[M41/F39] how my wife transformed from a low libido stay-at-home mom into a submissive cum slut and I from a passive nerdy dad into an assertive dom. (Part 2 of 2) [Romance] [True]

Link to [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/11a25tr/m41f39_how_my_wife_transformed_from_a_low_libido/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)

The next several days were like a symphony. Each melody, each note, each piece of our relationship and newly adventurous sex life, weaved themselves together into a swelling composition; beautiful, emotional, and building to crescendo. Nerd that I am, I spent chunks of my work days researching my wife’s newly discovered kinks. Reading about dominance and submission, bondage and praise, and brushing up on my boy scout skills – which now had a much more practical purpose – by practicing tying knots. She continued chatting with various redditors, both men and women. Her bicuriosity had manifested itself long before the evolution of our bedroom; in fact, it had become apparent even before we took the initial baby steps in repairing our sexual relationship. With her confidence on the rise and my support and encouragement, she had found a means to begin exploring it – and after several extremely fulfilling chats, we laughed together that perhaps she had graduated past mere curiosity. I watched her and held her at every opportunity, full with contentment and pride as she explored and bolstered her rediscovered confidence and reclaimed her sexual empowerment.

[MF] How my wife transformed from a low libido stay-at-home mom into a submissive cum slut and I from a passive nerdy dad into an assertive dom. [Part 3 of 3]

Link to [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/119hka9/mf_how_my_wife_transformed_from_a_low_libido/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)

Link to [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11a1ola/mf_how_my_wife_transformed_from_a_low_libido/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)

The next several days were like a symphony. Each melody, each note, each piece of our relationship and newly adventurous sex life, weaved themselves together into a swelling composition; beautiful, emotional, and building to crescendo. Nerd that I am, I spent chunks of my work days researching my wife’s newly discovered kinks. Reading about dominance and submission, bondage and praise, and brushing up on my boy scout skills – which now had a much more practical purpose – by practicing tying knots. She continued chatting with various redditors, both men and women. Her bicuriosity had manifested itself long before the evolution of our bedroom; in fact, it had become apparent even before we took the initial baby steps in repairing our sexual relationship. With her confidence on the rise and my support and encouragement, she had found a means to begin exploring it – and after several extremely fulfilling chats, we laughed together that perhaps she had graduated past mere curiosity. I watched her and held her at every opportunity, full with contentment and pride as she explored and bolstered her rediscovered confidence and reclaimed her sexual empowerment.

[M41/F39] How my wife transformed from a low libido stay-at-home mom into a submissive cum slut and I from a passive nerdy dad into an assertive dom. (Part 1) [Romance][True]

Sadie and I have been together since we were teenagers – twenty-two years; married for nineteen. With a single exception our relationship has been incredible, not perfect of course – none are – but undeniably incredible. The idiom “I married my best friend” gets bandied about ad nauseam, but saying “I married the one who had all the pieces I was missing to truly make myself whole” is a far more apt description of what Sadie and I have. Of course we’ve had our ups and downs, as all do while riding this roller coaster that is life, but our love – and the dedication we shared to exist within one another – has never faltered… except with regards to our sex life.

Sadie’s hormones did not take kindly nor adjust properly to the pregnancy and birth of our second child; thus beginning an extremely difficult and taxing period which, unfortunately, took us many years to understand and resolve. To really appreciate where we are, it’s important to understand where we’ve been.

[MF] How my wife transformed from a low libido stay-at-home mom into a submissive cum slut and I from a passive nerdy dad into an assertive dom. [Part 2]

Link to [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/119hka9/mf_how_my_wife_transformed_from_a_low_libido/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)

As it turns out, the budding return of my lovely wife’s body confidence made it “feel right” sooner than I ever would have expected. I work long, boring twelve hour shifts in a little office by myself – plenty of time and opportunity for the mind to meander – and the next day my mind was thoroughly meandering over every inch of Sadie’s body. The passion with which she was embracing her renewed sexual empowerment was intoxicating and I wanted – no, I needed her to have more.

Given convention, one would assume that what followed was a raging internal debate within my own mind about the consequences, emotions, and complex dynamics of posting pictures of my wife’s nude body – which until very recently she had been hesitant to even show me – for public consumption.

Convention would be mistaken.

It truly “felt right” as I dug into my phone to find a picture of her in the shower, rivulets of soapy water running down her curves and accentuating the fullness of her breasts. I took just a moment to enjoy my wife’s soapy body and smiled to myself. A few minutes of creating a throwaway reddit account later, and those curves and fantastic tits were now available for everyone to enjoy.

[MF] How my wife transformed from a low libido stay-at-home-mom into a submissive cum slut and I from a passive nerdy dad into an assertive dom. [Part 1]

Sadie and I have been together since we were teenagers – twenty-two years; married for nineteen. With a single exception our relationship has been incredible, not perfect of course – none are – but undeniably incredible. The idiom “I married my best friend” gets bandied about ad nauseam, but saying “I married the one who had all the pieces I was missing to truly make myself whole” is a far more apt description of what Sadie and I have. Of course we’ve had our ups and downs, as all do while riding this roller coaster that is life, but our love – and the dedication we shared to exist within one another – has never faltered… except with regards to our sex life.

Sadie’s hormones did not take kindly nor adjust properly to the pregnancy and birth of our second child; thus beginning an extremely difficult and taxing period which, unfortunately, took us many years to understand and resolve. To really appreciate where we are, it’s important to understand where we’ve been.