See my profile for Parts 1&2
I did what I could to clean up after my latest adventure with Nastya, but it was a challenge. Since cleaning was the responsibility of the building management, we generally didn’t keep cleaning products in our office. And all the cleaners had gone home well before, so there wasn’t anyway to borrow some. I planned to sneak in something from home the next day to make sure all evidence was gone, since I tended to be the earliest into the office each morning.
I arrived the next morning and was surprised that Marnie was already there. After saying good morning, I gave her the old “you’re-in-early” thing. She said she figured she needed to get any early start to help meet the deadline that kept me there last night. Right, I hadn’t thought about that, I said in my head, as I calculated what the risks were that I still had some clean up to do. Figuring I was sort of stuck for the time-being, I went to my office and got down to work. In the daylight, it was clear I hadn’t done as good a job cleaning my load off the window like I thought. But I knew where to look, so I hoped it wasn’t immediately noticeable to someone that didn’t know what to look for.