Neutral Ground [MF][Religious][Fantasy][Some fantasy battle at the beginning][angels]

This is the first thing I've written in a long while, and I'm glad I did. Summer makes me lethargic, not that I minded. But it's time to get back into things. As always, any and all comments and constructive criticism are greatly appreciated. Please let me know what you think!

Limbo. A blasted, war-torn hellscape. Any buildings that might have stood there had long since collapsed, shattered by the ravages of a war as ancient as the universe itself. A layer of ash covered everything, raining from black clouds hanging low in the sky. The few crimson shafts of sunlight that managed to pierce the thick layer of volcanic dust scattered before they could touch the ground, burying the entire plain in perpetual twilight. The ash fell swift and silent, muting any sound that might come from the desolation.

There, Lailah was fighting for her life. She fell from the sky, plummeting toward a distant spot in the remains of planet Earth. Humanity had died eons ago, leaving an empty world behind, a dry husk. But the gods they’d worshipped, their servants, and their enemies, were immortal. Which included Lailah, even if she didn’t particularly feel immortal at that moment.

The angel slammed into the ground, wincing at the popping in her wing joints. She shook her head, dazed. Her helmet rang around her ears, the metal vibrating like a gong. Stunned and disoriented, she barely had time to roll out of the way before her enemy’s sword stabbed into the ground, inches from her skull.

The ash swirled around her as she rolled to her feet and flared her wings, staining her feathers with gray powder. The layer of hard, volcanic rock beneath the ash gleamed in the dim light. In front of her, Lailah’s opponent's sword was embedded in the ground. Its wielder tugged at the blade, struggling to free it before she regained her balance. Her eyes widened.

An imp. An imp almost killed me. She advanced on it, hefting her axe. The imp abandoned its efforts, backpedaling. Lailah caught a flash of terror on its face before it tripped, rolling end over end. All bony legs, leathery wings, and teeth. What a pathetic way to get taken out. The seraphim would never let me hear the end of it. The imp struggled to its feet and raised its arms as she advanced. Her eyes glowed behind the slits in her helm. With a heave, she lifted her axe and brought it down. The white metal flashed as it cut through bone, gold energy humming through the blade. The two halves of the imp fell with a wet splat.

With a grunt, Lailah jerked her weapon out of the rock, watching the imp’s corpse dissolve into acid, then steam. Her eyes followed the last wisps of gas as they slipped into the ground, tunneling through the cracks. Straight back to Hell.

“Stay dead for a while, this time,” she snarled. “Otherwise I’ll kill you again. A lot more painfully.” With that, she launched herself into the sky, wings pounding the air. Another imp dove at her as she climbed, but misaimed. The last thing it saw was the back of her armored fist, smashing its face into a pulp. The imp’s body spiraled to the ground, skull crushed and flattened.

Lailah surged higher, aiming for the flashes of gold in the cloud of ash. She could hear Pilion's faint battle cries over the sound of her own wingbeats and imps screaming in agony. As she approached (slicing through any imp foolish enough to flitter into her path) she could hear the clashing of metal on metal, low grunts of pain, and steel slicing through flesh. The sounds of battle. Lailah gritted her teeth and hurtled forward, squinting through the thickening ash. When she broke through the cloud layer, she gasped.

Pilion was almost as good as she was, but he was being overwhelmed. Dozens of imps were swarming him from all directions, waving crude weapons carved out of something white. Lailah seized a straggler by the throat, broke its neck, and snatched its cudgel before tossing it away.

Behind her helm, her jaw dropped. The material was off-white and stiff–almost brittle. She flexed the handle, applying more pressure until it snapped, scattering white shards against her helm. The inside was porous and yellowy, and rotted into a gossamer honeycomb of solid material. Human bone. The angel snarled and hurled the razor-sharp fragment at an approaching imp. It fell, clutching at the makeshift dagger embedded in its chest, and Lailah was gone.

“I’m coming, Pilion!” she screamed, corkscrewing through the crowd of imps with her axe extended. Acid spurted around her, forming a lime green mist as she hurtled closer to her comrade-in-arms. By the time she reached him, he was in terrible shape.

His helm had been dented, one of the wings decorating the sides of his helm torn away by a grasping claw. The deep gash continued all the way around his head, down his neck, and over his shoulder. The cutter was still hanging on, its claw embedded in the knotted muscle of Pilion’s shoulder. He spiraled, bellowing in pain and slapping at the demon, struggling to dislodge it. Then Lailah streaked toward them and decapitated it.

The imp dissolved into goo. Pilion rolled his shoulder, grimacing, then grinned at her. He drew his short swords and twirled them in his fingers, ivory blades flashing in the crimson sunlight. Before the angels could speak, the swarm of imps dove on them. They hacked and slashed, parried and blocked, dove and climbed. The demons never stopped coming, an implacable tide of maroon and black. But their numbers were dwindling.

Lailah’s axe flashed through the last imp. It screeched, body disintegrating. Acid-green rain fell to the ground below. She grinned. She was coated in sweat and acidic blood. Her armor had more scratches and dings than she could count. There were a few trickles of blood running through the chinks in her armor, where the imps’ tiny claws had managed to poke through. But as she hovered next to Pilion, she was grinning. Her face was flushed, her eyes were wild. Her heart pounded like a bass drum in her ears. She was having the time of her life.

Pilion hovered next to her, beating the air with smooth, hard flaps of his snow-white wings. With a sigh, he sheathed his swords and slid his helmet off. Despite the exhaustiveness of the battle they’d just fought, Lailah chuckled. His hair was plastered to his forehead at odd angles, sweat shaping it into chaotic whorls and spikes. Pilion shook his head, chuckling.

“Well.” he panted, still short of breath. “That was fun.” Lailah half-laughed in agreement, still flushed behind her helmet. “We should be heading–” His words were violently cut off with a skritch.

Lailah gasped. An enormous blade, nearly as thick as her torso, tore through Pilion’s chest, shredding him and his armor open, pushing clean through. Nearly two feet of blade stuck out of his chest. It was stone, mottled with countless miniscule pores. As she watched, the core of the blade glowed, and blood drained from the wound into the holes, sucking up the angel’s lifeblood. Pilion’s eyes met hers, and he opened his mouth, as if trying to speak. But instead of words, blood gurgled from his mouth and ran down his chin.

A pair of gray wings unfurled behind him. A black gauntlet seized his shoulder and pushed, sending Pilion’s glassy-eyed corpse spiraling down to the Earth. Both Lailah and the newcomer watched it fall, white feathers detaching and sprinkling like snow, before eyeing their opponent.

Behind her smooth, featureless helm, Lailah grimaced. Her opponent’s armor was a negative of hers–where her breastplate, greaves, and gauntlets were white, his were black. Where the edges of her plates were trimmed with gold, his were bronze. His eyes, behind the slits, were purple and dark, knotted with fury and bloodlust.

Lailah took a deep breath and flexed her wings, trying to intimidate him. It didn’t work. He matched her movements perfectly, his gray wings (feathers tipped with black) mirroring hers. She swallowed.

Shit. Nephilim. Fallen angel. Just a little more powerful than those imps. Just as powerful–if not more–than me. Satan’s first and best soldiers during the war. Well. Here goes nothing. She snarled, pulled back, and dove toward him, axe held ready. Lailah swung, then grimaced. He’d blocked, and her axe rang with the impact, rattling. Metal doesn’t do well hitting stones. She barely had time to recover before his sword was swinging towards her face.

Wincing as she blocked blow after blow, Lailah retreated. His sword slammed into the shaft of her axe, the enchanted wood warping and cracking with each strike. She twisted, and their weapons locked. They pushed close to each other, faces almost touching above their weapons. The two angels pushed, each struggling to overcome the other. They growled at one another over their locked blades.

She sucked in her breath, thinking fast. That’s a Bloodcore Sword. Absorbs energy from kills and makes the user stronger. He took Pilion out with one hit…he’s–ugh–stronger than I am right now. Lailah pushed back, gritting her teeth. Her arms were on fire, her wings desperately beat the air, struggling to counter the nephilim bearing down on her. Gotta get him away from me…

Just below her face, inches away from her chest, the demon’s sword hummed with energy, dark and malevolent, casting a blood-red glow on them both. It reflected in their armor, obscuring her vision. Lailah squinted into his dark eyes, gave one last heave, and kicked him in the chest.

Her boot clanged like a gong, slamming into the center of his breastplate. The demon groaned and crumpled, deflated, before spiraling down and away from her. She could hear the air rush from his lungs and his desperately gasps for breath, even though she was yards above him. Grinning in triumph, elated to finally have the upper hand, Lailah dove.

Her axe sizzled in the air, the intense heat from the blade making it burn bright at her shoulder. She dove, a straight, streamlined bullet, screaming a defiant battle cry. Below her, the demon was beginning his recovery. He straightened his wings and leveled out. He glided for a second, then whirled, falling face-up now, and hurled his sword.

It flew straight and true, hurtling toward her like a gigantic, oversized arrow. Lailah corkscrewed, dodging. If possible, she dove faster, ready for the kill, but her eyes widened with recognition. I know that move. But only two people can pull it off. Me, and–no, it can’t be! But deep down, she knew it was him.

They were approaching the ground now. It screamed toward them, massive and unyielding. The plane of black expanded in her vision, blocking everything except the black-and-bronze-armored demon below her. He was still falling, still facing her, when she hit him and wrapped her thighs around his waist. Before her could react or struggle, Lailah’d torn her helmet off. Her blonde hair whirled in the wind, streaming like a wave between her wings, as she reached forward and ripped his helmet away.

Seconds before they smashed into the ground, she seized him by the front of his armor and kissed him.

Lailah laughed, face split by a wide, shining grin. “So,” she giggled, lying next to him. “What were the chances?” Beside her, Eligas grinned, still panting, armor scratched and dented from the impact.

“Well…” he mused, moving his handsome, gray-skinned face closer to hers. “Considering the sheer number of demons, imps, spirits, and monsters hanging out in Hell…I’d say slim to none.” He slid his arm around her shoulder, and his gauntlet clinked on her pauldrons. “I’m just glad you realized it was me before I impaled you.”

She laughed louder, tossed her hair over her shoulder, and flopped to the ground, taking him with her. “You impale me? You threw your weapon away!” She shook her head, taking in the size of the massive crater they were lying in. “I’m impressed we survived the fall, though. I was expecting to wake up in Heaven’s resurrection chambers a few months from now, sore as…well, Hell.” They both laughed again, and Lailah scooted closer. After a moment’s hesitation, she laid her head on his armored shoulder.

They lay and watched the sky, enjoying each other’s company, the warmth of their bodies conducted through armor, and the sheer bliss a couple finds when together. “I missed you,” Eligas whispered after a while. “But I don’t regret taking sides.”

She sighed. “I know you don’t. And neither do I. The war sucks, though. Some days…some days I think Lucifer had the right idea. Jehovah can be awful when he has a bad day.” Eligas nodded in an understanding way, but he was preoccupied with running a bare hand through her long, blonde hair. When did he take his gauntlet off? “And Michael's just as obsessive and power-tripped as ever,” she griped. “Why Jesus thought he’d be a good general is beyond me.” Eligas shook his head, harrumphing and humoring her.

He smirked. “That’s one of the reasons I left. They were too willing to micro-manage, too willing to sacrifice humans for no reason and make their followers do the same. Remember Job? Poor bastard.” He grimaced. “Of course, Lucifer had a big part in that too…”

Lailah shook her head, cuddling closer. “Yeah. And there’s the whole ‘humanity-no-longer-exists’ thing. Thanks to the war. It’s awful.” The two angels, one holy and one fallen, sighed together. Eligas drummed his fingers nervously, tapping rhythms on the back of her armor. She let him go for a few minutes before sitting up.

“What’s bothering you? No–” she said when he tried to interrupt. “Don’t give me that. You might be a bit darker than when we were married, but I still know when you’re lying to me.” She lay back down, elbowing him as she went. “You know better than to lie to me,” she teased.

He sighed. “Well, two things. Pilion, he’s gonna be okay, right?” Lailah nodded.

“Yeah, he’ll be fine. Same for you guys. He’ll wake up a few months later in the hospital tanks. They’ll stitch his soul back together, he’ll have some terrible chest pains for a few months, then they’ll stick him back on the front lines. Nothing he hasn’t dealt with before.” She waved her hand noncommittally. “Second question?”

To her surprise, he actually blushed, dark spots appearing on his already shadowy cheeks. “Well…I was going to ask if you wanted to defect. I missed you. A lot. And I thought that maybe, we could live in Hell together?” Seeing her less-than-thrilled expression, he went on hurriedly. “It’s not nearly as bad as you think it is. Exact replica of Heaven, actually. I live in a copy of our old house, with the–” she laid a finger across his lips.

“Sssh,” Lailah whispered, blue eyes piercing him. He shushed. “I can’t defect. I just can’t. It’s not…me. You know that.” He nodded, closing his eyes. “I can’t work for Lucifer. Jehovah’s not much better, granted, but they’ve both done some awful things.” Eligas nodded again, clearly disappointed.

"I'm sorry.” he shrugged. “Just thought I’d ask.” She nodded, smiling. “I knew you would. And you knew the answer. I’m still glad you asked.” With that, she settled back into his arms, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. They laid in silence, watching the black clouds of ash roll across the crimson sky. Thunder rumbled in the distance.

“Storm’s coming,” Eligas muttered, scowling. His dark eyebrows knotted on his (darker) face. He stared into the distance, as if he could stop the storm through sheer intimidation. Lailah chuckled and poked his cheek.

“You can’t stop the weather, genius,” she murmured, smiling. “And it’s not going to rain here. But I do love it when you try to be intimidating.” Lailah slid her finger down his cheek and over his neck, then slipped it under the collar of his backplate. He twitched as the point of her gauntlet found a spot between his wings, the one spot she knew he loved. As she watched, his eyes shot open, then closed again. The demon purred.

“So…” she chuckled. “This hasn’t changed.” Eligas closed his eyes and shook his head, left wing twitching with pleasure. “You’re just like a dog, you know that?” Beneath his closed lids, her husband rolled his eyes.

“Yes, dear…” he murmured, pushing back against her hand. “But you forgot something.”

Lailah cocked her head, genuinely confused. “What’s that?”

His arm snaked around her shoulders. “You’re the same way.” He poked the side of her neck, and she jumped.

“Hey!” Laughing, she pounced on him, rolling them over the ground. Their armor clinked on stone as they play-wrestled, giggling like newlyweds. She ended up on top of him, supporting herself with her arms on either side of his head, inches from his face. Panting, grinning, they made eye contact. Electricity sparked behind Eligas’ eyes as she leaned in, tilted her head…

They kissed again, soft and sweet. “I missed this. I missed you.” he whispered, sliding his hand behind her neck, between her wings. She moaned, kissing harder, cupping his jaw in her palm, feeling his cheekbones work as they kissed. Her other hand worked the straps on her breastplate, unsnapping the leather bindings.

When he pulled away for air, she sat up, straddling him and breathing hard. Lailah’s wings flared as she opened her armor, sunlight glaring around the delicate, shuddering feathers. Hinges squealed, she strained, grimacing, and opened her armor. The backplate clanged to the ground behind her as she wound up and hurled the breastplate away, spinning it like a discus.

It clattered in the distance, but neither angel heard–they were occupied with each other, undoing Eligas’ armor and casting it aside, pressing their bodies against one another's, fingers exploring long-forgotten curves and surfaces. They moaned into each other’s skin, lips pressing to spots that made their partner gasp. Eligas’ teeth found her collarbone, nibbling and biting the hard curl. Lailah moaned, pulled his hair back, and kissed him hard.

Eligas was shirtless beneath his armor, his chest rising and falling fast as she slid her mouth off his, down his neck. Lailah nibbled his collarbone, tasting sweat and sulfur on his skin, teeth nicking the brittle bone just beneath his skin. She moved down, barely brushing her lips over the muscle on his chest, taking his nipple between her lips and swirling her tongue around it.

His hands, ending with tiny claws, tangled themselves in her hair. She paused for a moment to moan, then moved lower, licking his abs–the hard, rippling muscles she remembered were still there, gray instead of pale, but just as incredible as ever.

He lifted her chainmail shirt by the shoulders while she undid his armored belt, each plate clanking. The rings clinked against each other, getting louder the more insistently he pulled. Lailah kissed Eligas’ stomach, then looked up at him with wide, lustful eyes. He stared back, silently pleading with her. Eligas gave her shirt another insistent tug.

“Go ahead and rip it off,” she whispered. “It’ll regenerate when I need it.” He didn’t hesitate for a second. Eligas’ arms heaved, veins standing out from beneath his skin. She grinned, staring at those muscles work, rippling and tensing beneath his skin. A ring at her collar warped, and then–fragments of chainmail scattered everywhere. At the same time, Lailah finally finished his belt, tossing the scales away and yanking his pants down with a quick tug.

His cock sprang out to meet her. The angel gave Eligas a devilish grin, uncharacteristically naughty, before lifting herself over him. The flaps of her battle-skirt hid her crotch from view as she lowered herself over him, but they both felt the hot wetness of her sex grinding on his shaft through a miniscule layer of linen. He strained to meet her, lifting his hips to chase her as she pulled away, ever so slightly.

Despite the electricity running through his brain from between his legs, Eligas raised an eyebrow. “That’s all you wear to battle down there?” She slapped him playfully (he twitched against her thigh, suddenly stimulated. Lailah filed that particular reaction in the back of her mind, grinning), and they both laughed. Lailah lifted herself by the knees and undid her thigh scales, casting them aside. She left the skirt on, though, as she settled down again, grinding on him. He reached up and gripped her breasts, squeezing the pale mounds of flesh in his strong, wiry hands.

Lailah gasped, lips parted, eyes closed. She slid her hips forward and back, sliding herself over his thighs, the Adonis belt on his hips, and the hard, powerful shaft straining against her flesh. She chuckled and bent to kiss him, lifting her ass in the air high enough to let the heat between her legs dissipate into the air.

Lailah’s feathers ruffled in the wind, the breeze from the distant storm making them flap involuntarily. Another thunderclap rolled lazily through the sky when she lifted her hips higher, pressed her lips to Eligas’, and tore her sopping underclothes away. Lailah whimpered, gripped his hot, hard cock in her hand…and slid him inside her.

They both moaned, breaking their kiss and shuddering. They held each other close, warrior’s limbs embracing each other, oddly gentle. The fibers of their muscles twitched, their breathing stopped, their bodies shook. They lay still, relishing the feeling of intimacy, of closeness, and the sheer, raw, desire between them.

Eligas gritted his teeth so hard that Lailah could hear them grinding below her. But his jaws opened when she rotated her hips around the shaft, making him moan. She grinned and sat up, wings stretching to their fullest. She held herself above him, taking slow, shuddering breaths. Then he pinched her nipples. Lailah yelped, glaring down at him. The devilish smile resurfaced.

Angling her wings, she caught a blast of wind and threw herself forward, slapping her breasts to his chest. Her face was centimeters from his. Lailah licked her lips, staring into his eyes with a naughty gleam. Eligas bit his lip, looking up at her.

“What are you going to do?” he whispered, breath hot in her ear.

She angled her head to nip at his ear before whispering. “You, demon. I’m going to do you.” With that, she rode him. Swirling her hips, bouncing up and down on his shaft, biting her lip to keep from screaming. They held eye contact as she worked his cock, pushing him in hard and gyrating her hips. Eligas thrust into her, grunting with effort, seizing her hips, her breasts, the sides of her stomach.

“I…fucking missed…this cock.” she groaned. Lailah looked down, craning her neck, watching him enter her again and again and again. His dark, rigid shaft slid in smooth and clean, parting her pale lips with each stroke before pulling out again. Eligas’ cock had a thin sheen where her juices clung to him, lubricating his cock and letting him to thrust faster, harder.

She moaned out, long and loud, listening to his softer gasps of pleasure below her. Her eyes closed and she ground against him, rocking her hips in fast, tight circles, wings trembling behind her. A hand seized her breast, squeezing hard, while the other braced itself on her sternum.

The next thing Lailah knew, she was on her back, wings splayed on the ground beneath her. She opened her eyes unseeingly, momentarily disoriented by the rush of motion, before her eyes refocused.

She grinned up at Eligas. He froze for a moment, staring into her eyes, buried deep inside her. His iron-gray wings were spread wide, blocking out the sun above her. He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and kissed her, hard, pressing his mouth to hers and holding her there. They moaned into one another’s mouths as he drew out, long and slow.

Eligas stayed there, shuddering, with his head just barely piercing her lips. A muscle deep inside Lailah clenched, her wings twitched again, and she growled, glaring up at him.

“Don’t you tease me,” she murmured, wrapping her legs around him. The muscles in her legs (powerful and developed from an eternity of training) wrapped around his ass. She bit his lip and pulled it into her mouth, sucking it–and at the same time, she clenched her legs and pulled him back in.

They both shouted at the return of the incredible, wonderful sensation. He was buried inside her, filling her to the brim. Lailah felt stretched, hot, her heart fluttering in her chest as she held him there, legs clamped tight around his hips. Shuddering and sighing, breath hot on her skin, Eligas lowered his mouth to her chest and sucked her nipple. Lailah gritted her teeth and moaned.

She clenched around his cock, gripping him with each stroke, involuntarily interrupting his thrusting with her walls. Short, ragged gasps burst from both their mouths as a powerful tingling spread from deep inside her. It burst out like a wave, shooting through her, sending sparks through her vision.

Her eyes shot open, mouth forming a soundless “o.” Lailah’s wings stretched, and above her, Eligas’ did the same. Light beneath dark, they came together, gasping and crying out in unison. Just as she was coming down, riding the aftershock of her orgasm, he burst inside her. Pulsing and heaving, his thrusts ceased. Buried inside her, her lips gripping the base of his shaft, Eligas came. His cock pulsed three, four, five times, then he held himself above her, arms trembling on either side of her head.

His orgasm sent her over the edge again. For the first time in millennia, Lailah screamed with pleasure. Her fingernails dug into his chest, carving lines into his dark skin. He twitched inside her, her wings relaxed and fell to her sides, and she collapsed, going limp. Then they were still.

Lailah’s breathing came fast and heavy. Deep, rough gasps came from her throat as she caught her breath, ragged and raw in the smoky air. Eligas lay on her chest, breathing long and slow. He’d collapsed on top of her, limbs giving way when he orgasmed, and his weight settled on her. He was warm, heavy, and comforting. Lailah sighed beneath him, soaking in the feeling of his strong arms around her, his hard chest against hers, and kissed him on the cheek.

When they’d recovered, Eligas rolled off and laid by her side, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling him to her.

“I love you,” he whispered into her ear, breath tickling her skin. “We’ll have to do this again soon.” Turning her head, she looked into his flushed face with her wide eyes. They were wide and dark with exhausted desire, fulfilled lust shining through her blue irises and dark, enormous pupils.

Lailah slid her head forward and pressed her lips to Eligas’. She wasn’t as passionate as before–this kiss was gentle. Intimate. They kissed for a long moment, their entire being focused on the tiny points of contact between their lips. Then she broke away, glancing up at the sky.

“Do you hear that?” she whispered. Eligas nodded, looking at her with quiet intensity.

“War drums. Yours.” He chuckled wryly, one side of his mouth curling upward in a cocky half-smile. He looked around, sitting up and supporting himself with one hand. “We’re pretty close to the Gates of Hell…” glancing back to Lailah, he rolled his eyes. “Sounds like you guys are trying another assault on the entrance.” He pecked her on the forehead, stifling a laugh. “Good luck trying to get through.” Lailah laughed with him.

“You’d better go. They’ll be missing you.” Lailah sat up and nudged his shoulder with her head, purring like a cat. Their wings brushed one another behind their backs, feathers bending and tangling. He sighed.

“Yes…I guess you’re right.” Eligas wrapped his arm around her again in a half-hug, leaning his head against hers. “We’ll see each other again soon. Promise?”

She nodded. “Promise.” Before either could say anything more, Eligas teleported away. Lailah sighed and sat back, completely naked, and stared at the blood-red sun, slipping behind a mountain ridge to the west. With a grunt, she stood, wobbling on unsteady legs, and stepped back into her armor.

Sabatons back on her feet, shins and thighs armored. She adjusted her leather battle-skirt and snapped her breastplate back on. Lailah stared at the remains of her chainmail and gave a derisive snort.

“Not much to salvage there,” she muttered, grinning. Instead, she scanned the ground for her helmet, looking for a glint of gold or white in the ash. There was nothing there. She sighed. “Going to have to explain that one when I get back.”

Without any more thought or deliberation, Lailah squatted, spread her wings, and launched herself into the sky. Her wingbeats thrummed the air, pounding fast and forcing her through the sky.

As she flew, the sweat from her’s and Eligas’ lovemaking whipped off her skin. Lailah’s damp her streamed freely behind her, spreading in a fan of pale gold that rippled in the wind. She passed through the clouds, aiming for the mass of gold and white–the armies of Heaven were making another assault on Hell. And she was going to join them.
