The Addict – Part 2 (m/f, office sex, erotica, humor)

She smirked. "You're funny, Gary, and kind of attractive in an overgrown high school jock kind of a way. Sorry. That was inappropriate, I'm sure you'll want to report me to HR."

"Not at all. For the record, I find you to be a very nice looking woman." Then I panicked. "Please don't report me to HR, I need this job, oh crap, sorry, me and my big mouth."

She laughed out loud. "Nice to hear a compliment, it's been awhile. A long while. Shit, did I just say that out loud? I've been here for twelve hours already, I think I'm getting loopy."

"While we're saying stuff out loud, I am compelled to tell you that a button came off your blouse and I can see your bra. But let me say this, the view is pretty amazing." Damn my brain, what an asshole.

She looked down at her chest and shrugged. "Hey, gotta take a cheap thrill once in awhile, right?"

"That's not a cheap thrill ma'am, that is like a million dollar view." Hey, I was on a roll, so I decided to just go for it.

She looked up at me and smiled. It was slightly cold and evil, but it was still a smile. Then she did something that shocked the hell out of me. First, she locked the door to her office and drew the shades. Then, and this is the best fucking part, she reached in front and undid the clasp. Her delectable boobs burst forth, pushed the sides of the bra away, then stood up and said "Howdy."

"Oh, wow. I didn't know those things unfastened in different places." She grinned at me, only this time, it was warm and inviting. "Would you like to fuck me, George? I need a good, hard fuck."

"Yes." I swallowed. "George would like." Yeah, even I forgot my name at that point.

"Then get those clothes off, right now."

I stripped down to skin in about thirty seconds, before she could change her mind. When she looked over my naked body, her eyes lit up and I felt pretty damn good.

"You work out, I see, very nice. And a big cock, too, yummy."

She took off her clothes, slowly. First, she slid her tight black skirt over her curvy hips, it hit the floor with a soft whoosh. The blouse and bra came next, then she was standing there in crotchless black panties, a garter belt with matching stockings and those sexy red shoes.

"Holey moley, can you leave the rest of that on? Wow. Just, wow." I clutched my chest. "I might need an ambulance."

She giggled like a school girl, then reached back and let her hair loose, it spilled over her shoulders like a curtain of golden silk, a vision that made me drop to my knees. After a seductive little turn, I found out that she had a nice heart shaped ass, too. I bit my knuckle and groaned while my eyes bounced over her body like two ping pong balls, not knowing where to stop. My tongue got hard, and I couldn't decide where to begin licking.

"You like?"

She actually felt the need to ask. Let me tell you something, ladies, when a guy is on his knees with a giant boner, asking him if he likes what he sees is kind of a dumb question. Trust me, he does. He likes it. A lot. Dead men tell no tales, and a hard cock tells no lies. I smiled at her, shrugged, then pointed to my boner.

"You certainly are good for my ego. Let's see what you can do for the rest of me. What would you like to do first?"

I crawled on my knees over to her, then put my hands on her ass. After that, I stuffed my face between her heavenly tits and kind of zoned out for a second. I inhaled her scent, it was a mixture of Chanel No. 5 and dry erase markers. My cock stood up even higher and sang praises to me for the opportunity to gaze upon such beauty. I slowly licked up and down her cleavage, then gently rubbed each nipple with my fingertips. They were big and pink and pointy. I ran my tongue over one of them and it got even pointier. My mouth spent a good amount of time on it, sucking and nibbling until it was red and sensitive, then I switched to the neglected one and did the same thing.

She was softly moaning and running her fingers through my hair. I kissed every inch of each satiny breast, giving them the worship they so greatly deserved. My fingers slid to each pert nipple and pinched with just enough force to cause her to bite her lip and whimper in pleasure. Each tip was deliciously hard, and I gave them each another good suck. While I worked over her boobs, I massaged her voluptuous backside. I tried sliding my finger down her crack, but she growled at me, so I stayed the hell out of there.

My dick started talking to me again.

"Jerome, I smell pussy. Get down there and have a taste." Hey, I listened, he has good ideas most of the time. I slid my lips down to her navel, then buried my tongue inside. She giggled again.

"Are you ticklish here?"

"Just a little."

I moved down and ran my tongue over the lowest part of her stomach, right where her pubic hair started. "How about here?"

She laughed. "Yes."

I went lower and licked the tip of her clit. "How about here?"

"Mmm, no, but I do like what you're doing."

She rested her fine ass on the edge of her desk and spread her legs. Her pubic hair was neatly trimmed, so short it was just a whisper against her skin. I pushed the edges of her crotchless panties back and licked the sweet pink flesh. She tasted good and smelled even better, like expensive body wash and honey.

"You are so wet, baby, it tastes so good."

My tongue explored her silky depths as my left hand started jerking my pecker. Hey, it was an involuntary response, don't judge me. I slid back a little and tongued the opening to her pussy. She seemed to like that, so I tried my finger. She liked that even more, so I slid it in deeper while I sucked her clit.

"Please, make me come before I implode."

I stood up and nibbled on one delectable nipple while I slowly buried my index finger deep inside her twat. I used my thumb to caress her clit, and in about thirty seconds, she was bucking against my hand and screaming my name. Well, she was screaming somebody's name, but I didn't care.

"Gerald! Oh my god, Gerald! Oh, oh, oh, yes, there it is, fuck, it's so good!" I could feel her squeeze my finger as she came hard. Once satisfied, she pushed me away and smiled. "Sit in my chair and let me take that big dick for a ride."

"Yes, ma'am." I plopped my naked ass on her expensive leather chair and prayed I wouldn't leave a sweaty butt print behind when I got up again. She straddled my lap, then pushed against my throbbing cock.

"Let me apologize in advance if I shoot quick, because you are so fucking hot."

"No apology needed, I have a hair trigger, too." She lowered herself down until I was buried inside her wet snatch.

"Fuuuuuck," I groaned. It was like I died and woke up in pussy heaven. She was so hot and tight, and those fantastic boobies were at my eye level. "May I please suck these?"

"Yes, you may."

I tasted each nipple while I banged away at her. Then, I just leaned back and enjoyed the sight of them jiggling around as I fucked her silly. She was breathing heavy and gripping my shoulders so hard, I was sure she was going to leave hand prints imbedded in my skin. I grabbed her ass and thrust like mad, the friction felt amazing and my dick was close to erupting.

"Fuck me harder!" she shrieked and latched her fingers into my hair.

I gave it everything I had, then took us both over the edge. Her pussy clamped down tight as she climaxed, which squeezed every drop of jizz out of my dick in about two seconds. I groaned and buried my face between her tits while I came. My last girlfriend told me I had a really goofy O face, so I wanted to hide it from her. I could feel my balls vibrating as they made a desperate attempt to reload, but I told them to take a break. The tingly after glow put a goofy grin on my face that wouldn't go away, so I kissed her red lips. She kissed me back, then threw her arms around me.

"That was heaven, Jerome."

I was shocked that she actually got my name right. My brain stopped working and I didn't know if I should thank her, or tell her that her snatch was so incredible it should be gold plated, so I just smiled. She seemed to like that, and kissed me again and again.

"I appreciate the fact that you don't feel the need for a lot of minor chit chat after sex, because I hate that." She climbed off my lap and ran a tissue over her dripping thighs. Once we were both decent again, she looked at the posters. "Let's go with ad A. Fuck those white trash idiots."

"Sounds good to me." We walked to our cars together, waved goodbye, and then I went home and slept for twelve hours.

Flash forward one week. My phone was buzzing with a text and I checked the screen. There was a photo of a pink Victoria's Secret bag and underneath a message that said "I'm going to need you to work late tonight." I grinned, then I went down to the local convenience store and picked up a couple of those five hour energy things. Hey, gotta step up your game when you have the chance.

While I was down there, the college girl that was ringing up the sale bent over to pick a quarter off the floor. Her blouse flopped open and her whole boob fell out, nipple and all. She tucked it back in, then looked up at me with crimson cheeks.

"You didn't see that, did you?"

I just smiled.



  1. Love the dialogue between cock and brain. More of that please, hilarious. I did not know about the ‘Titty Gods’. Suddenly I have a renewed interest in religion.

  2. Thank you for you comments, really made my day. It’s nice that someone appreciates my warped sense of humor! I have another Jerome story, and I will be posting around Halloween. -Oleander Plume

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