Carmen (Part 1) [MDom] [fsub] [FDom] [Group] [FMF 30s-40s]

Even among all the activity in the room, her silent and confident prowl draws attention of almost everyone. Short and curvy, with olive skin and large, dark eyes that seem to shine with fire and amusement at her surroundings. Her body moving beneath her black silk dress seems to hypnotise the men and women around her.

She makes eye contact with several women as she moves through the crowd, making one or two blush as she smiles and licks her full, pink lips. She does nothing to hide her desire, walking with an absolute confidence that comes from having seduced most of the women in the club at one point or another.

I turn my attention from her back to V, my partner, who’s on her back on a dais in the middle of the floor, being spitroasted by two friends as the wife of one of them sits on her stomach and twists her nipples with malicious glee. V catches my eye and raises one finger, reassuring me that she’s having a wonderful time. If it gets to five fingers, that’s her signal that she needs it to stop, and I’m ready to step in immediately.

As I take a mental snapshot of the moment to relive with her later, I feel a presence next to me and a whisper near my shoulder, “I’ve fucked your wiffffe” the last sounds dragged out into a mocking, teasing challenge.

I try to resist the urge to grit my teeth as I respond, “Good evening Carmen. Isn’t it time you came up with a new greeting? You say that to all the men here.”

She cackles; a deep, throaty, unselfconscious laugh that would be attractive if she wasn’t so infuriatingly arrogant. “But did she tell you? How hard she squirted when I made her hump my boots? She’s such a messy girl, I had to get extra towels…” That mocking laugh again.

I take a deep breath, trying not to show that she’s getting to me, “Every detail Carmen, we don’t have secrets.”

She slides a deep red nail down the side of my face and along my jaw, “Maybe next time you can watch, you might learn something about pleasing her…”

I turn to say, “Next time?” but she’s gone; strolling away through the parting crowd before stopping to take a half drunk martini from the hands of a pretty blonde woman I’d last seen in a 69 with V as I took turns fucking them both.

I turn my attention back to the action, where V is now kneeling with a cock in each hand, rubbing them together while dancing her tongue back and forth across them. She raises three fingers in a signal imperceptible to anyone else, and I know she’s starting to get tired.

I step forward into the light that illuminates the filthy scene, just as one of the men erupts in orgasm, splashing V’s face and the other cock with thick white streaks of cum. Greedily, she sucks them both clean, and is rewarded with another spray of cum, most of which she catches in her talented mouth.

Then I have her to myself, and I pull her back onto the dais by the leash that hangs down her spine. Her asshole is well lubricated but still tight, and I see her arch her back as I push my cock inside.

I lean forward and whisper in her ear, “It’s time to perform, slut. Show everyone how you cum for me.”

The words that speak to that inner part of her that her work colleagues never suspect. The words that connect deep down with the slut she keeps hidden inside; permission to let her be fully seen.

Her fingers rub her clit as I fuck her ass faster, one hand twisting and pinching her left nipple. I fuck her harder, thumping into her with every thrust, and I’m close. I pull the leash tighter, holding V’s head back, a signal to her that I’m close, and we reach the point of no return together.

Her hole squeezes me tight as my cum starts to explode out, and we cum together. I lose track of my surroundings for a moment with the intensity, and when I come back to the room Carmen is in the front row of the crowd, smirking at us both.

She steps towards us, briefly cups V’s face with her elegant hand, before trailing her fingertips all the way along V’s side, squeezing her ass before giving my nipple a tweak.

Carmen leans towards me, and whispers, “I mean it, you should watch next time…”

Driving home a little later, I tell V of Carmen’s offer. “Is she serious, do you think? I thought the only man she played with was her husband?”

V smiles, “She got to you, didn’t she? You know she gets pleasure from teasing all the men there. Try to let it slide, she’s really lovely once you know her.”

I raise an eyebrow, and V laughs, “Ok, she’s also really fucking good at making women cum. Maybe you’d enjoy the show, and maybe you could join in…”
