The Adventures of an Awkward Obedient Nerd 7: Honeypot Heaven [MF]


*DAMN* It really has been a while I posted. Like, a decent amount of time. But oh well, let’s get back into it!

Now, continuing on with my Senior Year, I was not sure what I wanted to do once competition season came around. Turns out the answer: was Taylor. For those who’d like some background on Taylor, I’d go check out [chapter 4, part 1!](

We had just recently started back up with our sexting on the chat of snap (why I can’t put the app name…I won’t understand). I tell ya, looking back, we had excellent timing. We both were able to make sure we could watch each other cum despite being limited to minute long segments. Well eventually, we started to get more frisky, and she said while she was recording herself.

“God I want your tongue so bad…”

Once we were done with everything, we still chatted for a bit, and I brought it up.

“So, you ‘want my tongue so bad’, huh?”

She seemed embarrassed, but also giggly. She nodded, and just sat there thinking for a moment.

“What time will you get to the school tomorrow?”

The Adventures of an Awkward Obedient Nerd 6: Lost Adventures [MF]


**Sorry in advance for the short stories. Sadly this may in fact be the shortest. Both of these were very brief interactions, but I found them interesting enough to still include them!**

**Study Rubbing**

This little story starts with Adeline. Not the one from [chapter three](, but a different one. Lol.

This Adeline was completely different. She was thick, and had miles of just about anything. Total mom body, and man that’s not a bad thing. She has reddish brown hair, dare I say hazel…and green eyes. Drop dead, I promise. [Pic for reference!](

Well, Adeline and I knew each other, but were never really *friends*. We kind of just knew each other, and that’s it. Well, I sadly no longer has study hall with Mary, and I had switched classes. Now, I had Adeline.

Her and I were the only people each of us knew, so we made our seat assignments right next to each other. She was always a flirt, which I knew…but I never worried. Things started with us just watching YouTube on our phones, and she would snuggle into my shoulder, or lay her head next to mine when I decided to nap.

The Adventures of an Awkward Obedient Nerd 5: Sweet Mary [MF]

I’d like to start this with a quick comment. Sorry about the pornstar pics lol. But I for one love visual aids, and I try to use the ones that best describe the girls in my stories. Not trying to fam upvotes or get more attention, just trying to add a submersible feel to the post. So, sorry about that. Anyways, if you missed the last post, [CLICK HERE FOR CHAPTER FOUR, PART TWO](

I feel like a total hypocrite sometimes. Maybe I’m alone, maybe I’m not. Idk. Sometimes I want a genuine relationship, and I shit on people who only sleep around. But man, I’d love to have a fuck buddy. Or like I mentioned in the previous post, one of top sexual bucket list items is a threesome of any kind (honestly I’d be down for just being in a group chat and just sexting), but I’m also terrified that my partners always want more than just me. But it’s okay. I’m working thought stuff, and I’m learning to live with it. Now if only I can check those boxes…

The Adventures of an Awkward Obedient Nerd 4: This Time It’s Digital! (PART TWO) [MF]


Seems like most people enjoy both Allie and Taylor in this series. Sadly, Allie is no more…but this is not the end for Taylor! **Taylor will return!!!**

But not right now. Although we continued for many nights, even after Thanksgiving Break, we eventually fell off due to our lives being separate besides the digital bedroom. But I wasn’t going to be alone for long. Because now it’s time for Brooke to enter the picture.

Now Brooke was a heavier girl. But not *bad* heavy. I’m pretty sure the correct term is **thick**. Lol. Well, the best way that I can describe her is [Lena Paul](, but with a little mire chubby of a face. Or possibly [this fine doll, right here!]( She was a cute little slut. Now here’s how it all started…

We met in hell. Well, actually Math class, but what’s the difference? Brayden has the same math class as me, and we were pretty excited about it. Him and I had been friends for a while, but never really had classes together outside of choir. I guess he had been fucking around with Brooke for a couple weeks now. They had a very strange dynamic.

The Adventures of an Awkward Obedient Nerd 4: This Time It’s Digital! (PART ONE) [MF]


Now, this starts with a girl. Well, not just a girl. *The* girl. We’re gonna call this one Taylor. Now Taylor…is a unicorn. Taylor was shorter than most of the guys I know (we all love petite chicks). Despite the height, she legit had everything. 10/10 ass. As someone who doesn’t really desire to eat ass, I think I found an exception to the rule. The tits, oh god. Some people always kinda called her out cuz one of them is bigger. Me being a guy, sorry if I butcher this next detail. One of her tits was around a DD if not a little bigger, and the other one was an H (I think). However, despite that, they looked amazing and you couldn’t tell by looking at them. These were mother tits, alright? Like, I would gladly just get home from work and just suck and lick all over them for like an hour. Easily. But I should stop with the details so I don’t give you the whole meal right off the bat. Oof, a final detail. She’s a cute blonde. Boom, there ya go. The whole show stopper. But for the sake of a visual aid…I’d say that this chick is a mixture of: [Sarah-xxx](, [lillie0071](, and of course [Good Ol’ Mia Malkova](

The Adventures of an Awkward Obedient Nerd 3: Age of Adeline [MF]


**Sorry in advance for the shortness of this chapter…but there’s a two-parter coming up!**

After my little meet up with Allie, I decided that I SERIOUSLY needed more. At this point, my standards were set to the extreme, at least for head. But, with my social awkwardness and only being a 4/10? for attractiveness, I had to figure something out. Granted, with this experience I not only got what I wanted, but looking back, I’m sure I could’ve done better.

Adeline was…odd. Completely odd. She was extremely short, and always had pigtails. She had glasses, which always looked broken, and she wasn’t really the most attractive girl. Adeline was that one girl. You know, the kind of girl where you barely know her, or maybe even hate her? And she always says shit like “oh I’m more ghetto than I look” and “where’s my hug?” Well I figured that if someone is going to be easy, I might as well take advantage. I’ll be straight up. I was going to have a pic for reference like the last two parts, but this girl is just so…not attractive that no pics on the internet that I found properly could be used. Rest In Peace.

The Adventures of an Awkward Obedient Nerd 2: Allie Allie Oxen-Free [MF]


One of my other friends, Brayden, was a total ladies man. And by that I mean (in his words) he “pulled bitches”. I mean, this man usually didn’t enjoy being in a relationship due to past ones, and he usually flaunted himself around, and always had a minimum of like, 6 girls hitting his line at one given time (at the current time, I think he’s up to 12?).

Well, him and I shared a couple classes together. We truly bonded in our choir classes back in our early years of high school, and have really been friends since. Now, we were in a mixed gender choir. Plenty of guys…*and plenty of girls*. One of these girls was Allie. She was probably a good 2-3 inches taller than all of the guys. She had a short black haircut, and freckles for days. She gave off the white-girl-country-tomboy vibe all of the time. Most people took that (as well as her constant attitude) as a sign to steer clear. Well, not Brayden. He went for it, and supposedly had the time of his life. Naturally, like every other damn woman we knew, she would gossip about his massive horse cock, further increasing success in future endeavors. Eventually they did stop talking, and fucking, but even after…she swore by his dong.

The Adventures of an Awkward Obedient Nerd 1: Parks and Recreation [MF]

Alright…I’m a long time lurker. I love the stories on here, and I love sharing them with others (haha). So, I was suggested by a friend to start this little series. I’m hoping to get a mixture of hot sexual experiences, but also dumb, funny shit. So, hopefully everyone will want more! I’ll be happy to hear any suggestions, advice, and requests for more! Also, these stories (even the embarrassing stuff) is 100% truth!

**I’d like to start this with a quick disclaimer! This experience is going to be full of jokes. Some of these can be viewed as offensive, but know that this is not intended, only to further illustrate the relationship we have. Thank you, and now enjoy!**

Growing up, I was the weird kid. I was not one of the “cool” kids or the one of hot guys. I was the scrawny, greasy haired kid with the big glasses that everyone knew to avoid. This led to no experience with girls for so long. I was also a big momma’s boy. So, I was always trying to behave myself and gain every once of permission/approval from my mom. This extended into the law as well. Anything that is *technically* illegal, I never did, for the fear of disappointing her, or the law. Well, occasionally I break free of my shackles, and these are the stories of how I slowly became my own guy, sexually. (And all the hilarious shit in between!)