So this is pt 2,
It was about a month or so later than the party, I met her at the train station and she was with one of her friends.. she was really small but really hot, me and my cousin were a little bigger. Anyway the friend said she wants to meet some boys after we have had some drinks(box wine) but I said I didnt want to. They both tried to convince me its fun and that everybody out this side of town was into sex. I was 12 and my cousin was 13.
After we had a few drinks at my cousins friends house we were walking back to my cousins and we were already really drunk, i remeber hearing stories they were telling about when my cousin sucked a dick for the 1st time and boy was I shocked to hear that she was only 11! Her friend was 11 also. I told them i had not even seen a penis before! (This was the truth).