RandomActsofMuffDive – A story where pleasure and adventure overshadow nerves [Fm][oral]

Alice’s finger tip bounced nervously against her thigh as the floors slowly ‘ding’ed past. Thankfully she had the elevator to herself. As she had walked through the large hotel lobby she had worried everyone could see right through her. They could see what salacious acts she was there to commit. Could they sense her nervousness and the doubt that trickled into the vast lake of excitement she felt boiling in her chest? Well,shit, too late now…


The doors eased open on a hallway that didn’t look half as sleezy as it had in her mind. Moby, or something with a chill lounge beat wafted softly from hidden speakers as she took her first steps down the smartly lit hallway. She wanted this enough to keep her nervous demons at bay. Everything about it was wrong…the simple fact she was meeting a stranger…but even more than that, the reason she was there to meet that stranger. All of it played against her better judgement, but there she was, bravely putting one foot ahead of the other, towards a room…a room containing a man…a man who had promised to do things to her she desperately wanted done.

Prima Nocta [MF]

My legs shook uncontrollably but he kept pressing deeper, my mouth open in a guttural moan. There was nothing I wouldn't do for this man.


It was my wedding day. Well, technically it was 24 hours before I would walk down the aisle and I hadn't been fucked like this in years.


Can a person lead two lives? Not simply a real one and a secretive one played out in the shadows, but lives that never meet, never cross, never exist at the same time? I had thought the transition was complete, that I had successfully made the turn away from the past and set my focus squarely on the future. Fuck, was I wrong. Some things are too strong for free will to push aside. I guess some things are too strong for MY will to push aside.


The sink pedestal creaked as he completely filled me. I wanted to press my hand against his chest in an attempt to push him away but instead I pushed back, grasping the edge of the counter as he rocked his hips towards me. The absolute guilt I felt moments before disappeared and the tears of betrayal were replaced by tears of pleasure…pain. He swelled, stretching me beyond my limit and mixing my discomfort with surges of electricity and pleasure.

Stunned (Part 2) [MF, office affair]

Part 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2p58ab/stunned_part_1mf_office_affair/

A couple of days passed and Karl's guilt faded. His home life remained normal and it even felt like his lack of pawing at his wife seemed to lift her spirits. They cooked, did the dishes, and curled up to watch a movie or some stupid tv show like they always had. He even asked her causally over a glass of wine whether she thought about sex as much as they both knew he did.

"It's not a priority for me," she replied mater-of-factually, "It's sorta the cherry on top of a really big cake for me I guess."

'It's the cake for me' he'd thought but didn't say.

Work hadn't changed much either. The barbs he sometimes took from Kim seemed to have softened, and she smiled at him every now and again, but no tectonic shift in the world had occurred. By Thursday of the following week he sat slumped into his chair, as usual, staring at the screen with the glow faded from his mind.


IM from Kim on his phone.

Stunned, (Part 1)[MF, office affair]

Go easy on me, this is my first post. My inner erotic writer is still learning and trying to find a creative voice that can out-shout my lizard brain. I'm a guy in my mid 30s and have been looking for a (safe) place to let my dirty imagination run wild. Help me get better.


With a shake of his head Karl snapped back to reality. It felt like the temperature in his small office just rose 15 degrees.

'Are my cheeks flushed?' Shit.

He clicked on the attachment again…

'Damn, that's fucking hot. Did she really mean to send that to me?'

With his mouse still hovering over the email, Karl slowly slipped his gaze around his monitor, across the hall and into the open office of the apparent owner of the sexy black laced stocking top and smooth thigh that had popped up on his screen. A pair of strong brown eyes stared back and with a playful arch of one eyebrow, another electric jolt ran up his spine, across his red cheeks, and down between his legs.

His felt like his pants suddenly lost 3 sizes.