Rock Wall [M46/F31/F24] [MFF] [FF] [BDSM]

Ellen came down the wall after climbing the course she’d designed and set on it. Indoor was no replacement for the complexity that nature carved into outdoor cliffs, but she felt satisfied she’d set a satisfying course. She liked working at this indoor gym because it had a chimney, not just two angled or opposing walls but a full opening in the wall for her to play with. She’d put a chock in that would require some clever work to get over. There were a few months before real climbing season began, and she was already well on her way to peak shape.

She was massaging her forearms when she saw the two of them enter the gym. A young woman, petite, looking around herself in startled curiosity, and an older man, looking at the people rather than the place. Ellen walked slowly towards them, her attention captured by the girl. She had startlingly big eyes that might have made her look vulnerable except for the intensity of the blue in them, and was truly small, perhaps breaking five foot, perhaps not. She was wearing leggings and a tank top, and her red-blonde hair was straight and silky to her shoulders. Her body curves interswerved with muscles, a small waist but irrepressibly wide hips and the tank-top and sports bra underneath were doing heroic work constraining her breasts. She stood like she had no awareness of anyone else looking at her, or wanting to look at her, but Ellen was not the only eye drawn to her.

Teasing and the Wonderful Consequences of doing so. [M46/F21][teasing, exhib, 420]

Tom’s morning started out wonderfully. Slipping from bed before Dai, kissing her neck in the darkness, inhaling her scent, he’d made coffee, gotten in a quick run, and watched the sunrise from the garden. As soon as he checked his work schedule, though, he saw a long, blocked day of meetings and calls ahead of him. He sat down at his desk and started working, trying to at least get on top of it, but when he heard the dim sounds from the kitchen that meant Dai was out and about, he still had a day of meetings that couldn’t be canceled. Or shouldn’t at any rate. And his first one was starting already. He put his headset on, opened the camera, and managed to look not like he’d much rather be joining Dai in the kitchen.

Out and About With Ellen [MF] [Toys, Public]

This was during my late twenties. She was a grad student at Berkeley, and really one of the most fun women I ever knew, sexually.

Ellen and I had been going out, hooking up, dating, whatever you want to call it for a few weeks. It wasn’t just sex, but it was mainly sex. We kept indulging in public play, whether it was just my hand boldly on her ass while we strolled around Berkeley, or when I met her in the stacks of the university library and fucked her up against a shelf of books until a few volumes of “Pacific Naval Battles” fell on the floor. We hadn’t used the words ‘dominant’ or ‘submissive’, but that was the energy of our relationship; she lit up happily whenever my hands were on her, directing her, she squirmed with pleasure when I gave her orders. She liked leaving it up to me when we’d cut our walk short and go back to her place for titanic fucking, or when I’d keep her on edge, slipping my hand up her skirt when we were unobserved, teasing her, making her ache with need. She was deeply satisfying to play with. The look of glee on her face during sex, this pure uninhibited joy that we were creating such gorgeous pleasure together, was sincerely beautiful.

Preparation Only Goes So Far [M46F30] [D/s] [Anal]

(As always, Daddy is a fun thing to call someone, not in any way an implication of actual relation. Please enjoy, and remember that consent and communication are the key to good kink)

The sun was still shining brightly when Taylor left work for the weekend. She had dedicated herself to making sure that all of her tasks were completely done, during the week, so that she’d be able to feel the release, the true freedom from small voices in her head urging her to attend to work. Tonight, and the next two days, she could be just herself, the Taylor of pleasure and ease, not responsible Taylor. She stopped at a corner store and bought one of the locally-made ginger beers that she’d discovered. The first swing of it was fiery, tart, and sweet all at once, helping her shake off the morass of the working day.

The Seventh Month [MF] [Pregnancy]

The Seventh Month

This is a continuation of Wonderful Things Happen in Golden Gate Park.


It had been a few months since my first encounter with Mehry. She’d had to go on what sounded like a pretty nice business trip, up to Calistoga. We had seen each other four times before that, each encounter another intense meeting, deeply satisfying, her pregnancy hormones lifting her libido to lifetime heights. We had texted and talked while she was away, keeping up our line of communication and interest, but it had mostly been non-sexual, more about California, San Francisco, and our mutual interests than the fact that we had such an amazing sexual connection.

I was not prepared, though, for how strongly her changing body would strike me when I saw her again. A few days after she got back to San Francisco, she texted me to say that she’d love to see me. We decided to simply meet at her apartment. The morning of our meeting, I was feeling a warm, confident glow of excitement; she and I had gotten along so easily, had such a fine chemistry, I wasn’t nervous, just anticipating. I threw my energy into a workout to keep my mind occupied until the evening.

The Most Intimate Submission is Shared [MFF] [D/s] [Breeding] [FF]

Note: As always, this is a fantasy. “Daddy” is a title, not a blood relation. Breeding is a powerful, amazing fantasy but in real life deserves a lot of caution around the play. More so, sadly, in the US’s current state. Kinksters, remember that consent and communication are the basis of all sexual goodness. With that said, enjoy this longer-than-usual story.

Evie woke with Jo’s arm flung over her, one thigh over hers. Evie lay and luxuriated in the warmth of Jo’s naked body pressed against hers, watching the other girl’s face, peaceful in dreaming slumber. The morning light slanted through the shutters on the window, carrying with it small sounds of their neighborhood waking up. But it was a fly-by by the infamous parrots of Telegraph Hill, with their raucous chattering, that finally made Jo’s sleepy head stir. She made a pleased noise when she found Evie still in bed with her, and tightened her arm around her. “This is nice,” Jo said, moving her thigh against Evie’s. “You’re a wonderful thing to wake up to,” Evie responded. That earned her an extra-wide smile–gosh, she was a sucker for this girl’s smile, for Jo’s happy-in-herself, happy-to-make-you-happy grin. She bent her head, Jo scooted up the bed a bit, and they kissed, a soft, light touch of the lips together. Jo’s dark hair was a little wild, and with her big, luminous, surprisingly light eyes she looked elven to Evie, like she was some forest nymph, unused to indoors, that she’d manage to seduce. Then her nymph yawned hugely, and pulled away from her embrace, “I call dibs on the shower,” she said, smirking back at Evie as she headed into the bathroom.

The Fourth Night, We Explored Pain [MF] [D/s] [BDSM] [choking]

Note: This is fantasy! Do not fuck around with choking to this extent in real life, it is hella dangerous. That makes the fantasy all the more powerful. Enjoy!

Zoe closed the apartment door behind her with a definite ‘click’, and began her journey. Evening was just settling over the city, the light fading, the sounds changing–the outside cafes were filling up, and Zoe caught snatches of conversation. “… up to Tahoe, but it means he’d want to stop at his weird friends in Sacramento,” “… can’t be bothered, I really can’t, but then he was like, I’ll pay you double, so…” These moments, catching little waves from the lives of others, walking silent and smooth through the crowds, always appealed to Zoe, made her feel very herself. She felt like a camera in a movie, floating down the sidewalk and capturing these moments, not even imagining the beginnings or ends of those fragments, just capturing the feeling of the moment. After an arduous week at work, she was ready for her weekend transformation. It began with this walk, from her apartment to his. Or rather, it began by dressing for him, for herself, in the way they’d talked about during the week. This was their fourth assignation, the fourth time she’d set herself onto a path whose end she couldn’t see.

Immediate Chemistry Produces Strong Results [MF] [Public]

The way we met was totally mundane, so I feel extremely lucky about how things turned out. This was back in the days when Craigslist was the only online dating service around, and even then, really only if you lived in the Bay Area, which I did. I was twenty-five, working restlessly at my dead-end job, when one of the ads on Craigslist caught my eye. I can’t remember what the exact alchemy was, but she used a word like ‘scrappy’ or ‘flippant’; it was as simple as that. Just a little flicker of difference that caught my eye. I wrote her back, and a day later, got a response. We didn’t do much back-and-forth; we set a date for that Tuesday, meeting up at a local bar. She lived in Berkeley, but was willing to commute to see me.

Risks and Rewards [MF] [FF] [Breeding] [Pregnancy] [D/s]

Note: As usual, breeding fantasies are potent but dangerous. This is a fantasy, it’s not how you should act in real life. Enjoy!

In the past, Alessandra may have been confused, she’d made some false starts, but she always felt an inner guide, a strong, magnetic force in her that allowed her to find her path. The first time a man had grabbed her hair and pulled as he fucked her, it felt like a hidden map had lit up inside her brain, a flash of it that showed her a long voyage of discovery, a deep dive into her sexuality, and that she was only at the beginning. She left vanilla behind without a whisper of doubt. She found, at first, difficulty in discerning which men had that dominant, aggressive, boundary-pushing streak that she craved–she was a subtle creature, though, and began to hear the subtext when a man spoke, to sift through their words and separate the gold of assured, knowledgeable competence from the dross of bluster, arrogance, and unreliable volatility.

High Prices are Part of the Kink [MF] [Prostitution]

Note: This story takes place more than twenty years ago, when the internet and cell phones hadn’t completely taken over yet.

I’d met Elle when she’d come to one of my amateur boxing matches, right after college. I’d noticed her in the audience, eyes bright and intent on the fight, and noticed her again, in the bar afterwards that the boxers, trainers, and fight fans tended to go to. I was brimming with post-fight energy; it was the first fight she’d seen, a mutual friend from college had invited her. She told me she had been prepared to be shocked or horrified, but instead just found herself elated and thrilled. The excitement made her even more attractive than she already was; she had a clever, laughing face with girl-next-door charm, and a smokeshow body, smooth curves on top of an athletic frame. Honey brown hair, dazzling blue eyes, and a really rich laugh that charmed me right away. Talking about the physical reality of fighting turned into flirtation, which turned into making out in the street as we stumbled back to my place. It was a pretty intensely sexual relationship from the start; we talked about plenty of other things, but sex was our punctuation, our rising and setting sun. We established quickly we weren’t looking for monogamy–she tested that out within a couple weeks, telling me she’d fucked another guy, and was pleasantly surprised when that got no jealousy from me, just made me fuck her harder. A month or so after that, we had a MFM threesome; she looked incredibly hot during that, her gorgeous body overwhelmed with pleasure.