Nicole’s Bet, part 1. [Ff][huml][blkmail][reluc]

"You really think you can beat me?"

Jessica looked back at Nicole who was barely keeping up pace for their morning jog.

"I've been getting better you know."

"Yea yea, but you really think you could beat me in race? You know I just finished that mara-"

"Marathon god yes I know, everyone you talk to knows. It’s all you can do not to brag about it every two minutes. But I am tired of hearing it. If you are so confident in your abilities why don't you put your money where your mouth is? Or are you too scared?"

I knew Jessica would take the bait; in fact, I was counting on it. I have been hoping to find a chance to knock Jessica down a peg or two. She has always been the arrogant and boastful friend who had it way too easy through life. She had perfect long blonde hair, green eyes, beautiful sun kissed skin which she always like to show off. She of course never had any problem finding cute boys who would fall over themselves to have a chance with her. I am not going to lie, I have always been a little jealous of Jessica, who wouldn't be? I also might have had a bit of a crush on her too, which is why I could feel myself already getting excited at the thought of my plan actually coming to fruition.

"Scared!? Of someone who was too unsure of herself to even enter a marathon let alone finish one? Look, if you really want to get put in your place so badly I would be happy to oblige."

"Sounds perfect, what do you want if you win?" I asked.

"Well, I have been letting the house get away from me lately. So I think having a maid for a week would be perfect. I think that type of menial labor suits you well."

"Fine, if you win I'll be your maid for a week. And if I win, you are my slave for the weekend. Anything I want, you do; no questions asked. What do you say?"

"You can have whatever you want; I was just trying to decide where I should have you start. Probably the bathroom; John and his buddies were over last night. I still can't understand how grown men have such a hard time aiming."

I knew Jessica probably had me in a long distance race, but I had never really sprinted in front of her since we are always just jogging. I ran track in high school and haven’t lost too much of my speed.

"Ok Jess, first to make it back to my house wins. Fair enough?"

"I'm ready whenever you are sweetie."

With that, I took off down the street. It was only a few blocks to reach my house and I already had a pretty good lead. I was feeling I had this in the bag, so I decided to look behind me. The look on Jessica's face was priceless, half shock and half fear; I loved it!

I reached my driveway an easy four seconds before her. She was looking down at the ground as we both stood there breathing heavily, a huge grin forming on my face.

"Oh man, this is going to be fun."

"You little shit; I have never seen you run that fast."

"Makes no difference now, and calling me a little shit just won't due. You will refer to me as Master from now on. You won't speak or act without me telling you to, do you understand?"

"Nicole, there is no way I am going to be your slave for the day. So get that shit eating grin of your face."

"I was afraid you might feel that way, I was hoping we could both be nice and live up to our ends of the bargain without things having to get messy. But if you insist on trying to back of our little deal, I am going to be forced to show John this."

I held out my phone in front of her where I had up a picture of Jessica blowing some random guy at a party we went to not too long ago. If her fiancé John saw it, their wedding would be off for sure. I didn't necessarily want to end up using black mail, but I didn't feel too bad about it either; she was cheating on her fiancé after all.

"You bitch, you wouldn't."

"If you honor our bet, I won't have to."

I could tell this was killing Jessica. She is so proud and stubborn; the thought of being submissive in any aspect of her life must be killing her.

"I can't fucking believe this…. fine Nicole, I'll be your stupid slave or whatever for the weekend; but after you have to delete that picture!"

"You aren't the one who gets to make commands anymore, now get your ass inside my house."

Jessica started to walk past me; I grabbed her by her hair and pulled her head back.

"Ugh! Let go!"

"When I tell you to do something, you respond with, “Yes Master." Do you understand?"

She settled down and stopped struggling under my grip after she realized I wasn't going to let go until I got what I wanted.

"…yes Master."

"Good, now get in the house."


I stood there in the middle of Nicole's living room not knowing what was about to unfold. I was still in shock that all of this was even happening. I could hear her close the door behind me and walk past, I was afraid to move after Nicole showed me she had no problems using pain to get her way.

I could hear Nicole taking of her shoes and throwing them towards the door. There was a seat directly across from her which she pointed to and told me to sit; I did as I was told.

"Whew….well that was one hell of a work out wouldn't you say? I don't know about you, but my feet are killing me. A foot massage would be perfect right now."

She laid her feet in my lap.

"Well go ahead; take my socks off first though."

I started to grab the top of one of her socks and she pulled back.

"I never said take them off with your hands, use your teeth slave. Show me your obedience."

I clinched my teeth to keep from talking back. I have never been this humiliated, but I didn't know what else I could do. She might be bluffing about the picture, but I can't risk my future marriage on a guess. I could tell Nicole was just eating this up too. She had always been jealous of me. Jealous that all of her boyfriends couldn't keep their eyes off of me when I walked in the room. Jealous that I was about to have a husband while she has been single for almost half a year now. I knew she had to be getting off on this.

Reluctantly, I picked up her right foot and bent my head down to grab the top of her sock with my teeth. I could smell the sweat it was holding in and felt it on my cheek as I finished peeling it off. I opened my mouth and let the sock fall to the floor next to me, then began taking the next sock off. Once Nicole's feet were free, she moaned a little and stretched out her toes.

"Oh the cool air feels so nice; I needed to let them breathe. I really worked up a sweat beating you, they can't smell too nice. In fact, I think they are a bit too sweaty for you to give me proper foot massage. Why don't you clean them off first? I don't have a towel nearby, so you can just use your tongue instead."

I could see the grin stretch across Nicole's face.

"You want me to lick your feet!?"

"If it helps, dogs do it to their masters all the time as a sign of affection. After all you are my pet now. In fact, since you are my pet you might as well beg first."

I couldn't look Nicole in the eyes, I was too embarrassed. But I also couldn't help feel a little excited. I have always been the one with the power in all of my relationships. My husband worships the ground I walk on, and I pay him back by allowing him to be with me. I always had the upper hand, but not today. The vulnerability felt exhilarating and humiliating at the same time, but I still was not ready to give Nicole the satisfaction.

"…fine, I'll lick your feet. But I will not beg you to let me do it."

Nicole quickly sat up, her face inches from mine. I could feel her nails as she drug them up my legs stopping at my thighs.

"Somehow, you still don't understand what position you are in here."

Her nails started slowly digging into my skin. I let out a little whimper in pain.

"I own you. You don't talk back, you don't question me, you don't fucking take a piss without my permission. I will ask you one more time, do you understand me?"

I looked her in her eyes and saw raw passion. It was intoxicating seeing such confidence. And as ashamed as it made me, I couldn't help but notice I was getting a little wet. At that point there was only one thing I could say.

"Yes Master."

"Good, now beg to lick my sweaty feet like a good little slave."

I took a deep breath.

"Can I please lick your feet Master?"

With that, she laid back against the couch and propped her feet back up in my lap.

"Since you seem so eager, go ahead."

I picked up one of her feet and held it to my mouth. I ran my tongue from her heel to her toes. Her sweat left a salty taste in my mouth as I began to clean her feet. I sucked on each of her toes until she was satisfied with my work. After a few minutes with her other foot, she pulled her feet away and then wiped them on my face to get rid of the excess spit.

"Good job my little slut. In fact, it felt so nice I don't think I need a message any more. Now stay right there, I just need a glass of water real quick"

Nicole strolled into the kitchen I could hear her pouring the water. At that moment, I suddenly realized I had to pee. With everything happening, I didn't notice before. After her last punishment, I knew I couldn't just get up and go to the bathroom.

"Master, may I please use the restroom?"

"Of course, you know where it is."

I was actually taken aback, she could have easily made that much more humiliating. I didn't question it; I just went to get to the bathroom as quickly as I could. I went in and shut the door behind me and began to pull down my shorts when I suddenly see Nicole push open the door.

"What do you think you are doing? Pets don't get to use the toilet."

She grabbed me by the hair and pulled into the shower.

"This is where you are allowed. Just be thankful I'm not making you go outside. Now go ahead and piss."

"Can I at least pull down my shorts first?"

"Nope, now piss."

I was standing in the shower fully dressed; Nicole was just staring at me impatiently tapping her foot. I knew I couldn't hold it much longer, so I just had to go. I could feel the warm liquid soaking my panties and then my shorts, finally trickling down the sides of my legs. I felt like a little kid in gym class who couldn't hold it, it was strange how humiliating it felt. I just stood there until I was empty.

"Good girl, now it's time to clean you off."

Nicole grabbed the detachable shower head and turned the water on. I let out an audible gasp at first when the ice cold water hit my skin. I had to just stand there while she washed me. She finally finished and I was just left standing there completely drenched and shivering.

"Now take off your cloths."

I didn't hesitate; I wanted to get the icy garments off as quickly as possible. I could see the lust in Nicole's eyes as she watched me undress. I knew I looked good naked, especially all wet after a shower. It felt good to have a little power back. She handed me a towel and watched as I dried off.

"Good, now drop the towel and follow me."

I followed Nicole down the hall completely naked into what I presumed was her bedroom. She bent down and picked up a laundry basket full of cloths and handed it to me.

"Since you seemed to be all excited about someone being a maid, I thought it was only fair to let you experience what that could have been like. Now be a dear and go wash these cloths for me."

After everything else so far, this task seemed pretty mundane. I was still very aware of my naked body, but I took the basket and started to turn away toward the laundry room.

"Oh wait, I have one more item to add."

She then proceeded to take off her jogging shorts revealing a cute pair of purple panties. She then took those off as well. She turned them inside out and made sure the crotch was facing out as she stuck them in my mouth. I could smell her sex from the panties as well as taste it.

"There, now you can take my cloths to the washer. And be sure to throw in my panties last. I want you to enjoy my flavor for as long as possible."

I walked as quickly as I could down the hall to the washer and threw her cloths in as fast as I could. I was finally able to take her panties out of my mouth and throw them in too, though her taste still lingered. I put some detergent in and turned it on.

I walked back to Nicole’s bedroom and saw her standing there with a belt. She also still had nothing on but a tank top. I had never noticed before how nice Nicole’s legs were; muscular, but not too much so. They were long and smooth and led right up to a well-manicured landing strip. I couldn't help it; I could feel myself getting a little worked up.

Nicole walks over to me, grabs my arms and pulls them behind my back and ties them together with the belt.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't want you to even have the freedom of movement for a little while. The only thing you will be able to hold onto for support will be me."

With that, she lifted up the covers to her bed and pushed me underneath. Her covers were denim and very thick. I couldn't see a thing. The covers also did not let much air in or out so it became very hot, very quick. I could already feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead and over the rest of my body. I waited for what felt like an eternity, and then I felt a cool rush of air as Nicole lifted the covers to get in herself. She grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up towards her. I then felt her thighs come up over my shoulders, her legs wrapping around the back of my head and pulling me in towards her snatch. I could smell her musk as my nose brushed against her landing strip.

"You are going to be my little toy this evening. Your soul purpose is to give me pleasure, do you understand?"

"Yes master."

"Good. And as you can tell, I haven’t had a chance to take a shower since our jog so I hope you are enjoying my scent. It is also just going to get hotter and sweatier the longer you are under there, so I tell you what. I will think about letting you out once you make me cum, so you better do a good job. But first, I don't think it is fair for me to just let you eat me out. I think you should beg for it."

The air around me was already hot and stagnant and all I could smell was Nicole. I knew what she wanted by now.

"May I please lick your pussy Master?"

"Hmm….I don't know."

"Please Master, I need to taste you. Please use my face as your own fuck toy."

Nicole started to laugh.

"Oh man, I wish our friends could see you right now. So pathetic, I wonder what they would think. Well don't let me keep you waiting any longer, make me cum slave."

Nicole then grabbed the back of my head and started grinding on my face; her juices were already running down my chin. I knew the only way to get out was to do what she wanted, so I started slipping my tongue in-between her lips searching for her clit. It is hard to admit it, but she tasted so fucking good. I could feel my own juices running down my thigh; I was trying to grind myself against her bed but I couldn't find the right angle. It was incredibly frustrating and humiliating at the same time.

"You are pretty good at this; you really are a little slut aren't you?"

I started darting my tongue as deep inside of her as I could go, doing the best I could to fuck her with my tongue. I could hear her start to moan and get more forceful while grinding pretty much my whole face at this point. I really wish I had my hands free because I needed to touch myself so bad; the buildup was killing me.

Nicole's breaths were getting shorter and shorter and I could feel her legs squeeze me as here whole body tensed up. A rush of fluids came out, drenching my face. It was so hot under there at this point that I am just covered in sweat and Nicole's juices while I just had to lay there on her snatch. I didn't have my arms to try and move away, I just had to stay there until Nicole allowed me to move.

"Wow, well I guess you earned your reward."

Nicole got up out of bed and pulled the covers off of me. The cool air felt like heaven touching every inch of my body.

"You were a great little fuck toy. I'll let you rest for a little bit now, but then I think we have a little adventure to go on. I need to grab a few things from the store before it closes and you're going to come with me."



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