My Girlfriend’s sister wants to get pregnant [m/f]

First of all, sorry about the obvious, obnoxious username. I wanted MisterSister but some motherfucker took it already.

I'm newly graduated from college and I came home to my long distance girlfriend who was going to college local to where we grew up, so she could stay with her family. My gf is a pretty amazing woman, which makes what I've done even more shameful, but I am who I am.

She's [Sandy, like the hurricane] obsessed with getting the best transcript together possible so she can transfer from the local podunk community college to an Ivy League school. Because of this, Sandy is often busy with heavy loads of classes, being treasurer of the school, and working as a vet tech, while I increasingly have to be alone and realize I have no trajectory, post-college. I kind of live at her house most of the time, and though I have a crappy job in food service, most of my spare time is spent dicking around on reddit.