Pt 2 of a [M]an, a [F]emale, and her M2F [T]rans ex-boyfriend, Part 2 #TrueStory #ChicPorn #TheDirtySouth

As always this is a longer post with some back-story because even the quickies in my life seem to have a story behind them. If you’re reading this without benefit of the first half, please refer to my profile and look for Part 1.

Again, I hesitate to post this because of all the judgment that did in fact come from the first writing, but no one here knows who I really am, so here goes……

~1997 (Cont’d)
In an effort to bring anyone up to speed, at the time of these events, I was a young 27 y/o Marine staff sergeant stationed in a major city in the South of the United States. I quickly learned why Atlanta is called “Hot-Lanta” and is in the epicenter of the “Dirty South”.

Okay, so to refresh your memory, I was dating a lovely little blonde named Tonya who had a college boyfriend named Joe long before she met me. Fast forward many years and Joe is now “Jo” (Joanna) and about 5 years into a male to female (M2F or MTF) transition. 😳 Short story long, Tonya and Jo have reconnected and have developed a new, rather flirtatious friendship. At that time Tonya had a few bisexual experiences, and being reunited with Jo brought a new level to her bisexuality, and my own.

What is it about the annual [M]arine Corps Ball? #Okinawa #TrueStory

Short story, long: I met a female Marine at the Ball last night and we went home together and knocked one (or two) out. This is not the first time this happened. There’s just something about a Marine in Dress Bkues, but this time that Marine wasn’t me!

So, last night I attended my unit’s annual Marine Corps Birthday Ball. I’m retired from active duty, but still serve as a civilian supporting the younger generation of warfighters. I’m the”old grumpy” guy in the shop. I try not to be grumpy, but I can’t avoid getting older. It be what it be. 🤷‍♂️

I am divorced and not dating anyone so I attended alone. As the odd man out I was at a table where I sat with a group of Marines and spouses who I didn’t know. The shop I work with was on the other side of the room. This however, worked to my advantage in that no one near me knew me, which allowed me to be a little more open and flirtatious than I would have been had I been sitting with the people I am accountable to 5 days a week.

[M]y Island [F]ling 52M/37F #Hawaii

Hi guys! It’s been a while since I posted, and for that I apologize. I’ve been rather busy lately and traveling a lot with my job. My last post kind of left people hanging as it was part 1 of 2, but I haven’t been motivated to finish that one yet. This story is not one from my ancient history, but as recent as this week. As always, a true story where only the names, ages, and some specifics are changed to protect the innocent. 😏 (Or the guilty.)

So I had to travel to one of the military bases on Oahu in Hawaii for a painful planning conference this week. Five days of sitting in a security vault pouring over documents related to what I do. The days sucked, just me and one other guy (another civilian about 10 years older than me with no personality or sense of humor). He was something out of a black-and-white police movie from the 50s. Who the heck wears a suit in Hawaii??? But, I digress… The whole week felt like an interrogation, even though I was sent here to help HIM unfuck one of HIS programs.

A [M]an, a [F]emale, and her M2F [T]rans ex-boyfriend, Part 1 #TrueStory #ChicPorn #TheDirtySouth

As always this is a longer post with some back-story because even the quickies in my life seem to have a story behind them.  If ypu want yo skip to the sex (guys), scroll down to the obvious marker(.

I hesitate to post this because of all the judgment that will come with it, but what the heck, here goes.

As a late 20s something staff sergeant in the Marine Corps, I was stationed in an east coast city in the US South whose greater metro area spanned seven counties.  The city is known for the number of colleges with Greek systems on the various campuses.  I was dating a girl named “Tonya” who was about 4 years younger than me and a senior at one of the universities.  She was from the same state, but not the city that she studied in.  Tonya was a really cool chic who had attended Marine Officer’s Candidate School (OCS) through one of the Marine commissioning programs and was waiting to graduate so she could start her military career.  Tonya was shorter than me by a few inches, and had a rockin’ athletic bod with great augmented boobs and a nice round ass that you could bounce a quarter off of.  She was a natural blonde with a sexy tattoo of a rose vine that started on her back, crossed over her right shoulder and ran down her chest and cupped under her right breast.  Her pussy was always clean shaven, soft, and smelled of body powder.  ❤️

The time my 31y/o girl[f]riend banged her [F] 8th grade teacher #TrueStory #ChicPorn #SwingClub

Heads up, this is a super long one. I’m not a fan of reading stories broken up into parts, so I’m not going to write one that way. I’m sure the ladies will read the whole thing, but for the men, I’ll assume that you will immediately want to skip down to the sex marked with *****

I was once stationed on I&I Duty in a major southern city known for its decadence. You can probably guess where, but to give this story at least some element of mystery I’ll leave the city name out. (Comment below if you figure it out)

I was maybe 31 years old and my girlfriend at the time was two years younger than me, we’ll call her Juliette. She was born and raised in this city, but never knew of the place we ended up visiting many times before we parted ways. This story is the first of those visits.

I told [m] girl[f]riend to blow a fellow Marine #TrueStory #California


A few years back when I was stationed in California I had a girlfriend who, to say the least, was open to just about anything.  This is a true story of an unintentional 3sum that didn’t go as she had planned.

Actually she didn’t plan it at all, nor did I. 

Lilly was a beautiful Hispanic girl, about 15 years younger than I was at the time.  She was about five feet tall, weighed about 100 pounds even and had a set of aftermarket boobs that were probably too big for her natural frame.  That said, this happened in Southern California and those proportions are not uncommon amongst the local population of beach bunnies.

Our relationship was accidental in that we met at a high school quarter mile running track late one night.  I was a master sergeant in the Marines at the time and assigned to a general officer’s staff.  I was a minion with no real responsibilities to the colonel that I worked for, other than to keep his staff officers on task by managing the shop and keeping them on timelines.  I worked long days, usually going in at 06:30 and not leaving until about 12 hours later between 18:00 and 19:00.  Most days I brought my lunch and rarely went to PT during duty hours.  I was single and had no family responsibilities, no dog to walk, and no grass to cut; just work. 

The forbidden encounter between an O[F]ficer and an Enlisted [M]arine #TrueStory

I apologize up front, but this is long. It is also a re-post, simply because I think the previous title turned off more readers than it attracted, so I am trying again. As with all my writings, this is an actual event in my life and I feel that it deserves a greater readership.

As I said, it’s long, but I kind of think the backstory adds value and perspective to the actual event as described in the subject line.


Quite a while ago I was a young sergeant in the Marine Corps stationed in North Carolina. I was an instructor at a schools command and for the first year and a half I was in a training company as a unit leader where we managed the day-to-day lives of the student Marines and taught smaller classes that didn’t require large training aids or a dedicated classroom. We called those “hip pocket” classes.

Sex in “can” aboard Al Asad Iraq… [MF] #TrueStory

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away… I got laid.  This event happened in Al Asad Air Base, Iraq in 2009 as the War on Terror in Iraq was winding down.  Look, if you’ve read any of my life experiences by now you know that I am not a writer of a few words.  This is another long one.  Know this now!  But… I hear you.  If all you want are the pervy details, scroll down to ****Pervy Details****

   In 2009 my unit was sent to Iraq to provide security for the Marine Corps’ retrograde out of Operation Iraqi Freedom.  While the US Army stayed in-country for a couple more years, the USMC was shifting focus to Afghanistan (technically a whole different war) and in doing so the equipment that had been deployed to Iraq since 2003 was being evacuated to a logistics site to either be destroyed in place, redeployed back to the United States, or repurposed laterally to Afghanistan.  My unit was responsible for coordinating the logistics and providing the over-the-road security of those transportation convoys from various camps and bases in Al Anbar Province to the logistics hub on Al Asad.

The Warrant O[f]ficers wife #TrueStory #NorthCarolina #Massachusetts

I guess I should be fair and start this by saying this is another long story. I have been accused to writing “porn for women” because there is always so much back story and not enough sexual detail. It is what it is and I don’t apologize. Just know up front that this is my style and if it’s not your thing, you might want to move along. My last story only got 17 thumbs up so I suspect the length is the primary factor.

Once upon a time I was a young Marine sergeant stationed at a Marine Corps base in North Carolina. I was assigned there twice, once as an artilleryman and again a few years later as a reclassified infantry Marine teaching at a schoolhouse. This story begins during the second tour.

I should preface with that I neither cheated with anyone or on anyone. The lovely lass in question was single at the time and only became the warrant officer’s wife years later. More to that in the paragraphs to come.

Did I tell you about the time I was a [M]ale hooker? #TrueStory #Oklahoma

Okay. So if you’ve already read my other two posts you already know that I was in the Marine Corps. This story fits in between the two stories already posted to my profile.

After I worked at the 7-Eleven (and the Chi-Chi’s Mexican Restaurant, and the American Airlines counter) in my college town, I ran out of money and joined the military. After a few years in the Marines and taking an early out to go back to school, I took a job as a waiter at a local sports bar/restaurant. During the daylight hours and up until about 10pm the place operated as a sports themed family restaurant with a full bar and menu. At 10pm however, the DJ got to spinning and the place turned into a dance club.

I worked about 6 months before I started to gain a list of regular customers. Being that I worked both the day and evening shifts, my frequent flyers ranged from older couples to young families, to a number of single women. As a single guy myself, I certainly took no issue with the ladies, and there was one in particular that I had developed quite a flirty friendship with.