[MM] I let a complete stranger from the club cum inside me.

It was a crowded club, loud as well, but every time I looked over to the other end of the dance floor he was the only thing that catches my eye. I knew he had noticed me too, I’ve caught him checking me out with eyes a few times. I knew I wasn’t going to do anything though, I don’t have the guts for it. So I just tried to go on with my night dancing with my friends, but however hard I tried, I couldn’t get myself to stop looking over.

Sometime later, I had to go to the bathroom. I went in and just before I closed the stall door, a hand kept it open.
“You wouldn’t mind if I joined you would you, all the others are taken”
I was shocked for a second, that is until I saw where the voice came from. It was him, and now that shocked turned into slight excitement. “Umm no help yourself” I mumbled.
He stepped inside and locked the door. “I’ve noticed you checking me out on the dance floor” he said
“I’m really sorry, I… I must’ve been drifting” I tried to respond
“Oh it’s alright” he said as he pushed himself closer to me “I don’t mind it coming from you … pretty boy”

[M/M] Discovering my bisexuality on a well needed vacation

It’s been a long term,online schooling was really stressful and taking 5 courses didn’t make it any easier. It’s also been a very … frustrating term. In first year, I’d gone on a bit of a sex spree. I became a borderline addict at that point. I lost my virginity at a frat party at the beginning of the year and was on a roll ever since. That all came to stop with COVID though. I hadn’t been able to see anyone in a long while. I didn’t even have a roommate so it was a really tonight time.

The term was coming to an end though, and with restrictions being loosened, my friends and I decided to rent an Airbnb near a ski resort for the winter break. We were all guys so that bummed me out slightly, but at least I was going to see another human.

Fast forward to the day after our last final, we all headed up to the Airbnb. It was a small one bedroom apartment, but it would be big enough for all of us. We were five, Matt, John, Carl, CJ, and myself. The place only had two beds and a couch, so I ended up having to share a bed with CJ.