Freshman Adventures: Spring Break, Part 2

I wasn’t in to Dirk’s plan. So that night, I ignored him. I got trashed at a bar further downtown in Miami and hit on several groups of girls. None of them were interested. I vaguely remember some big dude stepping between me and and one chick and yelling in my face. I swung at him. He socked me in the face. I remember throwing a chair. We were restrained by bouncers and I was thrown to the pavement. I woke up in our hotel room the next morning with a white hospital bracelet on my wrist and a bandage on my cheek. I didn’t recall anything. I had a bandage on my head. I peeled it off and didn't have to look at my head to know the shiner looked badass. I could feel it gleam in the light.

Dirk was, once again, not there. I checked my phone and saw a ton of texts from Anjali. I only knew it was her because the first message said; “Hey this is Anjali.” I drank coffee and rehearsed a plan. I would go to her room and we’d have a quick pity fuck. Thinking about the pity fuck made me hard but I was determined not to jerk off. I wasn’t sure how functional my cock would be after the previous night. I'd have to make sure that she sucked me off for at least five minutes. I don’t leave these sore-cock situations without having gotten lip treatment.

Freshman Adventures: Spring Break

Spring Break is, ideally, a gigantic powwow of not-yet-adults baring their bodies and rubbing their skin together as it drips with clear ocean water like they are in a Gatorade commercial (and maybe they are), while muffled hip hop surrounds their souls like an ecstatic Stockholm Syndrome and colors flash in the sunlight that never goes away and beer cascades through the air in slow-motion.

But that isn’t what my spring break was, exactly. By the time my bud Dirk and I arrived at the beach in Miami, large swaths of it were closed off, most people had packed up and left, and it was colder than you’d ever think, all because our college lets out for spring about a week and a half later than everywhere else. By the time we got to the beach, we just stood there, staring. Dirk said; “Let’s go to the hotel.” We did, and we slept.

College Freshman Adventures Part 3: Sarissa

Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.

This particular desperate measure was the time in November when I realized I had a test coming up for my History of Communications class that I didn't know a damn thing about. I was acing tests in my other classes, but this one was on a Friday morning and when I didn't find myself missing it, I came in hungover, stoned or a combination of both. The things the teacher said flew in and out of my brain like an incompetent bacteria. I'd already been warned about my dismal grade in an e-mail. Yet I still didn't give a fuck. I'd also been on a dry spell since turning nineteen. I woke up on Friday morning realizing I hadn't fucked any pussy in nine days. That's an unacceptable time to go without for me. The Kleenexes were piling up; the picture of Janis had gotten old. So I went to class. I sat in my seat and made sure to shake a little, look dazed and sometimes look around, confused. I told the teacher I wanted to meet with him afterwards and this is what I said when I entered his office.

Dennis and Janelle

Janelle watched as the wooden door clicked open and scraped against the linoleum floor, like all the doors did in all the dorms, and Dennis walked in, finishing a plastic cup of coffee, his hair pointing out on all sides. Janelle had put her bra on by now, but she still couldn’t find the motivation to get up from this gross bed. She could tell by the way Dennis paused that he was studying her legs. They were crossed over each other as she lay on top of his mattress with the sheets thrown on the side. She made a face that said she’d expected him to bring back food.

“I should really leave soon,” she said. “Whatever,” said Dennis. He sat at his desk and turned on his computer. He opened up World of Warcraft. “Um, Dennis? Did anybody ever teach you manners?” Janelle laughed as she said it. “Not really. My Dad was always yelling at me and my sister at inappropriate times. My Mom was always drunk. You do the math.”

The sounds of World of Warcraft began. From behind his desk, Dennis produced a bottle of Golschlager. He unscrewed the top and took a swig. Janelle stared at him.

College Freshman Adventures Part 1: Janis

I’ve always had a thing for legs. When I was around fourteen, I distinctly remember reading a copy of my dad’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition and gawking at the smooth, tanned legs of the woman on the cover; her body brightened by her orange swimsuit, her feet curling together in the foreground of the picture on the sand of the beach where she sat. She looked at you with the coy, jaded look women are meant to have in these photos. I wondered, at that time, if I would ever be this close to a stunning female’s legs in real life and if she would ever look at me like so.

Let’s fast-forward five years.

My buddy Jason and I sat on the porch outside a house party in November, watching the partygoers exit. We were drinking scotch on ice and I was numerous sheets to the wind. Jason burped. “I’m gonna flunk that test tomorrow,” he said. I watched the legs of the girls wandering outside. A few of them stumbled on the doorstep like drunken high-schoolers (which was basically what we still were, as freshmen ages 18 to 19), some of them were helped out by their equally smashed, wonky boyfriends (or guys who wished they were their boyfriends), and others exited smoothly and without any help, thank you. Many wore those tight black silk pants that is a continuing fad among the hip middle class female set. But a surprising number wore skirts—short skirts—although it was a cold night.

Kids These Days

The video shows this: A cell phone moving through the kitchen at a loud party, in to the living room. A strobe light, loud hip hop. Young bodies grinding against each other. Wonky guys hoping to see some action. The women dance and flirt, but push the guys away at the last moment. Teasing is fun. The cycle repeats as the phone moves through the crowd, bumping against swishing dark bodies until–

Kids these Days

The video shows this:

A cell phone moving through the kitchen at a loud party, in to the living room. A strobe light, loud hip hop. Young bodies grinding against each other. Wonky guys hoping to see some action. The women dance and flirt, but push the guys away at the last moment. Teasing is fun. The cycle repeats as the phone moves through the crowd, bumping against swishing dark bodies until– An opening. A couch against the wall. Some people are watching and laughing, others are steering clear and pretending nothing's going on. A guy with bleached blonde hair and gym-toned arms lies naked on the couch; a young woman in her bra and panties fellates him at one end of the couch; another young woman as naked as he sits on his face, gyrating. The cell phone pushes right up to a close up on the face-sitting woman. Her eyes, when they flutter open, are glazed over and red. She's on more than just something. Her mouth is parted in this strange suspended moan of pleasure; no sound is coming out, but the way she's moving she seems to be enjoying herself. Chuckles from behind the camera. A voice says, "Dude…" It pans down to the young man below her. He swishes his head from side to side. He's holding her hips with his hands and moving her around on his mouth. He's doing most of the work; she's doing some of it. The camera shows the point where her crotch meets his face and finally the young man pulls back for air. He can't be older than nineteen. Some innocent baby-face pudge. But also a glaze of vaginal fluids and eyes that look beyond stoned; this kid is blacked out. He realizes now that he's being filmed. This is how he reacts: he grins widely, raises one hand to the person behind the cell phone and gives the camera man a high five. A voice says, "Dude, you don't know where that hand's been…" The man goes back to his work.

Two Orgasms

I'm 21. I'm with my girlfriend in her room. First we're kissing, rolling around on her bed, then it gets heavier. I fish around in my pockets for a condom and realize that I left it back home. I tell her that I forgot a condom and she teases me for being forgetful. I tell her don't worry, I'll make her happy. I remove her shirt and bra and kiss her down her tits and stomach and at some point when I'm planting a kiss on her belly I decide that this time I will have to take her all the way just with my tongue. So I unbuckle her colorful belt and unzip her jeans, pull them down with her panties and dive in there. After licking and fingering her for not that long I come up for air and to kiss her and she nudges me back down and says "I haven't cum yet." I tell her okay and go down for as long as it takes. She moans and gyrates her hips and runs her fingers through my hair and on to my neck and I start to get a stiff jaw and feel stray pubes mixing with my saliva and at one point I pull back to swallow some vaginal fluids and pubic hairs, which I think is hot. Finally, after going at it for a while, she sort of slides backwards on the bed and folds her legs over my head. I keep swirling my fingers around inside her for a bit, but she signals that I can stop. So I do.

The most beautiful female orgasm I’ve ever witnessed was…

…Was not something I saw while watching a porn video. It was when:

My then-girlfriend was visiting me at my parent's house during the summer about six years ago. She and I had met at summer camp where she still worked and I did not. Our relationship was actually going south and I think we could both tell, but it seemed to make her want me even more. I was feeling kind of depressed this summer, so sex was one of the only things that cheered me up. One afternoon, when nobody was home except us, she got out of the shower, entered my room, and we got busy. I ate her pussy for at least ten minutes, which got her wet and her vagina easy to get in to. I slipped on a condom and entered her. I was able to hold out for a long time by then. She was not normally loud, but today, with the knowledge that nobody could hear us, she was. While I pumped away she even started speaking intelligible words; "Oh God"; "Fuck, fuck." I watched her head press back and forth on the pillow and her blonde hair tangle everywhere. I sped up. I heard the smacking sound that happens when you have rough sex. After just a short time of doing this, she gradually opened her mouth a little wider, then wider, then wider until she emitted this rough tenor yelping sound broken up by her exhales and with her arm around my back pulled her head up to my shoulder. I felt her teeth sink in to my shoulder and her moans muffled slightly. I felt her fingers on my back. I saw her hair falling down on to my pillow and thought, Jesus Christ, she's in to it. I haven't even cum yet. I sped up even more and then I did cum. It felt like it took forever. Her face was up by my shoulder this entire time. Eventually she fell back down on my pillow. Her face was flushed. We looked in to each other's eyes and both caught our breath. I asked her "was it good?" She said after a moment, "…Very."

The Adventures of Dennis: Stains

I. The Brownie At the end of the year parties at school, everybody gets their pick: either an attic in the woods, a dorm at school, or some sketchy basement. I was happy to choose the sketchy basement of my pal John and his girlfriend Lisa. They had a nice house down the hill from campus. It was June—college for us lets out late—and it was about 95 degrees. The party was obviously going to be crazy.

What I did first was drink five beers by myself in my dorm. I walked down to their house by myself singing something loudly. I wore my black tank top and kahki jeans. I flexed my arms as I walked and saw that, thankfully, two weeks of not going to the gym had not really decreased my muscles.

I walked alone and sang and did not care about the occasional person giving me a funny look because I did not want to feel lonely. I was, after all, alone. Renee had decided to go to her friend’s film screening. I think she was mad at me at the time.