The Back Of The Van [m/f/f]

Hello GWS!

Love reading everyone's stories when I find free time. Thought I'd share one from a while back.

This story takes place one evening not so different from the norm. Some friends and I were hanging out at a buddies house, drinking like usual. It was just the guys this night, about 10 of us. One of my buddies had a van and a few of us figured we go get something to eat and buy more alcohol. So 6 of us get in the van, 2 in the front, 3 in the middle row, and I sat in the back alone. Just as we get to the end of the street, we spot two girls. As we get closer we recognize both from our high school. They were hanging out with some guys who lived nearby but left because they were being "jerks" as they put it. So being the kind gentlemen we are, we ask them to hang out with us because it's too dangerous for them to be walking around at night all alone. Lucky for me the only room in the van is in the back with me. They get in and sit one to my left and one to my right and we start driving.

One of the girls is mixed Japanese and the other is mixed Hispanic. The Japanese girl is petite. No big boobs or booty. Just a cute face. Quiet and not really out there. The Hispanic girl is the opposite. She's got C or D cups and a REALLY big booty. She knows she has the body and she wears the things to show it. Her attitude is a huge turnoff for me, but I'm too drunk to really care.

So here we are, driving around and everybody just talking randomly to whoever, and I get an idea. Being in the back has its advantages, and I figured I'd see if these girls have a wild side. I'm already sitting with both arms on their shoulders, and they didn't mind. So I move my arm down the Hispanic girls side, eventually holding her waist. She doesn't seem to care. I slowly move a few fingers under her pants waistband until I'm nearly palming the side of her ass cheek. She turns to look at me and smiles, so I smile back and go full on grabbing that booty. I knew she was a bit out there, but this was too easy, not that I'm complaining. She puts her hand on my thigh and is slowly rubbing. I'm anticipating the moment she reaches my cock and begin to feel the bulge.

The Japanese girl takes notice and asks her friend "what are you doing", to which the Hispanic girl quietly responds "just playing around". The Japanese girl and I make eye contact and we smile at each other. I take this as an invite, so I reach my arm down her side and grab her little cheek. I don't reach under her jeans just yet, but she then puts her hand on my other thigh and I just can't help it.

Here I am, two hands on some butt cheeks, and I figure no point holding back. My buddies are too busy figuring out what to eat or whatever the heck they were talking about to notice, so I whisper into the Hispanic girls ear to take my dick out. I chose her because I knew the chances of her doing it were pretty good, and she delivers. She pulls my dick out and is slowing stroking it. The Japanese girl pulls away and seems disinterested. So I take my hand back and put it to use fondling the Hispanic's tits. This gets her to really tug and stroke with some enthusiasm.

The Japanese girl soon comes back to get a handful of my nuts, which surprises the heck out of me. I thought she was done. Now I got to get back to giving her some attention. They both take turns with my cock and sack. I'm harder than a rock at this point. The Hispanic girl licks her hand and gets a load of saliva on it, then begins stroking me with a firm grasp. I think if it wasn't for the combined noise of the radio and my buddies all trying to talk over one another, they would have definitely heard the sounds those hands were making.

I can feel myself about to cum soon. So I tell the Hispanic girl to put her hand over my head. This is to shield myself and my shirt. I tell the Japanese girl to stroke fast and I blast a load that first hits the shield and then falls onto the stroking hand. It was the perfect shot I had in mind. The Hispanic girl wastes no time licking it from her hand. The Japanese girl however wasn't so eager, so to my enjoyment, the Hispanic girl licks it from her hand too! This was one of the sexiest things I've ever witnessed.

I put my dick away and we eventually end up at a Jack in the Box. The girls hung out with us the rest of the night and I later found out that one of my buddies took the Hispanic girl home to fuck. Another of my buddies made out with the Japanese girl and said he fingered her that night and got her number.

I never told them what went down. I never did contact either of the girls after this event. It was so perfect I just wanted it to stay that way. Nothing more, nothing less.



  1. Very hot story and perfect seat. Perhaps I should consider a van lol

  2. A fucking handjob by two chicks?! What a let down. Seal the fucking deal, man. A dick in the bush is worth more than two hands on the dick.

  3. I disagree in this case. Having a secret double handy in a packed van was more exciting than actually fucking one of them. Fucking both together would have been nice though.

  4. Thought I throw it in there in case anybody was wondering if we even got food or not haha

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