My wife gave me the greatest present of all [M/F/F] PART 1

My wife (Rebecca) and I have a pseudo-open relationship. We both love to shamelessly flirt, moreso if the other one is watching. We’re constantly texting each other about people we meet at bars. Not quite ‘hotwife’ level. Yet. We’re open about our sex lives, and have had more than a few threesomes and we’re comfortable exploring our limits. There’s one bar where we like to spend our down time, either alone or together. This bar is nothing remarkable, a typical city establishment with overpriced drinks and mediocre food. But, it has Jessica. Jessica is a 23 year old waitress/bartender who instantly caught my eye when I first sat down. ‘Southern Belle’ doesn’t even begin to describe her. Bouncy blond curls, piercing blue eyes, and a radiant smile of white teeth. I couldn’t really see her body beneath the baggy black ‘restaurant worker’ outfit she was always wearing, but she would have been a knockout even if she was chubby. Her and Rebecca became fast friends, and I would always catch them giggling about something when I walked in. Fast forward a few months. My birthdays coming up, and Rebecca and I were planning our usual event, a romantic ‘getaway’. We’d go to a hotel for night and treat ourselves to a lavish night of alcohol, food, and sex. Mostly sex. A couple weeks before, we were texting about our plans, and she asked me if I wanted a special present. Obviously I was game, but I didn’t exactly know what she had in mind. (Very short paraphrasing below) 

“What about Jessica?”