The Addict – Part 2 (m/f, office sex, erotica, humor)

She smirked. "You're funny, Gary, and kind of attractive in an overgrown high school jock kind of a way. Sorry. That was inappropriate, I'm sure you'll want to report me to HR."

"Not at all. For the record, I find you to be a very nice looking woman." Then I panicked. "Please don't report me to HR, I need this job, oh crap, sorry, me and my big mouth."

She laughed out loud. "Nice to hear a compliment, it's been awhile. A long while. Shit, did I just say that out loud? I've been here for twelve hours already, I think I'm getting loopy."

"While we're saying stuff out loud, I am compelled to tell you that a button came off your blouse and I can see your bra. But let me say this, the view is pretty amazing." Damn my brain, what an asshole.

She looked down at her chest and shrugged. "Hey, gotta take a cheap thrill once in awhile, right?"

"That's not a cheap thrill ma'am, that is like a million dollar view." Hey, I was on a roll, so I decided to just go for it.

The Addict – Part 1 (m/f, office sex, erotica, humor)

My name is Jerome Baxter, I’m twenty eight years old, and I have a confession to make. Ahem.

I’m addicted to boobs.

“Whatever, dumb ass, all men love titties,” is what you’re probably thinking right now, right? And you would be correct. However, I’m not sure you could find a guy who loves them more than I do. Or thinks about them as much as I do. Or pulls up pictures of them on the internet as many times as I do.

I’m not real particular about size or shape, either. I love a jiggly D cup as much as I like a perky A cup. Once, in college, I dated a girl who had a lazy eye and buck teeth, but she had a rack you could take a bullet for. About a 38 C, firm, but bouncy. Yeah, I love boobs, but I also love the women they’re attached to. Women. Soft and strong, open and loving. I don’t understand the female gender very well, but I am a fan. A huge fan. Hell, I even qualify as a groupie. Everything about women makes my heart race and my mind wander. All types, tall, petite, chubby, skinny, I’m not a picky man. As long as she’s fun to be around, I’m cool. But let’s get back to the titties, shall we?