[MF] Sex with a huge one on the dance floor.

Personal description:

>I know you perverts (I’m one too, no judgment) are wondering.. so here’s me: I’m not “hot”, or at least I don’t think so. Dudes have told me I’m pretty, girls I’ve been friends with (and those I have been more than friends with) have told me that I have unfair eyes. I’m heavy for my height – probably 10-15 lbs. overweight. I’m pretty lazy about it, because I can be. I have had standard-deviation-breaking bras since 13; getting guys in bed hasn’t been hard except times when I get picky. Hips are clearly meant for baby making.. thanks, Mom.

I was out at the night club some years ago with some friends; we were all in the mood for dancing the whole week. The four of us split a handle while pre-gaming, and we finished it in the cab on the way. I started rolling face walking into the place, which guaranteed for me that the night was going to be *very* successful. Hours later I had already made out with a few guys who bought me drinks, but none of them really tickled my fancy. I take pride in rejecting people very politely (the first time), but my ego likes to think that it stings every time. I was holding my most recent suitor’s drink when a hunk and his friends came over to us and introduced themselves. A few exchanges later and they’ve already paired themselves off; I wasn’t disappointed as I had gotten who I wanted :) This piece of masculine perfection looked like Scott Eastwood except a little hairier. Usually not into that, but he rocked it like an action movie star. Wet already.

He whisked me and my friend off with his buddy to grab us some drinks while the other two pairs headed to the dance floor. We had a lovely time flirting; the vibe got increasingly sexual until finally someone popped the question, “Wanna dance?” To this day we debate about who it was haha. So first we try to find our friends, but they don’t seem to be in plain sight. I would normally worry about them, but they had each other.. so it was time to lock down this guy before other aggressive girls steal him away. The four of us found a good spot and got at it. He was an okay dancer, just good enough that I wasn’t disappointed at all.. then something on him grew.. and grew.. and finally it felt like his pants were ready to rip. I reached my hand behind his neck and pulled his ear close to me, “Wanna move?” He asked where, and I told him to follow me. We separated while holding hands, and I dragged him by his fingers when I felt my arm hyper-extended. My face turned around and gave him a lustful wink while I stuck out my tongue, hoping that gesture would be only moderately forward. I navigated us to a dark spot of the room against the wall, where my backside forced him up against the wall. He got hard much faster this time around, and I was in heaven rolling while dancing on it. I remember a song that I loved at the time came on, and the next wave hit me *hard*. I couldn’t fight it, and frankly I could not care less who saw. I reached behind me, unzipped his pants, and whipped out his monster; the many risks of what I was doing were nothing but ignored afterthoughts. I knew there was only one way to hide something that big, and my panties were pulled aside. I lifted my dress, draped it over his lower torso, aimed his cock, and impaled myself to the hilt of that huge shaft. It wasn’t just long; it was *very* thick. I usually need to ease these ones in there, but fucked up me thought *that* was the one thing that could make it super obvious. Ergo, it hurt a bit to do that, but it was thankfully nearly immediately overwhelmed by immense sexual desire. Dancing resumed, and it was a surprisingly short elapsed time before I went into a craze of multiple orgasms. I came several times over the next long while until finally I felt him explode inside me, and a huge wave of lustful pleasure stunned me. I leaned back on him so that we could make out as his dick’s twitches lost frequency.

I slow grinded on him until he went soft inside me; that’s when I gave a final smooch and went for the bathroom. Never got his name.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5il93f/mf_sex_with_a_huge_one_on_the_dance_floor


  1. You are an amazing writer and sound like an amazing woman – fun and confident. Two great traits. I’m loving all your stories. Thanks for sharing them.

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