[MF] Quick, true story of not fucking my roommate. Wholesome, intimate orgasm denial.

I have what is basically a fly-in fly-out job in a South American country, and when I’m off (we call it descanso) sometimes instead of flying back to my home country I hang out in the capital city. I used to do short-term rentals for descanso, but when my contract was renewed for another year, I decided buy an apartment. (Buying an apt also helped with my legal money-laundering, because I had to be paid my per-diem in local currency, and it was almost impossible to convert the local currency to my home country’s currency.)

I’d been working in that country for a few years already and I made a few local friends in the capital, and one them was a non-exclusive girlfriend/fwb/something named Claudia (not her real name). I trusted her so I asked her to move into my apartment to keep it occupied and also because we often spent all our time together when I was off anyway, and so she did.

One work cycle, I postponed descanso for a couple of weeks to help out with a major commissioning effort. I was working long hours– like 14 hours a day for 6 days and weekend was working 8 hours on Sundays. When descanso came, I was super horny because I hadn’t had time to jack off for at least a few weeks, since at the end of the days all I had energy for was eating, showering, and then collapsing into bed. I was super jazzed to go to my apartment and see Claudia, and I left to drive 6 hours after work instead of sleeping at the mancamp one more night.

I was arriving late. She knew I was coming and saved me some dinner, but when I got in she was half asleep on the couch in her PJs.

“Che amor, tengo mucha fiaca,” she said with a yawn.

I laughed. She didn’t even have to say it, she knew my thoughts before I said them. Was I that predictable? She was too tired to fuck.

“I’m tired too, let’s go to bed.”

I wolfed the food she’d left out, took a fast shower and then joined her in bed. She was already mostly asleep.

I knew she liked face and scalp massages, so I turned sideways next to her and I pressed my thumb into the bridge of her nose and rubbed, kneading her forehead and down her cheekbones, and then behind her ears and across her scalp.

She moaned and, in appreciation, slid her hand down my stomach and into my boxers, taking a hold of my cock and half-heartedly stroking it until it was hard. I arched my back and quickly removed my boxes to give her better access. She knew I liked her to play with me, and it was her gesture of gratitude for me giving her a face rub.

I kissed her cheek, and she sleepily turned her lips to meet mine too late, so I kissed her again, this time on her mouth.

*Mmmm*, she moaned absentmindedly.

I knew where this was going– she was going to fall asleep. But I was content to be close to her, and I could wait until she was ready, another day.

She continued stroking me, and I listened to her breathing get heavier as she drifted off. Her hand stopped moving, only holding on to my aching cock. She was asleep.

I continued massaging her face, moving down to her neck and kneading the muscles on the side and back. I knew she awoke when she jumped slightly and then resumed her half-asleep stroking.

She was fading off again.

My precum was making her hand wet, and the extra lubrication magnified the feelings she was sending up and down my core as she almost thoughtlessly stroked me.

She fell asleep again, and again her hand stopped, maintaining a gentle grip on my hard erection. I was wide awake, though.

My shoulder was starting to get tired from propping myself up. I continued massaging her face and scalp and tried to carefully shift my body to lie down without waking her.

I almost succeeded, but as I relaxed, I could tell she’d awoken because moaned happily and started stroking me again.

“You’re so wet, my love,” she said with a sleep-drunk mouth.

“Shhh” I whispered back, and she fell into a hard sleep this time. Her body made little twitches next to me as she exhaled heavy, deep breaths.

I layed there next to her on my back, her arm laid across my stomach, her hand still loosely wrapped around my throbbing cock. The gentle touch was excruciating, and every half a minute her arm would twitch, sending waves of pent up agony through me.

My precum pooled on my abdomen, and I feel a cool stream of it run down my side.

After what felt like an eternity of half-euphoria, half-torture, I fell asleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/112i7bh/mf_quick_true_story_of_not_fucking_my_roommate

1 comment

  1. Oof with the blue balls, but I find the lazy/teasing stroking to be intimate and wholesome

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