I tightened her harsh, leather bindings…

Today, would bely a harsh lesson.

The red rose curvature bore within a smitten ensemble, as I stared unalarmed, yet fully aware.

This was a deeper red… Synthetic, yes, but foreshadowing my inevitable witness, extra care was taken to ensure this red radiated, all points seemingly vanishing into one another as the boundaries overlapped ever so slowly…

They shone with a natural damp, barely visible hue, but reflective the same as I studied them intensely, looking for a sign of how to handle this viable construct of perfection and femininity.

Her lips were one of a kind, and I’d always had to have them.

I pulled the harsh leather tightly, its raw resistance seemingly resentful across her soft skin as she let out a small wince.

Neither of us spoke of her murmur.

“Is it too tight?” I offered, my actions restricting my empathy more than the bindings themselves.

“No, never, Master.” She recanted, rejoiced. Even if it was, she would never tell me.

Our time abounded, unabridged and chaotic, while forever assailing this pedestal of night.

Forces were all around me, a paradoxical limerence that despite my deepest desires, my most revolted regrets, there was no going back from this lesson, this time… I promise you, something very special would be learned of this day.

So petite and unassuming in her ways, she could tend a garden by the river Styx itself.

I forged the buckle in place, perhaps tighter than should have been, before starting to restrict her delicate little wrists behind her. I had to; I felt choice less, driven by my devilish desires, my compulsions ever haunting.

I sank, as I always sank… Untethered and unanchored, abridged but unbound. The depth pulsating against my inner ear as the crushing symphonic pressure gauged my resilience, and in found wanting…

There was no time left, and no chance but the blue darkness to take me hence, while drowning in my own past tense. I let go, as the water cocooned me, surrounding me and took my breath… I was dying; I was drowning, and lost in the deepest depths of her.

Obediently, she positioned her fragile arms behind herself as I started to strap them into place, being ever so careful to apply just the right amount of pressure. For all of my shortcomings, all of the darkness I bestowed, I could never forgive myself if I ever permanently shattered this vessel.

I could always stand tall before the fist, the blade, or the musket; as this man had no qualms, no hesitation and not an iota of fear in his body…

But to stand before her presence, her lips and her gaze…

But what of her internal plight?

She stood at the edge of the world.

She pondered it as her Master so carefully proceeded to bind her, to make her his own and to own every inch of her tonight.

Closing her eyes and looking down, there was a bright, white light radiating from below a cliff face, but nothing more, and nothing else…

Recounting internally, what exactly had bought her here? To this nether region, a place between life and damnation, between everything she wanted and the nothing she had.

Metaphors were for those that couldn’t make the treacherous journey beyond all points of the globe, beyond the ether, which she had somehow accomplished against all odds, and now the only thing left to do was fall into the white nothing…

She felt jolted from her musings by her Master buckling up the restraints as her biceps, forearms and wrists were all harshly leathered into place behind her back. A sigh escaped her beautiful red lips, but not of frustration, or anger… it was of peace, and contentment.

While the nothing scared her, the unexpected, the unknown…

She smiled gently as the white light engulfed her, satisfied she had made the right decision… this decision to be at peace, was finally all her own.

This correlation of a life anew, an inertia somehow birthed again in a zero dimension, with all axis of reason disappearing unto itself, a desolate möbius strip of self-preservation and survival taking over.

I slowly raised the bright, shining ball-gag to her lips as her eyes opened in wonderment and a desire to push forward alongside me.

“I won’t hurt you,” I mouthed, my eyes sullen and reflective as she smiled back.

“I know.”

I brushed her soft hair out of the way as I silenced her fully. Not a single hair was out of place, as even Mother Nature herself could not produce falls this perfect.

The beautiful siren lured me closer, and saved my life, trading air for water.

She took my hand and swam for courage, she dragged me through the darkness hurried. Light poured through on open sea, as the open air could see me, and her beautiful body carved through water, her beautiful song for I had heard none other.

A slight speckle of flickering drool escaped those ever encompassing lips as my stomach heaved and lurched with the force of a thousand war ships, vessels to a heart that I couldn’t control, running ashore and crushed under their own plight.

There was a war going on, but this one stayed inside of me, where she could never discover my torment… She could never know that I may as well be lost at sea forever. But, there was treasure to be found here, and it was simply her calling my name aloud…

Within a moment, she knelt down on the hard, wooden floor beneath me, before looking up and beckoning me to become all that I was.

I said that a harsh lesson was to be learned today, didn’t I? I keep my promises.

She has risen anew, onto a plane of existence that stretches far beyond anything, anywhere and anytime that anyone could ever dream of… because, she survives all.

We had moved beyond touch into a realm, a gateway only accessible for two, and only inhabited by one singular, entity… We had become one.

As she kneels I am aware that there’s a void, where she is nameless and faceless.

It’s not a place, rather inverted to somewhere that doesn’t exist, as she doesn’t.

The one constant she has to hold on to is the one thing that’s slowly destroying her…

Any tangibility is long gone, her sanity is far broken and time is but a concept in a place of darkness where concepts can’t belong.

The lesson? It was never for her to learn.

As I looked into her somber eyes, harsh leather crop in my hand, I stood there agonized, my mind trying to calm itself back from this overbearing state of reproach…

I couldn’t do it, despite her genuine, immediate offer of everything that she had, I couldn’t…

That day, I learnt that the human heart can quite literally, break, as did mine.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10w449j/i_tightened_her_harsh_leather_bindings