[MF] Hard as Iron (Xpost /GoneWildAudio)

A story in which a bank robber takes advantage of a hostage.

Or is it the other way around?

As read by the author: http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/27xuc0/m_hard_as_iron/

The door from the lobby to the vault room flew open with a crash. Entering the room, Marco slammed it closed again with just as much fury. Ripping his mask off and throwing it aside, he began striding back and forth across the room as he cussed up a storm, "Those stupid motherfucking bastards! I can't fucking believe this shit! Those fucking idiots still think I'm some kind of moron after four days of this shit!"

Anne, seeing his anger, stood up from where she had been playing cards with the other hostages and went to the bars that surrounded the bank vault door, which stood open. Her dark skirt and heels, along with the pants, skirts and shoes of all of the hostages, had been taken away by Robby on the first day. 'For security' he had said, but she suspected the man had other motives, judging by the way he spends so much time staring at their feet. Her long, dark hair, which had been pinned up for the first two days of the ordeal, now hung in loose curls around her face and down her back. Her big brown eyes watched him in earnest, taking in his tall, wiry body. His sun-bleached mop of unruly hair, tanned skin, piercing blue eyes and the hints of tattoos peeking from his shirt sleeves and collar.

Ducal Privilege [Mf] [blkmail] [anal] [oral]

Edit: Apologies to /r/SexyStories, I missed the "significant portion" bit in the sidebar. This is 10% of the story. All that would fit in this box.

The tale of a young noblewoman who is desperate to avoid the fate of her older sister.

Written by the authors via email.


Merith Lasker – Duke's youngest daughter http://i.imgur.com/G2RFbqB.jpg Jens Leiben – Captain of the Guard http://i.imgur.com/sSHcorz.jpg Michaud Lasker – Duke's eldest son http://i.imgur.com/XEZPu3W.jpg Shalla Lasker – Duke's wife http://i.imgur.com/kvBMRS2.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I frown and toss back my red hair.

"You have GOT to be kidding me, Delia," I pout at my maid, my eyes narrowing.

"Miss Merith, it's by order of your father. Apparently, Miss Lissette told him something before she left for her new home with her husband. As such, your father has declared that all male members of the staff as well as boys from the village are never to be left alone with you."

I clench my jaw. I had told that to Lissette in confidence. I suppose that the only good thing in the situation is that I didn't tell her which boy I'd kissed.