Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn) – Chapter 9

[Chapter 1](, [Chapter 2](, [Chapter 3](, [Chapter 4](, [Chapter 5](, [Chapter 6](, [Chapter 7](, [Chapter 8](

Kelsey looked up as if she had forgotten about it. “Oh that? Yes. In case I ever need any help with you. But not tonight. I have other plans. Come on, I want to tie you to the bed…” she said getting up…

Josh nearly stumbled and fell at the two pieces of information. First, the confirmation that the delivery girl had seen him. Not only seen him though, but gave Kelsey her phone number in case ‘she wanted help’ with him. His cock throbbed hard in the cage nearly making him double over. Would Kelsey actually do that? Invite a stranger in to help her dominate him? She was so new to it herself, there was a ton they hadn’t even talked about yet. And yet, despite the fear of the prospect, or maybe because of the fear of it, the whole concept was highly arousing that she would consider exercising that much control over him.

Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn) – Chapter 8

[Chapter 1](, [Chapter 2](, [Chapter 3](, [Chapter 4](, [Chapter 5](, [Chapter 6](, [Chapter 7](

“Does my hand bother you?” she asked as she had resumed lightly rubbing his ass and it was only now that she noticed in his struggles that his legs were spread further apart and she could see his scrotum. Josh was quick to reply that not only did it not bother him, but it felt good.

Kelsey grabbed the remote and put on ‘The Two Towers’ and continued to lightly rub his ass as they relaxed and watched. But she couldn’t help wonder what his reaction would be were her hand to ‘accidentally’ brush over his testicles…

The relaxed just like that for quite some time with the movie playing, Josh still draped over Kelsey’s lap while her soft hand gently caressed his bottom. Occasionally her hand would seem to go a little lower, it didn’t seem like it was anything more than just idle caressing.

Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn) – Chapter 7

[Chapter 1](, [Chapter 2](, [Chapter 3](, [Chapter 4](, [Chapter 5](, [Chapter 6](

His reaction was not unnoticed by Kelsey, including his leaking cock which had caused her eyes to go wide for a moment. He was SO aroused by the bondage and she decided then and there that she would explore this much further. It was so fricken hot the way he was panting against her breast and how much control she had over him. She went for it.

“Josh…this might….this might cross a line as something that is a bit more sexual, but…would you like to let me….would you like it if I spanked you?” she asked, very careful this time not to phrase it as a command…

Josh let out a little whimper at the question feeling how deep he was in submissive mind space. If she had told him to get over her knee for a spanking, he probably would have done just that, unable to resist her dominance over him. He had willingly given her so much control over him already, step by step and he hadn’t regretted any of it. There was a small corner of his mind though that worried what all of this would mean for their friendship going forward and that jumped to the forefront of his mind now with her shocking offer to spank him. It was a big step into actual domination of a more intimate and sexual nature.

Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn) – Chapter 6

[Chapter 5](

“I do. A bunch of things really, but the best are probably these fur-lined leather cuffs that I have. I have two pair for wrists and ankles. The have clips on them to attach together for just like a quick hands behind the back thing, or you can use rope to attach them to anything you can tie it to, effectively able to bind me in any position,” he answered and it was obvious how much he craved their use.

“Can you go get them to show me? I’d like to see what they look like,” she said, and Josh didn’t hesitate though he was a bit embarrassed but he immediately got up.

But Kelsey smiled for she knew this was another thing she could do. And wanted to very much. When Josh came back, she would restrain him…

Maybe not right away, but again, there was nothing inherently sexual about being tied up. Just like the chastity cage or the enforced nudity, it would arouse him true, but wasn’t that kind of the purpose of this? That it aroused her too was just kind of a byproduct. Kelsey couldn’t help but wonder though if he would have different feelings about all of this if Josh knew just how much it was arousing her as well.

Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn) – Chapter 5

[Chapter 4](

“You just said this is another one of your fantasies right?” she asked to confirm and he nodded, embarrassed, which only made her more bold.

“Well, you said it is not intrinsically sexual and I have already seen you in the cage. What if you gave me that power for the rest of the weekend too? And you just stayed naked. Well, naked except for the cage…” she said in a husky voice.

Josh nearly choked on his coffee…

Kelsey continued, as Josh coughed and sputtered at the offer, “I mean, it is no burden on me, I have seen practically every part of you now. And if it is also a fantasy of yours? I’d be happy to oblige it just like we have with the cage. We could just say that unless anyone comes over, or you need to go out for any reason, you must remain naked,” she said so matter-of-factly with almost a shrug.

Josh looked at her wide eyed and his voice was trembling a bit when he finally was able to speak, “you…you don’t mind seeing my bare ass and everything else all weekend?” He was clearly nervous and he knew it, but his cock was throbbing again.

Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn) – Chapter 4

[Chapter 3](

“Of….of course Kel. Thank you so much for this, it means a lot to me,” he said softly and on impulse leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.

Kelsey definitely needed to go now, he was rarely this sweet and showed such gratitude that she had to wonder how much the caging had to do with it. Was he feeling submissive to HER? She patted his knee and rushed off to bed, closing her door, and getting her vibrator…

Josh watched her go, absolutely stunned at what had happened tonight. He could feel the cage hugging his cock and felt the reality that he couldn’t remove it, even if he wanted to, which he didn’t. Kelsey had been so forward as she snapped the lock on him and it had pushed his mind further into the submissive space after being so off balance with the embarrassment of her watching the caging.

Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn) – Chapter 3

[Chapter 2](

“Have you ever worn it?” she asked a little breathless. She was highly aroused and trying to not show it.

“Yes, but only for a little while…its…its more of a psychological tool than a physical one. It…it didn’t really do much for me when I had the key and could just take it off at any time,” Josh admitted, only a little embarrassed at the admission.

Perhaps it was her sudden aroused state that she didn’t fully understand, perhaps it was the alcohol, perhaps it was because they were always able to talk so freely to each other, or maybe it was a combination of all of the above, but she immediately blurted out, “I could hold the keys…”

Josh went wide eyed indeed at the extremely unexpected offer. His face immediately turned bright red in shock and embarrassment. It was the last thing he had been expecting. He had almost taken on the role of like a teacher as he had talked to her of femdom, getting deeply engrossed in finally being able to not only talk about this thing that he had so much knowledge and passion about, but that it had been Kelsey that he was telling it to. His best friend and the one person he could always trust.

Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn) – Chapter 2

[Chapter 1](

Josh relaxed and knew it was okay to dive deep into this with Kelsey. He started to talk in more detail about it and how wonderful it could be.

What neither of them knew though, was some of the physical reactions the other was having. As Josh talked of being dominated, his cock responded. It was hidden in his jeans, but he couldn’t help but start to get hard as he opened up about his fantasies.

And Kelsey didn’t really know why, but the more Josh said, the more she wanted to know. They were going to start talking about specific kinks soon, but even before that, Kelsey felt herself getting wet, though she tried to ignore it…

“So, as I was saying, this kind of relationship can achieve a deepness that isn’t possible in a traditional vanilla relationship,” Josh said, but then added, “Oh sorry, I will need to be careful with terms that are common in the kink world, but not so much for most people. Vanilla refers to anything that most people consider normal, but kinky people consider plain and boring, and outside of kink and excitement.”

Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn, fiction) – Chapter 1

Kelsey and Josh had been best friends for most of their lives, all the way back to elementary school. They grew up across the street from each other and played together every day as children, and when they got older, they continued to hang out even as their teenage tastes changed and diverged. All through that there was never any hint of sexual tension between them and they never even considered it. They maintained that friendship through loves won and lost and heartbreak. Dances and pep rallies and everything.

Their circle of friends were very different. Josh in high school played saxophone in band. Starting with alto, moving to bari, and then settling on tenor. He loved playing jazz and was even able to solo in front of the band for some concerts. He was not very athletic, but he was good looking and had his share of fun experiences with the band girls at band camp. By the time college came around, Josh was 5’10” and about 170lbs. He had longish brown hair and green eyes.

A new dynamic develops for an old fashioned couple (part 4) [femdom] [M/F30s]

She didn’t waste much more time and in fact didn’t say anything else. It was obvious what she wanted and what she expected.

She lowered herself down onto his waiting tongue…

John felt almost overwhelmed as she lowered herself, her sex meeting his waiting mouth, and he started to taste her. Before, he had never overly cared for doing this. It didn’t disgust him or anything, but to him, sex had always been about intercourse. Everything else was secondary or something that would just lead to intercourse. His mind was starting to be changed though, whether he realized it or not. The way she had teased him while he was helpless caused him to feel sex in a way that he had never come close to feeling before, nor as intensely. He could still feel his hard cock throbbing in the air, looking for stimulus, but ignored for now.

And now, his beautiful sexy wife was practically demanding his tongue. And he wanted to give it to her. She was so turned on and so wet, and he was in such a desperate state, that all he wanted to do was hear her moans of pleasure. And if this would cause it, it made him eager to do so.