“Breathe for Daddy.”

Your cock is throbbing-hard as you force yourself into me again, jerking my whole body. Your pace is slow and so deliberate, strong and almost shocks me each time.

We’ve been fucking for the whole afternoon. I’ve taken your pounding cock so many ways, I’m exhausted and sore… how are you still going?

It’s been a long, rough session. My skin is swollen, tits red and bouncing with your hard thrusts. You pause.

Your hands touching, running over me feel a little bit painful but hot-sting soothing on my welts.

After a minute of you caressing me nicely, my body relaxes, trusting that your slapping, twisting, pinching, biting is over for now.

My body is begging for your kindness. It needs rubs and pleasure, Daddy. Please. Enough hard love for just a minute. I squirm under your palms, flattened on my tummy.

“Mmm good girl… Daddy will make you feel nice. Do you want that, babygirl?”

I can’t help but smile, eyes closed as I exhale deep, nodding.

You press both of your hands up either side of my body, along my ribs, and the contact tickles a little. I squirm and moan. I raise my arms straight above my head and lay them flat to the bed, my fingers linked.

You trace up my arms to my wrists, grip them firmly and press them into the bed until I open my eyes and meet yours. I immediately understand not to move them.

The mood changes a bit; I’m back on guard, but in subspace. That’s a hard spot to be…

You glide your fingers back down my arms and slowly run them along my collarbone, dragging your fingernails, causing chills to flow up me. I get squirmy with pleasure.

“Do not squirm! Be still for me, baby.”

I freeze, then sink back. Your flutter your fingers down to my nipples, teasing along your way. I’m still, but whimper and moan with each touch and swipe.

“Good girl.”

I melt.

You start tenderly rubbing my nipples, one at a time, and I can’t handle the pleasure and stillness. I’m squirming, and you stop with my nipple still in your grip. I look to you, your eyes staring back, expectantly. I sink back again, sheepishly, quietly, biting my lips closed… wrists still pinned with your mental bondage.

“Good. I won’t ask again, Babygirl.”

You go back to gently teasing me until you make me breathy, then start working my nipples so sweetly, rubbing and sucking… I’m such a good, sweet girl for you. Moaning and panting but being so still like I know a good girl should.

You move your hands to start rubbing my skin all over. It feels so so nice, Daddy. Your hand moves toward my throat, and I’m in such subspace I lift my chin for you instinctively.

Your fingers wrap around my throat as I look up adoringly into your eyes. You have me, Daddy. You start squeezing harder as I squirm, giving into instinct again. I start to move my mouth to apologize for being so squirmy but forget I don’t have breath.

I can feel myself getting tingly-dark, my hand raises from its promised spot, up towards you before I know it’s happening. It doesn’t make it and grazes your hip before you hear it hit the mattress beside us.

Our eyes are locked, but mine are going dimmer, my body has twitched once or twice…


“Breathe for Daddy… good girl.”

I inhale deeply and sharply, I can hear your voice like I’m underwater. I can feel my tits bouncing, your tight grip wrapped around my shoulders. I feel so good, I don’t recognize my own sounds.

“That’s my good girl. Cum for Daddy…”

I can see around my blinks. I take a few more sharp, sporadic inhales. You’re fucking me hard, Daddy. I’m cumming hard. My pussy grips your cock and soaks it simultaneously.

“That’s so good, little girl. Cum on my cock, baby. You’re such a good, perfect girl. You’re gonna make Daddy cum.”

You’re fucking me so hard, Daddy. You’re holding me so tight, I bury my face in you. You cum inside me, your moans in my ear make me smile so wide, my head still fuzzy-spinning.

I feel your weight rest on me fully after a few final pumps into me, and our heavy breaths are in sync. Our cum mixed, running out of me, my mouth starts to greedily water. I can’t let you go yet though, Daddy. Please stay just where you are… I need you.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11346cx/breathe_for_daddy


  1. My God I thought I was there for a minute! Thank you for sharing such a sexy story

  2. Blacking out from choking kills your brain cells each time you do it, causing permanent damage.

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