’s me: I’m not “hot”, or at least I don’t think so. Dudes have told me I’m pretty, girls I’ve been friends with (and those I have been more than friends with) have told me that I have unfair eyes. I’m heavy for my height – probably 10-15 lbs. overweight. I’m pretty lazy about it, because I can be. I have had standard-deviation-breaking bras since 13; getting guys in bed hasn’t been hard except times when I get picky. Hips are clearly meant for baby making.. thanks, Mom.

A woman split me and my friend in two. [Group] [Exhibitionism] [Public] [FFT]

I was told my contributions to r/truebigdickstories would be appreciated here, so I’ll duplicate the posts. I’ll start off with my absolutely favorite sex story to tell. For reference, condoms were used in all situations where appropriate. I write these stories half for myself to read, and reading about putting on a condom just doesn’t do it for me. So fill in the necessary details as you see fit.

For a sake I wholeheartedly believe in, I have to make the following statement: If you are a guy reading this, I want you to be comfortable with your cock. Your size is your size, and you should be proud of it *no matter what*. Seriously. 99% of girls don’t care how large your cock is. If it’s actually *that* small, still don’t worry! I am infatuated with large cocks, and even after an 8″ thick one I have had some pussy-shattering sex with dudes that were well below average. And dudes are so disillusioned with how big their cocks are in general. If you’re 5″+ you have **literally everything to be proud of**, because likely scenario is you’re more than satisfying her in the size department. Please trust me on this. If you are still self-conscious or doubtful about your size, then rest assured that toys and other methods of satisfying her in that way more than suffice. **In the end, the sexiest thing perceivable is confidence.** I have had dudes with literal ‘cunt destroyers’ be embarrassingly terrible in bed due to self esteem issues. I actually ended up calling a fuck buddy with a small dick one of those nights to come take me like a real man. **If you feel sexy, then you are sexy.** Period.