An unexpected blind date [ff][lesdom][public]

“Just one?” The hostess asked.

“Oh no, I am meeting someone here. I’ll find her, thanks.”

I started walking through the mostly empty restaurant on the lookout for my date. I could feel those old familiar nervous butterflies come fluttering back up in my stomach. I just realized how long it had been since I felt that intoxicating mixture of anxiety and excitement.

I had never actually been on a blind date before. In fact, I hadn’t been on too many regular dates. I have only had one real girlfriend in my life. She was my first love and was even there for me when I first came out, but after a couple of unhappy years, we both knew it was time to move on. It has been almost seven months since then and I owed it to myself to get out there and see what life had to offer. Unfortunately, I was a bit shy and had a hard time meeting new people. Luckily, my friend Katie set me up with one of her friends who she thought would help me come out of my shell.

My first high school party. [f][huml][reluc][fuck toy]

I had never really been to a high school party, but it was my senior year and I thought I owed it to myself to try it at least once. Being 5’2 with curly red hair, thick glasses, and a terrible fashion sense; it kind of goes without saying I got picked on a lot at school. But I was determined not to let that stop me from trying to have a good time, I just hoped that once I got there I could blend right in and enjoy myself like everyone else could.

I pulled onto the street that the house was on and I could see a line of parked cars that seemed to go on forever. I could already tell I was in way over my head, but I pushed on. I managed to find a parking spot and walked up to the house. The door was already open so I just stepped right in. It was like walking in to another world. I didn't recognize most of the people that were there and they all looked like they were in college.

Nicole’s Bet, part 3. [Ff][huml][blkmail][reluc]

Parts 1 and 2 can be found on this subreddit, you can click on my user name to easily get to them.

Sorry there was such a long gap between parts 2 and 3, but I finally finished and I hope you enjoy it =)

Also, at this point in time I am not planning any more parts to this story.

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It was an uneventful drive home thankfully. We got out of the car and I followed Nicole inside the house. After helping her put away the groceries, she turned to me.

“Since you have been such an obedient slut while we were out, I think you have finally earned the right to clean yourself off. It’s about time we start with a clean slate anyways. So go in the bathroom and take a quick shower, once you are done head to my bedroom and lay down on the bed. And don’t bother putting those cloths back on.”

I knew by this point I should just do as I was told. So I started to walk toward the bathroom. I was almost to the door when Nicole stopped me.

Nicole’s Bet, part 2. [Ff][huml][blkmail][reluc]

—–> Be sure to read part 1 first =)

After just a few minutes of rest, Nicole came back in the room. Grabbing me by my still bound arms, she lifted me up off the bed onto my feet. Then she finally untied the belt and let me free. I instinctively went to wipe off my face when Nicole grabbed my arm.

“Oh no, you don’t get to clean yourself off. I want you to wear your masters cum proudly so everyone knows what an obedient little slut you are. Now wait right here while I go grab some cloths for you to wear.”

She went into her closet for a few minutes, then came out and handed me what looked like an eight year old’s t-shirt.

“I actually forgot I even saved my gym shirt from middle school. Well I am glad I finally have a use for it at least.”

I took the shirt and pulled it over my head. It barely fit over my chest and wasn't even long enough to cover my belly button. It was also very noticeable that I was not wearing a bra.

Nicole’s Bet, part 1. [Ff][huml][blkmail][reluc]

"You really think you can beat me?"

Jessica looked back at Nicole who was barely keeping up pace for their morning jog.

"I've been getting better you know."

"Yea yea, but you really think you could beat me in race? You know I just finished that mara-"

"Marathon god yes I know, everyone you talk to knows. It’s all you can do not to brag about it every two minutes. But I am tired of hearing it. If you are so confident in your abilities why don't you put your money where your mouth is? Or are you too scared?"

I knew Jessica would take the bait; in fact, I was counting on it. I have been hoping to find a chance to knock Jessica down a peg or two. She has always been the arrogant and boastful friend who had it way too easy through life. She had perfect long blonde hair, green eyes, beautiful sun kissed skin which she always like to show off. She of course never had any problem finding cute boys who would fall over themselves to have a chance with her. I am not going to lie, I have always been a little jealous of Jessica, who wouldn't be? I also might have had a bit of a crush on her too, which is why I could feel myself already getting excited at the thought of my plan actually coming to fruition.