Fixing her hangover [MF] [free use] [oral]

She was out all day yesterday drinking with friends, sending me increasingly drunk and horny messages as the hours passed. Home late, and straight to bed after forcing down a large glass of water.

So she’s going to need a little help this morning, once she finally wakes.

I hear some slow movement, so I judge that she’s ready for my patented hangover cure. Outside the bedroom door, I open reddit and find one of those subreddits that never fails to come up with inspiring images and gifs (you know the ones. r/nofanscouples or r/bdsmgw or r/deniedgirls or r/forcedorgasms).

A minute or two later of stroking and my excitement at what I’ve got planned is enough to have me ready to go.

I push open the door, naked and carrying a glass of berocca and some paracetamol (acetaminophen for y’all over there), my cock hard as a rock between them.

I place the glass and the tablets on the side, kiss her on the forehead and kneel next to her on the bed.

Carmen (Part 2) [MDom] [fsub] [FDom] [Group] [FMF 30s-40s]

The electric gates swung open as we pulled into the driveway, and the curving driveway led us behind a high hedge to a surprisingly large but tasteful house. Nothing ostentatious, but tasteful and elegant.

The handwritten and hand-delivered invitation had been similarly tasteful and elegant, on thick, pale cream notepaper. Addressed to us both, the words were in a beautiful looping hand in dark red ink, and signed “Carmen X”.

The invitation had suggested, in a hair’s breadth short of an instruction, that we attend her house at seven on Saturday, and she looked forward to seeing us then. Confident and self-assured, and irritatingly irresistible. As tempted as I was to be awkward and suggest a different date, we dutifully re-arranged a couple of things and agreed to attend. Invitations to Carmen’s house were virtually unheard of, and we might not get another chance.

The door was opened by Carmen’s husband, who was dressed in his usual club outfit. He wore hick black leather collar, black leather bolero, wrist and ankle cuffs to match his collar and a steel chastity cage. He didn’t speak, and I realised at that moment that I’d never heard him speak, but beckoned us in to the minimalist hallway.

Carmen (Part 1) [MDom] [fsub] [FDom] [Group] [FMF 30s-40s]

Even among all the activity in the room, her silent and confident prowl draws attention of almost everyone. Short and curvy, with olive skin and large, dark eyes that seem to shine with fire and amusement at her surroundings. Her body moving beneath her black silk dress seems to hypnotise the men and women around her.

She makes eye contact with several women as she moves through the crowd, making one or two blush as she smiles and licks her full, pink lips. She does nothing to hide her desire, walking with an absolute confidence that comes from having seduced most of the women in the club at one point or another.

I turn my attention from her back to V, my partner, who’s on her back on a dais in the middle of the floor, being spitroasted by two friends as the wife of one of them sits on her stomach and twists her nipples with malicious glee. V catches my eye and raises one finger, reassuring me that she’s having a wonderful time. If it gets to five fingers, that’s her signal that she needs it to stop, and I’m ready to step in immediately.

First time experiences are rare and should be appreciated. Part 3 [Bisexual FMM 30s-40s] [Fdom][Msub][First gay experience]

Once my heart rate has returned to normal, I feel her hand wrap itself around my cock, then instantly I’m hard again. Her smirky grin tells me we’re not done yet. She lifts her head, and turns to our new friend, “Barry, would you like to suck his cock?”

Apparently, Barry likes this idea, as his cock twitches, and he almost springs off the bed. She guides me onto my back, before lowering her pussy onto my face, and I get straight to work licking her, dragging my tongue from her asshole to her clit, savouring the excited wetness.

Moments later I feel an unfamiliar mouth on my cock, and moan into her juicy pussy as my hips roll involuntarily. He’s almost as good as she is, and I won’t last long with the two of them giving me their attention.

Swirling, sucking, stroking, and I have to focus hard on keeping my tongue moving on her clit, or I’m going to lose myself in the intense sensations.

Then he stops and pulls away, leaving my spit-soaked cock waving in the cool air. I squirm and hump the air, wanting the attention back, but she places her hands on my chest and wiggles her hips back and forth, concentrating my mind back on her sopping holes.

First time experiences are rare and should be appreciated. Part 2 [Bisexual FMM 30s-40s] [Fdom][Msub][First gay experience]

I blush deeply as she laughs, and he walks into the centre of the room, turning to take it all in and nodding approval at the huge mirror.

“I think you should undress him,” she says to me. “Slowly.”

He stands with his arms apart invitingly, and I slip his jacket off his shoulders, before loosening his tie. I fumble with the buttons of his shirt, beginning to expose the hair on his chest, then she’s there whispering in my ear.

“First time experiences are rare at our age, and are too often rushed and disappointing. This will be neither of those; now slow down and undress him carefully. Your first time being fucked by a man will be indescribably memorable if you take your time. Good boy.” She pats my arse, and sits back down.

I take a deep breath, and calm myself. I’ve undressed many women, and none of them in this nervous and clumsy way. At least not for a couple of decades, anyway.

First time experiences are rare and should be appreciated. Part 1 [Bisexual FMM 30s-40s] [Fdom][Msub][First gay experience]

We walk into the hotel bar, and she sends me to get drinks while she finds us a booth with a people watching view. I have the same cocktail she’s ordered, and join her at a seat with a view of almost the whole bar.

I sit opposite, but it’s small enough that we can lean close together and whisper about the other patrons. It’s also small enough that she can easily stretch out a leg and brush my chastity cage with her toe. I know that because it’s what she immediately does when I take my place.

The cage is covered in her black lace knickers, the ones she wore most of the day and threw at me when we were getting dressed for the evening. I was allowed a sniff before putting them on, and as always, her delicate aroma made my head spin with desire.

On top of that, I’m perfectly respectable in a dark suit, with a tie that matches her burgundy dress. We look conservative and normal. Not out of place or drawing attention, just background to the other drinkers. You’d walk right past us without a second thought. It’s possible that you have.

I lie in bed [MF]

I lie in bed as she bustles around getting ready for work. I slumber as she showers, then peek out of the covers as she slips into satin lingerie.

She knows I watch her and she likes me watching, but sometimes I like to watch when she’s not aware. To see her when she’s not smirking as she slips on the stockings she knows turn me on, or to watch the way she adjusts her bra when she’s not just doing it for my benefit.

So I lie still, my hand on my cock under the duvet and I watch her dress.

She kisses my head and heads downstairs for coffee and breakfast. I hear her moving, and I know she’ll be back to see goodbye before she goes.

We always do something a little filthy before we say goodbye. A recognition, a reminder of our filthy shared adventures.

Sometimes I press her knickers into her pussy then pull them off, and press them to my nose as she wiggles and smirks her way out of the door.

Categorized as Erotica

Before she goes [MF] [anal]

She’s leaving, staying away for a work thing tonight. Team building and bullshit, but a nice dinner and a hotel for the night.

She’s all packed and ready to go, but I’m not ready to say goodbye yet.

I pull her clumsily back to the bedroom, our lips and bodies pressed together, and I start to pull off her clothes, then my own.

Her jeans hang from her left calf, the other leg inside out, and I pull her right ankle over my shoulder.

“I’m going to fuck your ass,” I tell her, “I want you to feel it the whole time you’re away.”

She gasps, moans, and licks her lips.

I indicate the bottle of lube I threw on the bed before, and she snatches it up, and in a well practiced movement applies just the right amount of lube to my cock.

She shifts her hips slightly, allowing me to line up at the entrance. I find my place, then look into her eyes and smirk as I push.

Her breath catches and her mouth opens briefly as her tight hole stretches around me, then her eyes roll back and she bites her lip and moans.

Group therapy [Bondage] [Electric shocks] [fM] [Group] [Forced orgasm] [Exhibitionism]

She’s mounted on a small stage, on a hard wooden chair. Her collar is attached at the back to the upright back of the chair, with her wrists secured near her shoulders. Her knees are in loops, keeping them wide open and her ankles have just enough length in the chain connected to her cuffs to allow a small amount of movement.

It’s a cold and impersonal position, and one that wouldn’t normally suit her, but tonight they’re trying something a little different. Her red painted toes wiggle, and her matching fingernails clench and unclench as she explores the restraints. She’s unable to move much, but he checks she’s able to give the signal he’ll be watching closely for that stops the whole thing.

He kisses her deeply, and she closes her eyes to savour the organic connection, knowing she’ll be starved of contact for a while. Then he fits her ballgag, strokes her face, and steps away to lower the lights.

In the almost darkness she hears the muffled shuffling of feet, the clink of glasses and excited whispering. One or two voices seem familiar, but she can’t concentrate enough to place them exactly.

Afternoon nap [MF]

“I’m just going for a lie down,” she says. On the surface a simple statement, but in the subtext there’s a world of nuance.

It’s an invitation, of course. An acknowledgement of the unspoken, well, also sometimes spoken, recognition that we’re both always up for a little something filthy.

I resist, at least for a little while, but the decadent call of cool sheets and a warm, soft body would test the resolve of anyone.

I slip into the room quietly, and listen for her breath. The soft golden glow of the autumn sun through the curtains casts a richly surreal light across the white sheets and the shape of her body beneath.

A pile of crumpled fabric that I recognise as every stitch of clothing she was wearing a few minutes ago brings a smile to my face, and I quietly get to work making my own neat(ish) pile.

I slide in one leg first, doing all I can to spare her the draught of cool air, and stretch out under the crisp cotton. This would be a guilty luxury if I was alone, but the warm glow of her body in reach just there makes it so much more than even that.

Categorized as Erotica