Lilium Inter Spinas [m/f, paranormal, modern, fae]

There are both an intro and an afterward I won’t include here. There are also a couple pictures–the model who inspired the story (who’s gorgeous) and a little bit of gorgeous man candy. If you’re interested in any of that, I’ll include a link to the blog in the comments:

I met Lily in Austin, Texas.

There’s a particular bridge in Austen, the I-35. The homeless gather there every so often, until the police kick them out. Then one or two return at a time, sticking around to take shelter under the high bridge and beside its big concrete pillars. Numbers increase and the place becomes a village, until the police roust them and it starts all over again.

At the height of the bridge’s village-season, local church groups show up with handouts and literature. Sometimes they even bring grills and music and things turn into a full-on festival. I’d already decided to move on from Texas altogether, but decided to stay a couple extra nights to see if one of these festivals would yield a picture or two.

Categorized as Erotica

Political discussion at the debate turns physical [mf handjob]

[Nikki Groves]( wrote this little story about two college students working out their differences:

Young Republicans and Young Democrats line up outside the Thomas and Mac center with signs and posters and even effigies of the candidates. It looks more like a protest movement than the gear-up for a presidential debate.

Cathy can’t even figure out why they’re still out here. The candidates were both inside already. Tucking her arms deep into the pocket of her hoodie, she scanned the faces on the other side of the aluminum guard rail, searching for the face of her boyfriend amid all the other Hillary supporters. She’d gotten together with Paul in their second year of high school, before politics mattered to either one of them.

They’d grown up, stayed home for college, found out they both loved American politics and stood at the two polar opposites of the political spectrum. Through some miracle (or because Paul had the shoulders of a bodybuilder) they stayed together.

For now, at least.

This would be their first election, post-political awakening, and some days Cathy had her doubts.

[MF Vanilla] Steamy Makeout at the Debate

This isn’t incredibly explicit (a little bit at the end). I was just watching the debate and got frustrated, then bored, then a little horny. So I wrote a little erotica! Sorry if this is lame. There’s art that goes along with the story and a little political message about Prop 60, which is pretty important if you live in California, so I’ll link to the original version on my blog in the comments. Thanks for reading!


“You can’t think [MALE CANDIDATE] will be stupid enough to answer this question, do you?” [MALE CANDIDATE]’s handler asked, throwing the stack of blue notecards on the desk in front of the white-haired moderator. They hit with a flat smack and rebounded in to a little blue snowstorm.

It was only an hour until show time. Rex reflected that the handler really should have glanced at the questions before now. They were all supposed to be pre-approved.

Jenna looked at him over her glasses. “Look like your boy is going to be a little flustered. I’m anticipating another win for [FEMALE CANDIDATE].” Rex hated Jenna, but her voice gave him butterflies every time. Well, not just her voice. He liked that those green eyes that seemed to be blazing at him. He loved her figure: curvy, a true hourglass; and she knew just how to show it off.

Categorized as Erotica

Shapeshifting Ghost Sex?? [MF reluc]

I’m actually doing a bit of market research here. One of my authors (I’ll link to his blog in the comments) wrote this as a promotional piece for one of our other authors. It got a ton of pageviews, but zero comments. I can’t tell if it’s not sexy enough, or sexy because it’s almost all anticipation, or the antipathy between the two characters. I’m really just looking for any constructive feedback Reddit wants to give. I tried to get some similar feedback on Facebook and ended up with an alarming number of dick pics in my inbox. So…help a girl out?

The Inhuman by Reggie Barkwell

–Liset Laraña, the witch, read a magazine in her faux magic shop. To be clear, she was a real witch, with real power. Her store, however, sold intentional shams to people who didn’t know any better.

She lounged on an overly expensive beanbag chair, nestled in deep with her long arms and longer legs sticking out at sharp angles. The magazine rested in the pocket created by the calf or one leg resting perpendicularly on her knee.

She scooped the bottom corner of a page with a crimson nail, then flipped it casually with a slender finger.

Little Red, Riding Hood [Shape Shifter, Modern Fairytale]

Hi. My name is Farah. I run Play Farah Publishing, a little erotic publishing house out of Las Vegas, NV. I am not an author, but I wrote this story to promote one of my authors and ended up being really, really proud of it. I’m posting it here because I want people to read it and would be interested in your feedback. I’m going to post a link to this same entry from my blog in the comments, but only because I commissioned a painting from a friend of mine to go along with the story, and she ended up doing a really amazing job.

Ummm…thanks! and I hope you enjoy.

I lay beside my big bad wolf, hands buried in his downy fur. Sometimes I stroke against the natural grain of his hair then smooth it back down. Other times I clutch at him for dear life. For now, I just keep my face pressed against his warmth and feel my head rise up and down with each deep breath, and I reflect on the truth that fairytales really do come true, just not in the ways that we expect.
As I drift, I picture the old man’s face—a grandfather in my story, not a sweet old granny—as I danced on his lap. Danced is a generous term. I stood in front of him, grinding my lacy red panties into his lifeless crotch and looking over my shoulder to see if anything was registering on his face. Nothing. He just stared past me, black-faced, not even looking at the stage. I was blocking his view. He was just staring through me.

[M/F First Time] One of my employees wrote about her first time

I run a small erotic publishing house out of Las Vegas, NV.

In order to promote new books, I frequently ask my authors to write shorts about similar subject matter. One of my authors, Shannon Mendoza, took one of those opportunities to write about losing her virginity.

It’s not as sexy as some of the stories on here, but it feels so real, I thought it belonged here:


Play Nice | Play Farah