Sins, Shadows, and Soju Bombs [Threesome][MMF][DP][Interracial][Superheroes][Creampie][Post-orgasm torture][power play]

A short story I wrote using original characters created by Silenced Nocturne, a friend of mine, and one of her friends. She also did a lot of heavy editing in the story, keeping things in character, adding details I'd forgotten, and generally improving the story. She's awesome, check out her works at the link above!

As always, comments and constructive criticism are not only appreciated, but welcomed.

Sin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “So, that went well.”

Ji chuckled. “As well it could have, anyway. I didn’t think they’d kill you, you’re doing too well in London for that. But in the event they decided that you’d screwed up, well…You know what they’d do to you. Getting demoted wouldn’t be so bad compared to that, Sin Ji-Hoon.” The short gangster strode to the refrigerator, opened it, and cracked open a bottle of hangover cure. He downed the entire glass in seconds.

Sin grimaced. “That stuff is disgusting.”

Ji choked, then grinned cheekily. “And that’s why you have hangovers. I’ll take Morning Care over a migraine any day.” He flung the bottle at the trash can, knocking it over. He knelt to pick it up, nodding to himself.

[M/F][Vanilla][Creampie][oral][scifi][superpowers] Lovers of Ice and Fire

A story I wrote for two close friends of mine using characters that they'd created. They're not in this stage of their relationship yet, but they're certainly getting there…this is how I imagine the fun they'll be having once they do.

I want to issue an apology to folks hoping for Game of Thrones erotica. Despite the title, this has nothing to do with Westeros.

The snow fell silently, blanketing the earth below and piling in quiet, elegant drifts. Celia sighed and leaned into the cold windowpane, watching intently. Her breath steamed the glass, spreading an oblong fog over it with each exhale. Hotter than most others, it was only the outdoor chill and her lover's cold body that kept her from heating the house independently of the furnace.

Celia Winter (soon to be Frost, if she could convince her boyfriend to settle down) was a powerful pyrokinetic. Whenever she willed it (and many times, when she didn't) blue flames burst from her hands and feet. She'd been born that way–with powers she'd never wanted and couldn't fully control–but if Celia considered it, she'd never have met Jack without them.

Playtime for Kitty [MF][Bondage][BDSM][educational][fsub][mdom][cheating][prostitution]

I have been really goddamn busy, but if feels so good to be writing again. This is my latest story, requested by a dear personal friend of mine. It's also the sequel to Two Working Girls, featuring their third coworker, Kitty. Enjoy!

Scowling, Kitty checked herself in the mirror. Again. Her 4 o’clock was late, and, to be frank, she was bored. She sighed and leaned on the dresser, watching her disgruntled reflection pout at itself. Her dark hair, cropped short below her ears, glinted in the dim light. Her face, pale and petite, stared back at her with a disgruntled expression. She twitched.

“I hate it when they’re late,” Kitty sighed to her mirror. She twirled an errant bang around her finger until it yanked at her scalp. She shivered, an eager smile spreading across her face, the pain reminding her of what was coming. Besides her, of course.

Playtime for Kitty [MF][bondage][teasing][BDSM][fsub][mdom][educational]

I have been really goddamn busy, but if feels so good to be writing again. This is my latest story, requested by a dear personal friend of mine. It's also the sequel to Two Working Girls, featuring their third coworker, Kitty. Enjoy!

Scowling, Kitty checked herself in the mirror. Again. Her 4 o’clock was late, and, to be frank, she was bored. She sighed and leaned on the dresser, watching her disgruntled reflection pout at itself. Her dark hair, cropped short below her ears, glinted in the dim light. Her face, pale and petite, stared back at her with a disgruntled expression. She twitched.

“I hate it when they’re late,” Kitty sighed to her mirror. She twirled an errant bang around her finger until it yanked at her scalp. She shivered, an eager smile spreading across her face, the pain reminding her of what was coming. Besides her, of course.

Neutral Ground [MF][Religious][Fantasy][Some fantasy battle at the beginning][angels][demons]

This is the first thing I've written in a long while. As always, any and all comments and constructive criticism are greatly appreciated. Please let me know what you think!

Limbo. A blasted, war-torn hellscape. Any buildings that might have stood there had long since collapsed, shattered by the ravages of a war as ancient as the universe itself. A layer of ash covered everything, raining from black clouds hanging low in the sky. The few crimson shafts of sunlight that managed to pierce the thick layer of volcanic dust scattered before they could touch the ground, burying the entire plain in perpetual twilight. The ash fell swift and silent, muting any sound that might come from the desolation.

There, Lailah was fighting for her life. She fell from the sky, plummeting toward a distant spot in the remains of planet Earth. Humanity had died eons ago, leaving an empty world behind, a dry husk. But the gods they’d worshipped, their servants, and their enemies, were immortal. Which included Lailah, even if she didn’t particularly feel immortal at that moment.

Neutral Ground [MF][Religious][Fantasy][Some fantasy battle at the beginning][angels]

This is the first thing I've written in a long while, and I'm glad I did. Summer makes me lethargic, not that I minded. But it's time to get back into things. As always, any and all comments and constructive criticism are greatly appreciated. Please let me know what you think!

Limbo. A blasted, war-torn hellscape. Any buildings that might have stood there had long since collapsed, shattered by the ravages of a war as ancient as the universe itself. A layer of ash covered everything, raining from black clouds hanging low in the sky. The few crimson shafts of sunlight that managed to pierce the thick layer of volcanic dust scattered before they could touch the ground, burying the entire plain in perpetual twilight. The ash fell swift and silent, muting any sound that might come from the desolation.

There, Lailah was fighting for her life. She fell from the sky, plummeting toward a distant spot in the remains of planet Earth. Humanity had died eons ago, leaving an empty world behind, a dry husk. But the gods they’d worshipped, their servants, and their enemies, were immortal. Which included Lailah, even if she didn’t particularly feel immortal at that moment.

[MMMF][Fantasy][Temperature play] Playing With Fire

Finally, a gangbang (or a foursome, depending on semantics) where the lady's in charge. The full story can be found here. Thanks for reading! I am immeasurably grateful for any and all feedback.

“So, what do you say?” Azar stared expectantly into his face, eyes wide and shining with excitement. Across from her, the young merchant twirled his fork over his plate, avoiding her eyes. His long, blonde hair glinted in the sunlight. Scattered around them, other couples sat at other tables. Their light, idle chatter floated over the castle courtyard. Banners fluttered on the battlements, on the tents in the courtyard, and the keep, colors dancing in the wind.

Every few minutes, a passing guard would waver on his route and take a deep breath, inhaling as if trying to absorb the cafe’s sights and smells. Each guard would carry on after a moment, green with envy. They ignored the rumbling in their stomachs and knowledge that cold bread and oily stew were the only rewards waiting for them. Instead, they doggedly continued their patrols, staring with keen eyes and sharp glares at the forest outside the castle walls. Azar watched them pass, one, two, three, as his silence stretched on. And on.

Requested by a Redditor: Sasha’s Submission [FMMMMMMM][Probably some more Ms][BDSM][Gangbang][reluc][mdom][huml][oral][anal]

Finally got my ass in gear and got to work writing this. A request for a redditor, here's hoping they enjoy it. It's been a fucky month, but I'm back in the game. I would love any and all feedback from you lovely people! The full story can be found here. Thanks for reading!

Sasha blinked at the bathroom mirror. The harsh lights gave her smooth, olive skin a harsher, waxier complexion. The woman in the mirror vaguely resembled a ghost dumped in paint–But I l don’t look like that in decent light, Sasha reminded herself. She sighed and checked her phone for the thousandth time, immediately shoving it back into her pocket when it came up blank. As it hit the bottom of her pocket, it finally buzzed. Sasha yanked the phone back out of her pocket and pumped her fist as Jake’s name lit up the screen. Her face burned as she read (and reread) his message.

“I’m finally home. It’s been too damn long. I have a surprise waiting for you tonight. ;)” Sasha shivered, the shaking spreading from the core of her back to the tips of her fingers. The screen reflected her dark brown as eyes as she replied, thumbs flying over the keyboard.

The Angel of Lust [MF][Fantasy][Sacrilegious][Mast][Bondage][A bit of fearplay]

The full story can be found here. Please comment with feedback (even something as simple as "I enjoyed this story" is welcome), any constructive criticism is always excellent! Thank you for reading!

As Sister Anita knelt before the altar, she trembled, chafing her knees on the floor. The young nun bit her lip, eyes fixated on the dark, polished wood before her. Shaking, she lifted the skirts of her habit, the cool fabric trailing along her thighs. In the shadowy, deserted chapel, Anita moaned. Her voice echoed off the high ceiling, reverberating off cold stone and unyielding wooden pews.

Anita was the youngest nun in the convent by at least thirty years. Her pretty face and deep brown eyes had captured the hearts of nearly half the young men in her village, and musical voice had attracted most of the rest. But there were no young men to sing her praises here. Not in a nunnery. The moonlight, filtered through stained glass windows, gave her pale a skin an unearthly, ethereal glow as she bent backward.

Two Working Girls [MFF][Pros][Threesome]

The full story can be found here. Please comment with feedback (even something as simple as "I enjoyed this story" are welcome), any constructive criticism is always excellent! Thank you for reading!

He took the ticket, his hands trembling. The clerk nodded, dismissed him with a nonchalant gesture to the elevator, and called for the next client. Before he could react, the line shoved him to the side, so he walked to the elevator, staring at the other clients. They looked back with cool eyes, full of disinterest. A dozen men packed into the elevator, doors closed, and the elevator began to climb. Soft music played through invisible speakers, washing over the pink carpet and the small oil paintings of beautiful women.

His nostrils twitched. The entire elevator was perfumed…jasmine and honeysuckle filled the tiny space. If he closed his eyes, he could imagine a garden, filled with flowers of every color, glowing in the sunset. But the Temple of Venus offered different kinds of flowers…despite his nerves, he shivered, eyes riveted to the display above the doors.