[MF] Quick, true story of not fucking my roommate. Wholesome, intimate orgasm denial.

I have what is basically a fly-in fly-out job in a South American country, and when I’m off (we call it descanso) sometimes instead of flying back to my home country I hang out in the capital city. I used to do short-term rentals for descanso, but when my contract was renewed for another year, I decided buy an apartment. (Buying an apt also helped with my legal money-laundering, because I had to be paid my per-diem in local currency, and it was almost impossible to convert the local currency to my home country’s currency.)

I’d been working in that country for a few years already and I made a few local friends in the capital, and one them was a non-exclusive girlfriend/fwb/something named Claudia (not her real name). I trusted her so I asked her to move into my apartment to keep it occupied and also because we often spent all our time together when I was off anyway, and so she did.

Shared Property: the King of the Amazons, Part 6/6, Chapters 7 & 8 [f on m freeuse, fantasy, giantess, impregnation, breeding, role reversal, femdom, dubcon, grool, MF, MFFFFFFFFFFFF]

Continued from [Part 5](https://old.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ymgdoc/shared_property_the_king_of_the_amazons_part_56/?)

**Chapter 7 cont’d**

Passing through the kitchen, I washed the mango juice from my hands and splashed some water from the flowing trough onto my crotch to clean off some of the sex fluids that had gathered there from the soon to be pregnant women.

There were six women in the workroom. Two were sewing, one at the desk, one sweeping, and the other two sitting on a couch. I sat across from them on the other couch.

I understood their hello to me because of my lessons, but I did not understand anything more that they said. A moment later they stood up and moved behind the couch to take a large heavy rug out. They rolled it open on the floor next to the couches and then removed their white robes. They were lean but not so muscular like the warriors I had served. The warriors had been mostly flat chested due to no body fat, but these women filled out their figure a little more since they were not often out hiking through the jungles kidnapping unexpecting Norwegian scientists. They were tall like all the others and wore their dark hair in two braids, as their style seemed to be.

Shared Property: the King of the Amazons, Part 5/6, Chapter 7 [f on m freeuse, fantasy, giantess, impregnation, breeding, role reversal, femdom, dubcon, grool, MF, MFFFFFFFFFFFF]

Continued from [Part 4](https://old.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ymg82y/shared_property_the_king_of_the_amazons_part_46/?)

**Chapter 7 The King and His Attendants**

The afternoon passed and evening approached. The women in the tent packed up their things, dressed, and then left the tent, climbing the stairs and disappearing in the shadow of passageway to exit the amphitheater. I looked out from the side of the tent at the other tents and umbrellas throughout the amphitheater. Some I could see were occupied and others were empty. If I visited them, I am sure that I would be expected to serve each occupant. Was I up for that? My stomach rumbled, hunger activated by the bit of bread and cheese I’d just eaten.

Deciding not to visit other tents, I descended the steps and walked on the path back to the house hoping to find some food.

In the courtyard entry of the house, I passed the two women that I had fucked earlier, the guards. They were standing by the door speaking with one of the white-robed women, leaning on their spears. The white-robed woman saw me approach, said goodbye to the guards, and hurried inside, leaving the door standing open for me. The guards nodded an acknowledgement to me with neutral expressions on their faces as I passed.

Shared Property: the King of the Amazons, Part 4/6, Chapter 6 [f on m freeuse, fantasy, giantess, impregnation, breeding, role reversal, femdom, dubcon, grool, MF, MFFFFFFFFFFFF]

Continued from [Part 3](https://old.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ymg6gj/shared_property_the_king_of_the_amazons_part_36/?)

**Chapter 6 The Tents**

Before I could reach the fountain, two white-robed women stepped out from the shade of the shelter where my throne was. They said nothing but began to disrobe themselves as I stepped into the fountain. Naked, they gathered bottles of soap and followed me into the water. I had not planned to be washed by others, but I happily accepted their assistance. Their touch was delicate, and their sweet voices mixed with the sound of splashing water as they chatted with each other merrily. I pondered how my experiences here swung like a pendulum between being pampered like royalty to an objectified walking penis. Or more precisely, a walking cum dispenser.

With my bath over, complete with tender ass scrubbing, the women and I stepped out of the fountain dripping wet. Another white-robed woman was waiting to hand me a linen towel, but I declined it. I did not have clothes anyway, and the sun was hot so it felt nice to be wet, at least for a little while.

The Nude Art Modeling Gig [mF] [Masturbation] [PIV] [Fantasy] [Horror] [Mind control] [Femdom] [Dubcon/NC]

This story has dubcon content, which exists only in fiction. I fully believe that nonconsensual sex in real life is abhorrent and revolting, and I do not condone it. I trust that you, my reader friends, can differentiate what is good for real life and what should stay in fantasy. Forgive my disclaimer, I am new to this and it makes me nervous to share this kind of content.

**The Nude Art Modeling Gig**
by me (OC)

“I did not know Professor Ashton was into rock climbing!” remarked my roommate Matt in surprise. “And she asked you to be a model for her class next week right there in the bouldering gym?!” I nodded, and he continued, “maybe she was there to find rock climbers with lots of muscle and no fat , since I remember that class emphasized sketching anatomy.”

“Yeah, that could be the case,” I replied, “I’m half tempted to say yes to her invitation, just to say I tried it. Was it ever weird with the other nude models?”

“No, the professor keeps it professional,” said Matt. “Of course it could be awkward, but last year after the first few weeks, we all knew the drill and it’s just an art exercise. Nothing sexual is on anyone’s mind.”