Strawberry [spanking, no sex]

I’m face down in bed, ass draped over the wedge pillow. Blindfolded, legs bound together, arms bound behind my back – I’m completely at your mercy. You’re nearby, I can hear you. The jingle of the lock on our box of toys gives away your position, and I can only imagine which paddle you’re pulling out. My face is turned to the side, and eventually you make your way in front of it. “Open,” you command, and I open my mouth immediately, unsure of what, exactly, will be going in my mouth. To my surprise, it’s a strawberry. What the fuck? “Don’t bite down. Close your mouth little by little.” I slowly ease my mouth shut until I eventually feel my teeth gently resting on the sides of the strawberry, holding it in place, and you tell me to stop. “Don’t bite it,” you say again. Again I think, “What the actual fuck?” Then you hit me gently across the back of my thighs with your hand. I let out a small “oof.” And then I realize why I can’t bite down. Just that little sound made my teeth sink a tiny bit into the strawberry. I’m going to have to somehow stay totally relaxed if I’m going to avoid biting this strawberry. As my predicament sets in, the spanking starts in earnest.

Categorized as Erotica

I’m Thirsty (spanking, exhibitionism, consent, no sex, mid-20s)

It started as a challenge. Can I fill up a glass of water from the fridge while being spanked the whole time? Spankings continue until the cup is full. Any spilling means a longer time filling it up.

Then it became our thing. I’d be doing the dishes and you would hand me a cup and say to me “I’m thirsty.” I would then have to go stand against the fridge and start filling the cup from the water dispenser as soon as I feel the first smack. House rules were still in place, of course – spankings are to be counted aloud and each one should be followed by a “thank you.” Sometimes you would hand me a small custard cup as I cooked and it was over quickly. Other times, I would be just grabbing a snack and all of a sudden be given a water bottle. One time it was a half gallon jug and I knew I was going to have huge bruises the next day.

You Weekend (Ff, bondage)

Still just getting started, would appreciate feedback!

** All characters are 18+ and consenting. **

When we first bought this house, we asked the seller what they were for. In the unfinished basement, large metal hooks hung screwed into the ceiling in regular intervals along the beams. The seller said that a past owner had used it as a workshop and stored tools on them. We both wondered what kind of workshop it was… because we had other ideas for those ceiling hooks.

It’s a you weekend, the last weekend of the month. Each month on this weekend, you are in complete control from the moment we get off work on Friday afternoon to 7:00pm on Sunday night (so we have time to get ready for the workweek ahead). You decide what we will do – and who, what, when, and where I will do and be done. You choose my clothes, my bedtime, my meals – I give you everything. The only way out is to safeword.

Weekend Getaway (FFFf, humiliation, bondage, open use)

**I’m still just getting started with writing, so any feedback on this or either of my other two stories would be amazing!

I invented this story while, tragically, masturbating alone on vacation while my wife sleeps next to me and friends sleep quietly in the next room over. All characters are 18+ and consenting.**

We’ve been looking forward to this long weekend at the beach with friends for months. Not just any friends, our best friends Molly and Wendy. Now, it’s finally here. We’ve spent a day on the beach, splashed around in the water, eaten tons of food… it’s been perfect. The best news? My period, which had been going on for ten days, had finally ended Friday night. This period was awful, so the relief is immeasurable.