Requested by a Redditor: Sasha’s Submission [FMMMMMMM][Probably some more Ms][BDSM][Gangbang][reluc][mdom][huml][oral][anal]

Finally got my ass in gear and got to work writing this. A request for a redditor, here's hoping they enjoy it. It's been a fucky month, but I'm back in the game. I would love any and all feedback from you lovely people! The full story can be found here. Thanks for reading!

Sasha blinked at the bathroom mirror. The harsh lights gave her smooth, olive skin a harsher, waxier complexion. The woman in the mirror vaguely resembled a ghost dumped in paint–But I l don’t look like that in decent light, Sasha reminded herself. She sighed and checked her phone for the thousandth time, immediately shoving it back into her pocket when it came up blank. As it hit the bottom of her pocket, it finally buzzed. Sasha yanked the phone back out of her pocket and pumped her fist as Jake’s name lit up the screen. Her face burned as she read (and reread) his message.

“I’m finally home. It’s been too damn long. I have a surprise waiting for you tonight. ;)” Sasha shivered, the shaking spreading from the core of her back to the tips of her fingers. The screen reflected her dark brown as eyes as she replied, thumbs flying over the keyboard.

“I’m on my way home now. I missed you. Can I get a hint?” Sasha checked her phone one last time, wiped an infinitesimal smudge of dirt off her brow, and fluffed her hair. Her fingers ran through the dark chestnut strands, throwing a few errant locks back behind her shoulders. She grinned in the mirror, squaring her shoulders.

“Damn, I look good,” she muttered, tracing her figure with her palms. She smoothed her dress, tugging the fabric over her figure. The pattern accentuated her hips and thighs, and a quick tug on the neckline gave anyone who cared to look a tantalizing view of her cleavage. Sasha rotated on the balls of her feet, watching the light play over her body. The shadows danced over her sharp nose, the gentle curves of her cheeks, the swell of her breasts.

Someone pounded the bathroom door. Sasha yelped and yanked it open, rushing past them with crimson cheeks. “See you tomorrow!” she cried, accidentally ramming into their shoulder. Pulse shallow, breathing fast, Sasha hurried out of the office, barely bothering to pause and wave goodbye to her coworkers.

Sasha swore, watching her keys clatter to the ground. They bounced once, twice, three times over the asphalt, then came to rest on the curb between the parking lot and the sidewalk. She bent and pinched the ring, rolling her eyes at the whistles from the construction workers across the street. Her fingers trembled with excitement as she opened the car door. She lost her balance as her phone buzzed again, falling with a thump into the driver’s seat.

When she flipped it open, her breath caught. She swallowed the lump in her throat and tossed the phone into the passenger’s seat. It clattered to the floor as she yanked the gearshift into reverse, Jake’s body still displayed onscreen as she fled the lot.

She took a few liberties with the speed limit, weaving in and out of rush-hour traffic with a pace that could make taxi drivers blush. One of the taxis she’d narrowly avoided pulled up beside her at a red light. The driver shouted something out his window and made an obscene (and altogether uncalled-for) gesture. Sasha shrugged and smiled sweetly. Before he could react she tore through the green light, leaving the driver choking on her exhaust.

Sasha drummed her fingers on the steering wheel, glaring at the last red light. Just past it, she could see their apartment building, the windows glowing orange in the sunset. It glittered in the fading light as a few tenants switched on their lights.

Her phone buzzed again, then routed the text through her car. As she pulled through the intersection (at legal speed this time, there was a policeman watching half a block behind) the car stereo system read the text. Even in the canned, electronic voice, Jake came through.

“New text message from: Jake. Hey, Sasha. Hurry home–I’m sure you’re getting impatient.” She gritted her teeth, dark eyebrows knotting as the driver in front of her fumbled with his ID. After half a dozen tries the lot guard finally, finally let him in.

Before he had time to drone, “Parking pass,” Sasha hurled her wallet at him. He caught it close to his chest, startled. After a quick scan of her pass and license, he handed the wallet back with a bemused expression. He blinked in the dust as Sasha tore through the gates and swerved into a parking spot.

Sasha launched herself out of the car (narrowly missing the van parked next to her driver’s side door) and sprinted to the door of the complex. Sasha sighed (this time with relief) as she pushed her way through the doors, the lobby’s AC washing over her in a blast of cold air. The doors swung shut behind her with a bang, but she barely noticed. She jogged to the elevator, nodding at the lobby clerk, and jammed the “up” button.

She leaned against the handrail, panting. Her shoulder ground into the opposite wall as she scrolled through Jake’s texts. Her breath rushed through parted lips, her eyes boring into his abs, his shoulders…his cock.

Jake kept himself in great shape, and the curves on his chest and the lines of his stomach drove her wild. Sasha reached between her legs and pushed, shivering and smiling when her damp panties dripped liquid onto her fingers.

Maybe I’ll ask Jake to be rougher tonight.” In her head, Sasha replayed the sex they’d had just before he’d left, the last time either had had sex in two weeks. He’d pounded her, rough and deep and hard, pushing her body beneath his and holding her wrists to the headboard.

She shuddered at the memory of his teeth digging into her shoulder as he came, filling her with warmth. She leaned against the wall, smiling, recalling the feeling of him pulling out and lying on top of her, unable to speak, his entire body spent. Her grin faded as she remembered the conversation afterward.

“Could you be rougher?” she’d asked. “Don’t get me wrong, it was awesome. But…” Sasha’s voice would trail off as he scowled, rolled onto his side, and went to sleep. They’d wake up the next morning and she’d try and bring it up over breakfast…but it never worked. It was the only real flaw in their relationship–everything else was just about perfect. Like tonight, Sasha remembered, slipping between the elevator doors.Jake’s been away for two weeks now, and the ol’ vibrator isn’t really cutting it anymore.

She was practically skipping by the time she reached their door. Sasha jumped as the door swung open, the key inches from the lock. Jake stood behind it, wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs and a wide grin. She fell into his arms, kissing him all over.

“Hey baby,” she whispered, laying her cheek against his shoulder. He was soft and hard at the same time, warm and gentle against her. “I missed you,” she murmured into his chest, snuggling deeper into him. He laid his head on hers, chin pressing on her forehead, beard scratching her scalp. He ran his fingers over the back of her neck.

“I missed you too,” he whispered into her hair, his lips brushing her head. “Seeing you on Skype just isn’t the same…I can see you, and I can hear you…” his voice trailed off, but Sasha was nodding. They’d cybered a few times over the past two weeks, and it’d been incredible. But she couldn’t touch him. She couldn’t feel the roughness of his skin, taste his sweat or feel him spread her legs wide. He couldn’t penetrate her, couldn’t suck her nipples, couldn’t–

Sasha shuddered, lips parting in a soundless gasp. Jake was running his hands up her legs, fingertips brushing the inner curves of her thighs. The heat radiating from her core spread outward, making her body tremble. Sasha shuddered with two weeks of pent-up desire.

She kicked the door closed. It shut with a slam as Jake half-pulled, half-carried her into the living room. Eye closed, mouths pressed together, he threw them onto the couch. Sasha groaned as he pressed her palms against her breasts.

“Oh, fuck yes…” she whispered, in between wet, ravenous kisses.

“I want you,” he growled. The edge in his voice made her shiver. It was harsh, heated. “I want you now.” Goosebumps prickled on her back–a few from his voice, but the vast majority were from his teeth on her neck and his fingers sliding over her belly.

He shoved her against the cushions, hand digging into her shoulder. “Where–ooh–where’d you figure that move out?” Sasha teased, looking at him out of the corner of her eye. His hands pulled her thighs apart and his hand—oh, his hand–rubbed between her legs.

And then he pulled away, standing. Sasha stared at him, annoyed. “Why’d you stop!?” she cried, getting off the couch and stepping toward him. Her pretty face, flushed with passion only seconds prior, was marred by confusion. “Huh? C’mon,” she poked him in the tummy, smiling sweetly. “Let’s go to the bedroom.”

Jake stared down at her, stony-faced, either oblivious to her pleading or outright ignoring her. He watched her with a superior, satisfied smirk, his smile simultaneously pissing her off and making her knees buckle.

“Jake, baby,” she started, voice cracking. “This isn’t what I meant when I said I wanted you to be brutal in bed. I–” she broke off. “I liked it when you were throwing me around. Can we do more of that? Please?” She was begging now, wanting to please him just as much as she wanted to get herself off. “Did I do something wrong?”

Jake shook his head, giving her a sly smile. There was a glint in his eye; it was cold, almost–cruel. He was enjoying listening to her ask.

“No…Nothing wrong. But you’re still a dirty, filthy little girl.” Sasha shuddered, gasping. That felt so bad to hear, and yet so good. Where had that come from? “And dirty girls need to be punished.”

Sasha’s jaw dropped. HIs words washed over her, filling her mind and making her knees quake. But Jake seemed annoyed. He scowled at the bedroom door, folding his arms.

“That,” he growled, eyes boring holes in the door. “Was your cue.” The bedroom door creaked open. A man poked his head out the door. He was naked except for a pair of boxer shorts and a Batman mask. Sasha swallowed, turning pale. Her heart hammered in her throat. Who was he, and what the Hell was he doing in their bedroom?

The thin strip of skin she could see beneath the mask was bright red as he opened the door all the way. “What…oh, sorry.” His voice was surprisingly deep and masculine, though shot through with an apologetic tone. The curves of his body (he wasn’t in great shape, but he was pretty good) jiggled subtly as he spoke. “Do you, uh, do you want us to come out now, or what?”

“Us!?” Sasha whirled around to face her boyfriend. “Jake, what the fuck are you–”

“Quiet.” he snapped. Sasha’ teeth clicked as her jaws snapped shut, too indignant to reply. “Yes, you dumbass. Get out here.” Jake sighed, exasperated. “Idiots,” he muttered, rolling his eyes. “Try to introduce a little bit of drama into life and they manage to fuck it up.” Sasha was too busy staring slack-jawed at the parade of men filing out of the bedroom to listen to him.

Two, three, five, seven guys. The apartment seemed to shrink–it wasn’t designed to fit that many people into one room. They advanced toward her slowly, matching every backward step she took. Sasha started to tremble when her back pressed against the wall. One of the men (this one wearing a hockey mask) looked over his shoulder at Jake, who was leaning against the wall, arms folded.

“”Hey man.” His voice was muffled by the mask, but his awkwardness and discomfort came through plain as day. “I thought you said your girl liked being dominated. She looks…” he paused to glance at Sasha, who was cowering on the floorboards, raising her hands over her head. She opened one eye a little, staring up at him.

“She looks really fuckin’ scared, man. I ain’t okay with this.” A chorus of agreement filled the apartment. Sasha relaxed a little, daring to put her hands down and watch them. Were they going to leave her alone?”

Jake laughed. “Oh, trust me, gentlemen. She likes being dominated. It’s just that…” he paused, staring at her. Sasha whimpered. “It’s just that I, apparently, am terrible at being dominant. Trust me when I say she wants it. Remember the recording I played for you guys?” His cruel smile broadened as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. As he scrolled through the phone’s menus, chuckling to himself, Sasha’s mind raced.

No, he didn’t. He couldn’t have. He promised me he’d delete it! Beaming, triumphant, Jake held up the tiny, glowing rectangle. Her voice played from the speakers, distorted and tinny–but definitely her.

“Oh, please, baby. Please fuck me. Fucking take me, I’m your slut, use me, use me, oh GOD!” The rest of the playback disintegrated into Sasha screaming and crying out ecstasy. With a flourish, Jake clapped the phone shut, cutting off the playback.

“Well, gents. There’s your answer. Grab her!” Venom filled his voice. A few of the men still looked uncomfortable (and at least one went back in the bedroom, dressed, and left), but two of them grabbed her by the elbows and lifted her to her feet. Sasha glared at her (soon to be ex) boyfriend.

“You son of a bitch,” she snarled. “I can’t believe you, you know that!?” Sasha kept protesting as the men lifted her and carried her into the living room. “You think you can–”

“Shut her up,” Jake spat. “I don’t care how.” Before Sasha could do anything more than yelp, she was on her knees, surrounded by men in every direction. Their scent washed over her, strong and manly, simultaneously sickening and…arousing? Sasha shifted on her knees, fruitlessly trying to budge the pairs of hands clamped on her shoulders. She opened her mouth to speak–

And one of the men grabbed her jaw, holding her mouth open. Sasha yelped, protesting as the fingers prodded the roof of her mouth, squashing her tongue. The fingers probed her mouth, the sweaty, salty digits stretching her jaw. Sasha gagged, throat clenching. Spit dribbled over her lips and ran down her chin.

From outside the mob of men, Jake laughed. “Well, gentlemen? Why doesn’t she have a cock in her mouth yet?” Sasha whimpered around the fingers, looking up at the man in front of her. Her eyes widened.

He leered back, bending at the knees, shoving his groin in her face. Sasha grimaced and tried to pull away, but another couple guys laced their fingers in her hair and shoved her forward. Her head jerked, and the man’s belt buckle smacked against her temple. Spots danced in Sasha’s eyes. The bulge in his pants pressed against her cheek, the tough denim digging into her flesh. His zipper was only inches from her face.

“Unzip and suck, bitch,” he growled. Sasha glared up at him, balling her fists. She shook her head, clamping her mouth closed as best she could. He scowled.

Jake elbowed his way into the circle. “What’s the problem here?” His brown eyes, normally so gentle, were dark. Angry. He stroked his beard, staring at her with a mocking smile. “What am I going to do with you?”

Sasha never saw the slap coming. Her head jerked back, hard enough to yank the guy’s fingers out of her mouth. Sasha’s jaw dropped. Cheek burning, mouth open, eyebrows arched indignantly. Sasha took a deep breath. “You son of a–”

Jake slapped her again, jolting her head the other way. A chorus of “oohs” went up from the crowd. Jake shook his head and knelt. He grabbed her chin, squeezing her face hard and forcing her to look at him.

“Now, Sasha…” Jake simpered. “You’re going to do what they want. And they’re going to do what I want them to do. To you. Understand?” Sasha glared at him, then spat in his face. It dribbled down his cheek, white bubbles oozing down into the brown strands of his hair. Jake laughed, then hit her again.

“You’re going to let these men do whatever they want. Understand?” Glaring daggers, eyes blazing with futile anger, Sasha nodded. Jake released her face and stood, relinquishing control to the group. “You.” He pointed to the man who’d shoved his fingers in her mouth. “Get your cock out.”

He nodded and unzipped, catching Sasha’s eye and grinning down. His pants fell around his ankles with a soft thump, and his cock sprang free.

It was long and hard, uncut (which under any other circumstances would have excited her), and curved downward ever so slightly. Resigning herself to her fate, Sasha crawled forward. The carpet chafed her knees, stinging and rubbing them raw. As she drew closer, Sasha leaned forward and put a tentative kiss on the tip.

Fast as a striking snake, he grabbed the back of her head and yanked. Sasha whimpered, then gagged, struggling to adjust to the dick pressing against the back of her throat. Her eyes watered as he gave another heave and pushed down her throat. He was thick, and her jaw ached as she crammed the rest of his shaft inside. The stubble around the base jabbed into her lips.

He held her there, tears leaking from her eyes. All around her, belt buckles clanked and pants hit the floor, but Sasha barely noticed. The cock in her throat pulsed, blood rushing through it, throbbing against her tongue. She could feel every twitch, every pulse inside her mouth.

He groaned as she adjusted her tongue. His fingers dug into her scalp and pulled her head away. Sasha had a split second of respite before his dick shoved her jaws apart again. She growled around his shaft, accidentally vibrating it and making him moan. He hunched over her and slammed her face against his body. He pulsed, swelling in her mouth, and Sasha choked as his cum shot down her throat.

He held her as he came, fingers digging into the back of her neck. When he was finally spent, he released her and fell back onto the couch. Sasha could see a dazed, goofy smile spreading over his face until the group of men closed the gap, blocking her view. She gulped.

“Fuck her mouth,” Jake called, glee evident in his voice. Sasha whimpered. “One at a time, though. We don’t want to tear her pretty little lips.”

The next few minutes were a blur. Sasha blew cock after cock, gagging on each one before swallowing their cum. She sucked the heads and jerked the shafts, fondled their balls and stroked their thighs. They fucked her face and forced her to fuck her face with their cocks. They grabbed her before she could react, cum still bubbling on her lips, and jammed themselves inside. After the fourth (or was it the fifth? Sasha'd lost count), she decided she’d had enough. She growled at the cock before her, snapping her teeth. Its owner looked at Jake, who scowled.

“Slap her. Apparently the slut hasn’t quite learned her lesson.” He cracked her across the face once–twice–three times. He grabbed her by the hair, but instead of shoving his cock into her mouth, he grabbed the collar of her shirt. His knuckles ground against her skin when he tore it open.

Buttons scattered onto the carpet. Sasha shivered. Despite the heat in the room, she felt cold and exposed. He slapped her breasts with his dick, laughing. They trembled as she watched them, nipples hardening and pushing through her bra. They were sore already…and the night had barely started. They loomed around her, and suddenly, hands were everywhere.

They ripped the remains of her shirt away, grabbing her shoulders, her stomach. They followed Jake’s barked orders, tearing off her coat, her shoes, her stockings, her skirt. One of them threw her on the couch, chuckling.

Again, the full story is here. Thank you for your time.
