Hooking up with the hot punk high school girl from the grocery store , Part 4. (M22/F18) (Age gap) (blowjob)

After our afternoon hookup/nap, Liz and I got dressed again. It was Saturday night and my friends were still in town for the big party that my housemates and I were throwing. As I previously mentioned, this happened in the mid 1990s. My housemates and I were renting a run down house in a close in suburb to a major US city. The house had a basement with the fake wood paneling that many american homes had installed in the 1970s. There was a beat up, old shaggy carpet in the basement and several couches. In one corner of the room, my band had our instruments, PA system and amplifiers. There was an unfinished laundry room and a bathroom down there as well. We had a ton of people packed in the basement and more people standing outside in the cold, smoking cigarettes. Upstairs, there was a nicer living room, although we had it decorated with thrift store furniture, a kitchen with 1970s decor, and all of the bedrooms.

Some people asked if my band would play, so we took the “stage” and played through our usual set, taking some requests for covers and playing some originals. Liz was standing watching us play and after the set, she said, “I don’t know why you said that you guys are not that good. I think you’re pretty good. Like, I think you’re as good as a lot of the opening bands we see. You guys should be playing out.”

“Well, we used to play out regularly in college for beer and sometimes for money. When we moved here after college, we started getting some gigs around here, but I just sort of felt like it was time to grow out of that.”

“Grow out of that…what the fuck does that mean?”

“Look, Liz, I don’t know…my last girlfriend, she sort of thought I was a loser for playing in this band.”

“What a fucking bitch…what’s her problem? When did you break up with her?”

“Actually, Liz, I only broke up with her a couple of months ago. Well, she broke up with me. I sort of swore off women after that, because she wrecked me, but then I oddly found that girls liked me even more and then I met you.”

“What do you mean, she wrecked you?”

One of my bandmates, Chris, was nearby and overheard us, “She was a fucking bitch. Liz, that girl was an asshole. You better be nice to my friend, got it. I’m serious, I don’t want some girl fucking with his head again. She even tried crawling back into his head after breaking up with him.”

Liz snuggled up to my side and said, “I will be nice to your friend. I like him quite a bit. What did this girl do?”

I sighed and said, “She thought I was a loser. Like, my job was not good enough, my band was not good enough, my car was not cool enough.”

Liz said, “Why did you put up with that?”

My bandmate chimed in, “She had a nice ass…” and then laughed as he continued, organizing some cables.

Liz said, “Really?”

I said, “Liz, I had a crush on her and she had a crush on me too and it took awhile before we got together. I should have seen the warning signs. Like, she kept sort of getting together with me and then changing her mind. She would mention things about me that she did not like that were preventing her from being with me. We finally got together and I’ll admit, I was blinded by her looks and the sex.”

My bandmate had come back with a beer and said, “He was so pussy whipped, he went country line dancing.”

Liz chuckled and I turned red, “You went to a country bar and went line dancing? I am laughing thinking of you in your black combat boots and a fucking Black Flag tshirt in a country bar.”

“Fuck…yes, I did. It was my worst nightmare.”

Liz said, “Well, dude, you two were not a match at all.”

Chris said, “thank you, we tried to tell him that.”

Liz continued, “Of course she thought your band sucked. She likes country. What was her problem with your job?”

“She just thought I had no ambition.”

“You are doing what you love and you go to work every damn day. I think your job seems interesting. I read ambition as you don’t make enough money.”

My bandmate said, “Bingo.”

“Well, thanks, she kind of messed with my head and my confidence.”

Liz said, “Fuck her, I think you’re great,” and she kissed me. “Also, I don’t see what’s wrong with your car.”

My bandmate chimed in, “I’m sure she wanted him to have a massive car loan to have a nice shiny pickup or SUV or something.”

Liz turned to my bandmate and said, “Who has a nicer ass, her or me?,” and she turned her ass toward him.

He very quickly said, “Definitely you,’ and his eyes were focused on Liz’s ass in her tight, low waisted, black jeans, with her lower back exposed.

Liz laughed and said, “Okay, then, Sam, I don’t want to hear anymore about this girl’s stupid opinions. You have my ass now and my ass likes you the way you are,” then she walked off to go to the bathroom, leaving my bandmate and I staring at her ass as she walked away.

Chris said, “She’s cool dude and her ass really is better than Ella’s.”

“I know, I like her a lot.”

Liz spent the night in my bed again and when we woke up in the morning, she got up and used the bathroom. When she came back in my room, she was just wearing one of my tshirts that she slept in the night before. She stood at the foot of my bed and said, “I’m really sorry that girl fucked with your confidence. I did not know you were so wounded.”

“I was pretty miserable Liz and I also would not shut up about the break up to my friends, but being with you, I’m over it.”

She suggestively lifted the shirt, grinning at me nervously, “I want to give you a confidence boost, Sam,” and she slid her shirt off over her head, so she was standing there blushing in just some red panties.

“Oh, yeah?”

She nodded yes and pulled off her panties, so she was standing naked, except for a black choker necklace she wore. She crawled up onto the bed and pulled down my boxers, pulling them all the way off. Then she sort of pulled on my legs and said, “Sit on the edge of the bed.”

I moved myself down to sit on the edge of the foot of the bed and she slowly lowered herself to her knees. She looked up at me and said, “So, if I get on my knees and suck your dick, would that help your confidence?”

I gulped and said, “Yes, it would.”

Liz kissed my boner, then licked it looking right at me. Then she put it in her mouth sucking it. There was a full length mirror at the foot of my bed, so that I could see a side view of Liz, naked, and on her knees, sucking my dick. She took it out of her mouth, “Do you think I would get naked, on my knees, to suck your dick, if you were a loser?” She was looking at me innocently and kissed my penis.

“No, I don’t think so.”

Liz was sucking my dick and I saw that she noticed herself in the mirror. She tried to turn to see herself sucking.

“I love sucking your dick Sam,” and she bobbed her head up and down on my dick. I could see her lips wrapped around my dick in the mirror next to her. I was starting to breath quicker, but she would pause and stroke it, lick it, and kiss it to make it last awhile.

After a long blowjob, I said, “I’m about to cum, Liz.”

She took her mouth off my dick and opened her mouth open wide, tongue out, hands down resting on her thighs, “Give it to me,”. So, I stood up and jerked off, as she whimpered and touched herself. I finally shot cum, causing her to flinch, with some landing on her tongue, a little on her chin, some on her cheek. She wiped the cum off herself and said, “How do you feel now?”

“Um, pretty fucking good,” and I laughed.

She said, “Good, let’s go take a shower.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1134ivv/hooking_up_with_the_hot_punk_high_school_girl


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