Hooking up with the hot punk high school girl from the grocery store , Part 6. Valentine’s day with my punk gf. (M22/F18) (Anal) (oral)

A couple of weeks into our relationship, it was valentine’s day and I was going to take Liz out to dinner at a great place in our neighborhood. I came home from work, not expecting to see Liz until dinner, but when I walked into my room, Liz was standing there, waiting for me.

“I hope you don’t mind that I asked your roommate to let me in…” and Liz was standing there looking very nervous and red faced.

“Uh…um…wow…uh…I definitely do not mind…holy shit,” as I looked up and down her body.

Liz giggled and said, “Do you like my outfit?” Liz was standing there in a matching set of lacey red bra and panties. But, what I really liked, was that she was wearing that with some tall, black leather boots. She had a punk/goth look, with her hair dyed bright red and some dark make up on. She had a thin, pale body, with small, firm tits and long, thin legs. She looked really beautiful.

“Liz, you look beautiful…and I love the boots,” as I moved forward to hug and kiss her.

“I was thinking that we would have some time to fool around before dinner…giggle.”

We stood there kissing, as my hands wandered around her body, first feeling her ass over her underwear and then moving my hand down into her panties to feel her bare ass cheeks. Liz started pulling up on my shirt and I took it off and then my shoes and my pants and underwear. We climbed into my bed and Liz said, “Should I take off the boots?”

“No, leave them on, it’s hot,” and I got on top of her in my bed. We continued kissing and I was grinding my erection into her crotch. I moved a hand up to feel one of her small, firm tits, then pulled down the strap of her bra, to expose her nipple. I made my down to lick and suck on her perky little nipple. Then I kissed my way down her pale, flat stomach, to her pelvis. I kissed her right on her somewhat prominent pelvic bones, teasing her, by putting my tongue just barely under her panties, near her pussy, but not quite touching it yet. I spread her legs wide to kiss her inner thighs and I rubbed my fingers a bit on her crotch, over the top of her panties.

I slowly started pulling down her panties, exposing her very narrow strip of dark pubic hair. It looked like she had shaved it more than usual and it was now just a neatly manicured little strip. I ran my fingers through her small patch of soft bush and kissed her on the labia. I slowly inserted my middle finger into her vagina, looking up at her as I fingered her. I licked her and fingered her at the same time. She whimpered a little. She had her knees bent, legs spread wide for me, and I spread open her labia to really get into her pussy with my tongue. I loved eating her out and I could tell she was enjoying it.

Liz was running her hands through my hair, and my face was getting wet with her juices. She started moving her legs around, “Sam…oh, shit…mmmm…oh my god,” and I continued with my tongue movements on her clit. “Fuck…yeah, yeah, yeah…” she was getting pretty loud as I continued my licking and fingering. I loved the view when I looked up her body, just the bra and black boots, with her pussy on display for me. As I started sucking on her clit and moving my head, she said, “oh my god…don’t stop…” and I tried to keep doing exactly that until she pushed her pelvis upward and squeezed my face in her thighs.

As her breathing returned to normal, I felt her pulling me up toward her and I moved up to kiss her. But, she was pulling me up further, so that my dick was in her face. She propped her head on a pillow, grabbed my boner and licked it while looking up at me. Liz put it in her mouth and sucked. I gently thrusted slightly into her mouth, looking down at her pretty face with my dick in her mouth. I pulled my dick away and she licked at the air, begging for my dick, so I gave it to her again. I felt her slide an arm under me, so she could touch herself while she licked and sucked on my dick. I pulled out again and stroked it a few times, right in her face, as she licked the head.

I reached a hand back to finger her pussy, as she toyed with her own clit. I was gently thrusting in her mouth again. She pushed my dick out, then moved her face down to lick my balls, the base of my shaft, and then up to the head again. I whimpered, “fuck Liz, that feels so good,” and she smiled at me as she worked her tongue on the head of my dick. She put it back in, sucking and she made a little moan with it in her mouth, she was making herself orgasm, touching herself with my dick in her mouth. I finally said, “Oh shit…I’m going to cum…” and she sucked me faster, moving her head up and down on my dick. As I came in her mouth, she made little moans and whimpers. I pulled my wet dick out of her mouth and she smiled up at me, then kissed and licked it some more. She put it back in her and stared right up at me as she gave it a slow suck, then I pulled it out and plopped down next to her.

We kissed, as we laid next to each other and she said, “Happy Valentine’s day,”

“Happy valentine’s day to you too Liz…wow…that was fucking amazing.”

We laid there kissing and started chatting. We still had time to kill before dinner.

“Hey Sam?” Liz said, as she stroked a hand on my chest, and was looking a little nervous.

“Yes, Liz?”

“You never really asked me why I am still a virgin…”

“I don’t know, I figured you have your reasons. I’m not like desperately trying to take your virginity or something. I’ve been more than happy with what we’ve been doing.”

Liz kissed me and said, “thanks…my last boyfriend was sort of a prick about it. Look, I’m not religious.”

“I did not think so.”

“It’s just that my mom got pregnant with me in high school, so I told myself I would not have intercourse until I graduated.”

“I mean there’s condoms and birth control?”

“Yes, I know, I just wanted to wait.”

“Okay, well, it does not bother me. Whenever you want to…if you want to…”

Liz kissed me again, then nervously said, “Have you ever done anal, Sam?” and she giggled nervously.

“Um…yes, well…I tried it with one girlfriend, but she was not enjoying it and we stopped.”

“I’ve done it…” and she looked at me looking very embarrassed and then she said, “I told you I was a technical virgin.”

“Um…okay…did you like it?”

She laughed and said, “I do like it.” I was just staring at her sort of stunned. She said, “What? don’t look at me like I’m a freak.”

“I’m sorry, I’m just very surprised. The girl I did it with was not a fan, but I guess we also did not know what we were doing.”

Liz said, “You need lots of the right lube…”


“I know the right kind to get” and she gave a nervous laugh.

“What are you saying?”

“Oh my god, Sam…come on…okay, fine…I want you to fuck my ass. Not today, but like sometime.”

“How many times have you done it?”

“I don’t know, I did it with my last boyfriend. I liked it and so, we did it sometimes.”

We kissed some more and I reached between her legs, putting my finger between her swollen labia and into her very wet pussy. She stroked my dick, our conversation had given me another erection. I moved my finger out of her vagina and moved my hand back to her bare ass, gently touching her butthole, “do you like a finger in your ass?”

She said, “Yes,” and then I slowly worked my wet finger into her butt, as she touched my boner and we kissed. Liz rolled on top of me and was moving her pussy on my dick, grinding it, as I continued fingering her ass. I pulled my finger most of the way out and she shoved her ass right back down on it, laughing a little as she looked down at me. Liz worked her ass up and down, sort of riding my finger, “I can’t wait to have your dick in my ass,” and she stroked my dick until I shot a load on my stomach.

Liz and I cleaned up and got ready for dinner. I took her to my favorite Sushi place near my house and we sat eating.

“Hey Liz, I want you to know that the band got a gig. We are doing a local band night at a real venue.”

She leaned across the table and kissed me, “I’m so proud of you Sam.”

“Well, you deserve the credit. You convinced me that we were good enough and we sent them a demo tape and we are in the show.”

“I can’t wait to see you on stage.”

“We’ve never done a venue like this one. Usually we’ve done college bars, basements, dive bars. We’ve mostly been paid in beer and food, but we have had some paying gigs.”

“Do you get paid this time?”

“Yes, we will get a small cut of the door.”

“That’s cool, I will tell my friends to come.”

“Hey, Liz, seriously…thanks for encouraging me to do this…I am pretty excited. You’re a great girlfriend,” and I picked up her hand and kissed the back of it.

“Well, you’re a pretty great boyfriend too,” and she picked up my hand to kiss it.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/116is84/hooking_up_with_the_hot_punk_high_school_girl

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