Sex With Gorgeous Asian Twins In The Same Night But Separately In Secrecy From Each Other.

A couple years back I was traveling Europe as part of a Contiki tour, I was doing two tours back to back with 1 week in between the two. If you hadn't heard about Contiki it has been said to be a sex romp where everyone is there for a no strings attached good time…. in other words sex to you can't sex no more.

The tour started in London and this is where the meet was for the first tour, I was traveling alone and am generally a shy bloke but everyone was friendly and there were other single travelers so I didn't feel as alone. We went through the meet and greet and everyone was cool, there were some great looking woman in the group but the two that stood out the most were these two Asian twins from Mexico, they were the talk of the group from both the men and woman, they had the accent to match their looks. I spoke to them briefly at the start and they were very chill, they were just there to sight see and take in the different cultures and spend time together as they both study in different locations.