Hooking up with the hot punk high school girl from the grocery store, Part 8. Liz and I have anal for the first time. (M22/F18) (anal) (oral)

Liz spent the night at my house on a Friday night. The next morning, she said, “Do you want to go downtown? Have some food and walk around?”

“That sounds fun…let’s do it.”

We took the train downtown to a trendy neighborhood, had some brunch and then wandered around. It was a cold, winter day, but the sun was out, and it wasn’t windy, so it was nice walking around. We walked everywhere with my arm over her shoulders and her arm around my waist or holding hands. Liz always looked hot and cool in whatever she was wearing. Today, she had on some black, low waisted jeans, tall black boots, a black and white horizontal striped shirt and a black leather jacket. With her beautiful face, bright red hair, dark makeup and piercings; she drew a lot of attention as we walked around.

We went into a record store, browsing through all of our favorite bands. We couldn’t really keep our hands off each other. Mostly just innocent, hand holding or hugging, maybe a kiss on the cheek. Sometimes, maybe grabbing each other’s ass. I was standing behind her, as she perused some CDs, with my arms wrapped around her from behind.

Hooking up with the hot punk high school girl from the grocery store , Part 7. Liz and I have oral in a public bathroom at my show. (M22/F18) (oral)

Liz and I continued dating and eventually my band was finally playing at a real venue, with a real stage. I had watched many bands that I idolized play right here, in this venue. We were just part of a local band night, but there was going to be a small record label here watching the acts. Actually, that made me less nervous than just playing in this club, with a big crowd, focused on the music. My band used to play little college bars and dive bars and that had an entirely different feel.

As soon as I left work, we had to get ready for the show. We fought rush hour traffic to transport our gear to the club and then do sound checks. I had already put in for a vacation day off for the next day, because I knew I was going to be exhausted. Liz was coming with some of her friends, who were all riding the train downtown and still had to go to school the next day. She promised that she would get to the show early, so that I could see her, before I got onstage.

Hooking up with the hot punk high school girl from the grocery store , Part 6. Valentine’s day with my punk gf. (M22/F18) (Anal) (oral)

A couple of weeks into our relationship, it was valentine’s day and I was going to take Liz out to dinner at a great place in our neighborhood. I came home from work, not expecting to see Liz until dinner, but when I walked into my room, Liz was standing there, waiting for me.

“I hope you don’t mind that I asked your roommate to let me in…” and Liz was standing there looking very nervous and red faced.

“Uh…um…wow…uh…I definitely do not mind…holy shit,” as I looked up and down her body.

Liz giggled and said, “Do you like my outfit?” Liz was standing there in a matching set of lacey red bra and panties. But, what I really liked, was that she was wearing that with some tall, black leather boots. She had a punk/goth look, with her hair dyed bright red and some dark make up on. She had a thin, pale body, with small, firm tits and long, thin legs. She looked really beautiful.

“Liz, you look beautiful…and I love the boots,” as I moved forward to hug and kiss her.

Hooking up with the hot punk high school girl from the grocery store , Part 5. (M22/F18) (Period sex…oral)

It was Sunday and my friends from out of town left to drive home. Liz had to work at the grocery store that afternoon, but it was sort of a mom and pop grocery store, so she got off work at 7pm. I walked her the couple of blocks from my rental house to work. We hugged and kissed outside.

“Hey Liz, if you get off at 7pm, do you want to come over to my house for dinner?”

“I have homework to do.”

“I’m good at homework.”

“My mom probably wants me to be home tonight.”

“That’s true.”

“You cook?”

“I am a pretty good cook. Not a chef or anything, but people like my food.”

Liz said, “I am surprised and impressed. Hey, what if you come cook at my house…for my mom and me some night this week? On a night I don’t have to work.”

“Um…your mom? That is a lot of pressure.”

“My mom is going to be seriously impressed. She is a pretty good cook, but she does not have a lot of time to cook and it’s just the two of us.”

Hooking up with the hot punk high school girl from the grocery store , Part 4. (M22/F18) (Age gap) (blowjob)

After our afternoon hookup/nap, Liz and I got dressed again. It was Saturday night and my friends were still in town for the big party that my housemates and I were throwing. As I previously mentioned, this happened in the mid 1990s. My housemates and I were renting a run down house in a close in suburb to a major US city. The house had a basement with the fake wood paneling that many american homes had installed in the 1970s. There was a beat up, old shaggy carpet in the basement and several couches. In one corner of the room, my band had our instruments, PA system and amplifiers. There was an unfinished laundry room and a bathroom down there as well. We had a ton of people packed in the basement and more people standing outside in the cold, smoking cigarettes. Upstairs, there was a nicer living room, although we had it decorated with thrift store furniture, a kitchen with 1970s decor, and all of the bedrooms.

Hooking up with the hot punk high school girl from the grocery store , Part 3. (M22/F18) (Age gap) (oral) (CFNM)

Liz and I were laying next to each other totally naked, as we awoke from our afternoon nap. It was late in the afternoon one day In February and the sky outside my bedroom window was grey. We were under the covers and she was on her side, rolled against me. She was on top of one of my arms and my other arm was wrapped around her, running my hand up and down the soft, bare skin of her back and down to her ass. Liz was running a hand around my bare chest.

Liz giggled a little and said, “I’ve never been totally naked with a guy before.”

“Really? You said you’ve had oral and stuff before?”

“Just never got totally naked until just now.”

“Well, thanks then, because I enjoy this naked body,” running my hand up her bare side and softly fondling one of her small tits.

We kissed some and touched each other a little.

“When was the first time you got totally naked with a girl, Sam?” and she was giving me a cute smile.

“Right now.”

She laughed and gently hit me, “Bullshit.”

Hooking up with the hot punk high school girl from the grocery store , Part 2 (M22/F18) (Age gap) (slow build) (oral)

I woke up in the morning with Liz shaking me. She was holding herself up on one arm and looking down at me with her beautiful face.

“Sam, are you awake? Wake up.”

I gave a very groggy, “I guess I am awake now…”

“I’m hungry.”

“What time is it?”

“Like 9am.”

“Let’s go back to sleep. We went to bed so late.”

“No, I’m starving. Come on”, she starting shaking me violently even though my eyes were closed and I was pretending to be asleep. “I know you’re not asleep…giggle.” She climbed out of bed and stripped off my big tshirt she was borrowing, so she was standing there in just a tiny pair of black panties, as she reached down to pick up her bra. My eyes opened wide and she said, “Oh, I see, now your eyes are open,” trying to cover her tits a little bit.

“You gave me a good reason to open them.” She had a thin body, pale skin, nice firm little tits that really were proportional to her body, and a small, but nicely shaped ass.

Hooking up with the hot punk high school girl from the grocery store (M22/F18) (Age gap) (slow build)

It was the mid 1990s and I was living with some friends from college after we graduated. We lived right outside a major city, but our close in suburb had the feel of the city and you could walk to everything you needed, including a small grocery store. I ended up walking into that grocery store almost every day and I noticed a very attractive girl working one of the cash registers. My housemates and I all thought she was hot and would always try to go to her checkout lane.

She was a thin, long-legged, punk/goth girl with her hair died bright red and cool makeup on her very pretty face. She had a lip ring and a tiny stud in her nose. She sometimes would small talk, but usually in a very bored tone. One day, I walked up to the register with one of my housemates and she smiled broadly and said, “I love that band.” I was wearing a black concert tshirt from a punk band that I really liked. There was a long line, so we only chatted briefly.

As we walked back to my house, my housemate said, “The hot chick liked your shirt.”