[M]y First Time – Hot Tub With Allie [F]

The summer after my freshman year of college was a formative year in my life.

In high school I played baseball, did pretty well in class, and was half-way decent looking. I was a big guy, a little over 6’ tall and about 175 pounds, and kind of looked “country strong”. I had a lot of friends, but since I grew up in a house full of brothers, I was always a bit shy around girls. So, I made it through high school without so much as a French kiss from a girl.

I went away for college my first year, and since my work-study job was working at the gym, I spent a lot of time lifting weights, rowing on the ergometer, riding the stationary bike, etc., so when I finished my freshman year I had pretty much transformed my body. However, while I had gathered a few coed admirers, and dated a few girls, by the end of my freshman year I was still a virgin.

Wait, I Thought You Were a Lesbian! Part 2 [MF]

Wait, I Thought You Were a Lesbian! Part 2 [MF]

For the first part of the story, refer to my last post. It helps set the stage for Part 2 and explains the lesbian aspect of this story as well.

Wait, I Thought You Were a Lesbian! [MF] from sexstories

After we showered, Kelsey put on an over-sized t-shirt, I put on some gym shorts, and we went downstairs so I could make her something to eat. I don’t know a lot about female psychology, but she had crossed a bridge because of our sexual union. Now, she was affectionate, wanted constant kissing and touching, and just had an aura about her – a very sensual aura. I don’t know what it was – the fact she just fucked a good friend’s dad, the fact that I was old enough to be her dad, that she had done it in a house where her “2nd mom” used to live, who knows.

As I watched her eat the egg white veggie omelette I had made her, I also realized she was in a happy place. I had poured her another glass of wine, she was probably still feeling the effects of an edible I think she ate earlier, she was warm and relaxed after a hot shower, and she had that post-coital glow going on.

Wait, I thought You Were a Lesbian! [MF]

Earlier this year, my daughter hosted a reunion/girls weekend near my house for a group of her college girlfriends. Since a number of the young ladies were still broke college students in graduate school, the cost of a hotel was out of reach for several of them. And, since my daughter would be hosting a couple girls in her apartment already, she asked me if Kelsey and her girlfriend could crash in one of my spare bedrooms. With me and the mutt being the only occupants of this big old house, I gladly agreed.

My ex-wife and I had known Kelsey since her freshman year of college, and we were both quite fond of her and maintained a close friendship. In fact, we kind of adopted her since her father was out of the picture and her mother was a busy executive who didn’t have a lot of time for her daughter.

Blame it on Carlos [MF]

The vet said he was seven or eight years old when I adopted him from the shelter, which suited me fine because that made us a pair. I turned 50 recently, needed a canine wingman, and he was perfect.

The folks at the shelter called him Carlos, and I kept that name when I brought him home. He was the kind of dog who would stay in the front yard all day long and never roam. Or go on a walk and not need a leash.

So I was a bit surprised one afternoon to learn that ole’ Carlos had wandered off. It wasn’t like him, but I discovered he had been lured away by a bag of popcorn held by a 12-year old neighbor. This young man knew Carlos well, as he and his mom had joined us on walks many times over the last couple years.

The mom was Anna, a 40-ish divorced woman who lived across the street. Anna was a sight too; half-Japanese, beautiful brunette hair and dark eyes, bright smile, and still looking like the college track athlete she had been 20 years ago. At this age her breasts were a bit fuller and her curves had rounded out, but she was still lovely in every way.

Cute Single Mom Erika, Second Time, with an Unexpected Ending [MF]

If you didn’t read my last post, I relayed my first time being intimate with my neighbor Erika. Here’s the link:

Divorced Young Neighbor [MF] from sexstories

After this evening I’d still see her a couple times a week, or I’d bring her over some veggies from the garden, etc. Kind of like it used to be, which was fine by me.

One Friday evening I was walking up my driveway after a run when she drove by, gave me a wave and pulled up her driveway in to her garage, without so much as a stop to say hi. It seemed kind of unsocial , but about 10 minutes later I got a text from her and it was a picture of some s’mores and a bottle of wine. I was thrilled! So I texted her back to tell her to come over around 8:00.

In short order I built a fire in my patio fire pit, took a shower and shaved, dabbed a tiny bit of cologne on, and waited for her to come in my side gate and join me by the fire.

Divorced Young Neighbor [MF]

After a 25+ year marriage that ended last year, I joined Reddit to broaden my horizons and interact with other adults – hopefully females, as the last five years of my marriage were very short on intimacy or sex. In addition, my career involves a significant amount of technical writing, so I joined to read and write some erotic stories (I also enjoy writing mystery, but don’t plan on sharing that here).

Some of the stories I plan to post are true, some are pure fantasy, but I won’t be identifying which is which.

A few years back a young family moved in to our neighborhood and we got to know them really well. They had been married about a year and had an infant boy and another on the way. Unfortunately, not long after they moved in, Todd’s drinking and emotional abuse got unbearable, Erika came to a difficult decision that they were incompatible, and they divorced. Erika and the kids now live in the house, and Todd moved out.