As always this is a longer post with some back-story because even the quickies in my life seem to have a story behind them. If you’re reading this without benefit of the first half, please refer to my profile and look for Part 1.
Again, I hesitate to post this because of all the judgment that did in fact come from the first writing, but no one here knows who I really am, so here goes……
~1997 (Cont’d)
In an effort to bring anyone up to speed, at the time of these events, I was a young 27 y/o Marine staff sergeant stationed in a major city in the South of the United States. I quickly learned why Atlanta is called “Hot-Lanta” and is in the epicenter of the “Dirty South”.
Okay, so to refresh your memory, I was dating a lovely little blonde named Tonya who had a college boyfriend named Joe long before she met me. Fast forward many years and Joe is now “Jo” (Joanna) and about 5 years into a male to female (M2F or MTF) transition. 😳 Short story long, Tonya and Jo have reconnected and have developed a new, rather flirtatious friendship. At that time Tonya had a few bisexual experiences, and being reunited with Jo brought a new level to her bisexuality, and my own.