The Back Of The Van [m/f/f]

Hello GWS!

Love reading everyone's stories when I find free time. Thought I'd share one from a while back.

This story takes place one evening not so different from the norm. Some friends and I were hanging out at a buddies house, drinking like usual. It was just the guys this night, about 10 of us. One of my buddies had a van and a few of us figured we go get something to eat and buy more alcohol. So 6 of us get in the van, 2 in the front, 3 in the middle row, and I sat in the back alone. Just as we get to the end of the street, we spot two girls. As we get closer we recognize both from our high school. They were hanging out with some guys who lived nearby but left because they were being "jerks" as they put it. So being the kind gentlemen we are, we ask them to hang out with us because it's too dangerous for them to be walking around at night all alone. Lucky for me the only room in the van is in the back with me. They get in and sit one to my left and one to my right and we start driving.