Personal description:
>I know you perverts (I’m one too, no judgment) are wondering.. so here’s me: I’m not “hot”, or at least I don’t think so. Dudes have told me I’m pretty, girls I’ve been friends with (and those I have been more than friends with) have told me that I have unfair eyes. I’m heavy for my height – probably 10-15 lbs. overweight. I’m pretty lazy about it, because I can be. I have had standard-deviation-breaking bras since 13; getting guys in bed hasn’t been hard except times when I get picky. Hips are clearly meant for baby making.. thanks, Mom.
I was out at the night club some years ago with some friends; we were all in the mood for dancing the whole week. The four of us split a handle while pre-gaming, and we finished it in the cab on the way. I started rolling face walking into the place, which guaranteed for me that the night was going to be *very* successful. Hours later I had already made out with a few guys who bought me drinks, but none of them really tickled my fancy. I take pride in rejecting people very politely (the first time), but my ego likes to think that it stings every time. I was holding my most recent suitor’s drink when a hunk and his friends came over to us and introduced themselves. A few exchanges later and they’ve already paired themselves off; I wasn’t disappointed as I had gotten who I wanted :) This piece of masculine perfection looked like Scott Eastwood except a little hairier. Usually not into that, but he rocked it like an action movie star. Wet already.