[FM] I entertained a frat, a Keydet Story

Julie here! Before we start, a little of what I look like: I’m 5’6, 140ish depending on the day, with long black hair and brown eyes. I wear a 34C and have an athletic build (perks of D1 Soccer). My butt looks great in a bikini and my only major body image issue is I generally have more of a cuddly tummy than toned abs.

So my story happened my sophomore year at a small military college. Right next door is a private college with a heavily wealthy student body with a huge Greek life scene. One of my guy friends from HS, Chris, attended and got me into a lot of functions at his Frat’s house after we broke out at the end of freshmen training and got a little more freedom in our lives.

Right around late September, Chris approached me with probably the wildest idea I’d ever heard, and still can’t believe it was a thing even today. “Julie, we’re thinking of doing your school vs my school, see who’s better in bed”…excuse me what? Chris went on to explain that his small frat wanted to have a competition between a girl from my school vs a girl from his school sex competition and oh btw, the girl from my school would be me. Nope, no way, yall are dumb….but we’ll make it worth your while. Maybe. Y’all are in fact loaded frat boys with daddy’s wallet. Maybe.

I [21F] met a redditor [19M] from my college yesterday for some exam week stress relief [MF]

Taylor here! So exam week is stressful for everyone, military is no different. Yesterday I made a reddit post that I was open to having a bit of fun to blow off steam and to be blunt…reddit did not disappoint!….for those of you wondering, Julie and I are completely fine, definitely still in love, but being bi…sometimes we just want a little no strings attached fun, so what better week than exam week?

Being an engineering student as a woman at a mostly male college definitely has its advantages. For one, the women’s bathroom in the bottom of Nichols is pretty much deserted late in the evening. When a 3rd classman (sophomore) with a fairly muscular build sent me a handsome little gym selfie asking if I was free for the evening, who was I to say no?

Tucker genuinely was attractive to me. When he asked if we could meet up, it really wasn’t much to decide. Yes, this needs to happen. I was already in the building studying, so there wasn’t any big prep or anything like that. Just me in my winter class uniform of grey wool pants, and black button-down shirt. I told him he could come over if he brought a condom, and to make sure no one saw him come into the women’s bathroom (for obvious reasons). I made my way to the spot I’d picked out and found a stall that was pretty immaculate from almost never being used (unlike the nasty Old Barracks bathroom with your piccasso problem).

End of Semester Realization: I [F] have slept with someone in every college class I’ve taken

Julie here, Taylor and I were talking about life and reminiscing on the last 2 and a half years of college together and she pointed this out to me. Before she and I came out as a couple, I was pretty boy crazy. And going through the list of them, it dawned on us that every single class I’ve taken in the last 5 semesters has had someone that I’ve slept with in it. Whether it’s class with her, classes with ex bf’s or classes with old hookups, I have yet to have a class without someone who’s seen me naked and had sex with me. Kinda makes me feel some kinda way, but also kinda makes me want to monitor it now and keep the streak alive that I’ve accidentally started.

20 [F] Diary of a Cadet, Julie’s Perspective

Hey everyone! Back with a new installment of the Diary of a Cadet…this time, told by Julie (me, the roommate now girlfriend of the original author and Chase’s ex). We have decided to both start writing, with me telling our story and Taylor telling of her and Chase. Hope you enjoy!

First,  a gentle reminder of who we are, as written by the other person.

Julie has “that ass”. She’s a 5’6, 140ish lbs soccer goalie who is seriously strong. She has long black hair with a thick but totally athletic build. She wears a 34C and like I said….her booty is totally my go to pillow (or dessert). For those that are wondering, she waxes down there and hates pretty much all body hair. She’s a mechanical engineering major and future air force pilot, and one of the most down to earth human beings I’ve ever met.

My boyfriend became my stepbrother when our parents eloped [MF]

Towards the end of HS (shootout to reddit, we were both 18), I was dating Chris. Chris was tall, decently fit, played every sport at our large school and all around popular cool kid….while I was the average girl who’s only not average quality was I run pretty fast on the cross country team and oh yeah, i can play a mean backup actress in the theater program. How would we even meet? Church of course!

Both our families went to a fairly conservative Christian church and Chris and I had been friends for literally almost all our lives but no one in large public school even knew we knew eachother because the only time our school lives intersected was at the end of year athletic awards banquet. But that suited us just fine. It made it easy to hide the fact that behind our conservative parents backs, and definitely without their permission, we were a thing. A happy couple that only we knew about.

Unfortunately about the same time, my dad and his mom became a thing as well. My dad had dated a few times over the years but nothing ever came of it so it was a little awkward but we kept going. After all, it wasn’t like we were Facebook official or anything so school wouldn’t turn into a teasing ground about our relationship.

Diary of a Cadet Ch.4: Our First Time [MF] [F18] [18,18]

Hey everyone! Welcome to my first time writing about actual, full blow, sex. Chase and I’s first time together, and the first time I’d spent the whole night in the arms of a lover. I hope you enjoy this one as much as I do! <3 Taylor

Chase had touched me. I had given him oral in the woods. He had cum all over a thong I’d given him. We were a couple. Two months at military college had gone places I hadn’t even remotely imagined it would go. Parents weekend was here in a flash, a milestone I never thought I’d reach in some of my lowest moments here at school that I wouldn’t have reached without the support of Julie and Chase. My parents weren’t able to make it up, but I was quickly adopted by Julie’s mom and dad who are truly saints. Parents weekend passed with the excitement of marching in a typical parade of the entire corps of cadets, a tailgate on the parade field and going watch our football team play after marching the corps into the stadium and into the stands. Julie’s parents had made friends with Chase’s mom since we all kinda forced the group together as we finally got to let our hair figuratively down. Since the groups of parents were joined at the hip, when it came time to tour barracks, I found Chase’s mom standing in front of the neatly made bed that days ago I’d posed in my underwear to take pictures for her son. I struggled to hide my blush. We also got the chance to go out to dinner Friday and Saturday night, our first real meals outside of dining hall meals with Cadre or delivery drop off in our rooms. It was genuinely a great weekend and it gave me a thought about how to finally have my night with Chase that I so desperately wanted.

Diary of a Cadet Ch. 3: Library Fun [MF] [F18] [18,18]

Hey everyone! Taylor here with Chapter 3 of my not so safe for work diary of life as a cadet at a Senior Military College. As always, I welcome any critiques and feedback that you may have. Enjoy(; <3Taylor

The morning after the “run” together in the trails behind the main part of campus that ended with me on my knees in front of Chase, before ultimately holding him close and stroking his release into the woods to avoid a mess, I was still…hot. Sure, yes I’d gone and masturbated in the shower, something quick to take the edge of my craving, but ever since Chase had grabbed my butt as he held me in my arms, and gently played with my nipples under my sports bra as we made out, both sending shocks of longing and arousal through my body, I wanted more. I wanted someone besides me to gently slip a finger between my arousal soaked folds. I sent Eric an email telling him as much. We still hadn’t figured out how we’d have sex…neither of us were comfortable just taking out pants off beside a trail, the BJ was risky enough for us at this point…but I needed something. Anything.

Diary of a Cadet Ch. 2: First fun with Chase [MF] [F18]

Diary of a Cadet Ch. 2: First fun with Chase [MF] [F18] [18,18]

Hey everyone! This is Chapter 2 of my not so safe for work diary as a cadet at a Senior Military College. Be sure to catch up with Part 1 for a lot of the back story! Without further ado, please enjoy Part 2! <3 Taylor

The morning after my explicit email to Chase, detailing how I masturbated in the shower thinking of him that lead to a confession that I wanted more for us than just a date, I was nervously awaiting my first class of 4 today with Chase to see what he would do in person. In each of the classes, he was his polite, friendly, charming self and made me laugh and smile with every interaction. But he didn’t ask the question. Over email last night we had talked about being a couple and he said tomorrow. Well tomorrow is now today and you still aren’t my boyfriend do what’s wrong? Did you have second thoughts come the light of day? I sat through 4 frustrating classes with the question left unasked and went to practice somewhat perturbed, but I couldn’t show it because the rules say I’m not supposed to be dating anyway.

Diary of a Cadet Ch. 1: Meeting Chase [M/F] [18F]

Hey everyone! My name is Taylor and this is my not so safe for work diary of my life as a cadet at a Senior Military College. I apologize if this starts a little slow, but I need to get a few things out of the way before we can “skip to the good part” (;

First of all, this is a diary of an actual girl (me!) And her actual experiences navigating dating and having a sex life in one of the most restrictive College environments in the country. I’m by no means a porn star, nor the fantasy girl who goes from meeting a boy to all night anal orgy whatevers in just 1 night. That’s not a thing….that’s good selling porn lol. If that’s what you’re looking for, this isn’t the story for you and that’s okay. But, if you’d like a peak behind the curtain and read about one girl’s experience navigating this complex work of Military College life, then cum on and follow me, it’ll probably be quirky and occasionally nerdy, but you may even enjoy the read!